The event "Looking at Turkish Design History and Branding in the 100th Year" was held

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Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication continues to gather names from the sector with students. In this context, the Department of Visual Communication Design organized the event 'Looking at Turkish Design History and Branding in the 100th Year'. Design and branding were discussed since the establishment of the Republic At the event, which was attended by Graphic Designer İlhan Bilge and Artist Mehmet Dere.

The event, which was moderated by Head of Visual Communication Design Department Prof. And Algül, was held at Üsküdar University South Campus Fuat Sezgin conference hall.

The event, which was held within the scope of the University Culture course, received great interest by the Faculty of Communication students.

Prof. And Algül: "Our greatest effort is to ensure that it is passed on to future generations"

Making the opening speech of the event, Head of Visual Communication Design Department Prof. And Algül stated that "It is important for all of us to make progress by transferring past experiences to new generations and recording the memory of the field, and to transfer the future to the values we have today in a better way. We have come together within the scope of the panel titled 'Looking at Turkish Design History and Branding in the 100th Year' in the '100th anniversary of our Republic', which we were entrusted by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. It is our greatest effort to make progress with the strength and honor that we have entrusted to our ancestors and that our Republic has given us, and to ensure that it is passed on to future generations."

İlhan Bilge: "Education was the first priority of the Republic"

Graphic Designer İlhan Bilge, who made evaluations on the importance of education during the War of Independence and stated that "We need to look at how the republic views education. The first priority of the republic was education. While the War of Independence was still going on, when it was not clear whether the state would remain before the Sakarya War, an education council was convened in Ankara. Atatürk came from the front. He joined the council and returned to the front again. At that time, when it was not clear that the state could continue, students were sent to Europe for education. Education was that important. There is even an anecdote. The War of Sakarya was over, and İsmet İnönü was visiting the wounded. The first priority for a commander is the health of his soldiers. They put the wounded in schools, and he said, 'Evacuate this place, education will not be disrupted,' they placed the wounded in another place. Therefore, the priority for them was education."

A big breaking point...

Bilge stated that the transition to the Latin alphabet was a major breaking point and said that "The republic was proclaimed in 1923. After 5 years, the alphabet changed. Therefore, this is a big breaking point, the Arabic letters that have been used for 1000 years have been abandoned. Until then, all creative work was on the line in miniature. In other words, Turkish calligraphers had made great progress. Suddenly, they came face to face with an alphabet they did not recognize; however, they were educated people, and nearly ninety percent of the people were illiterate. They learned the new letters much more easily, and so on."

Mehmet Dere: "I turned the strategy of my productions into my own neighborhood"

Emphasizing that his productions turn their strategies into his own neighborhood, artist and academician Mehmet Dere said that "In 2008, artists entered the city without a space. Therefore, I turned the production strategy into my own neighborhood because where are you going to exhibit your work? Of course, in a sense, in your own home. This is a dealership conversion, a dealership from my father, an area of 40-50 m. We left the area to exhibit in a very busy street with the White Coop approach. There have been various exhibitions here. On the basis of these exhibitions, I revealed and exhibited my works in the field of art and design."

Mehmet Dere conveyed the perception and usage of images to the students with verbal and visual examples from his own life.

The event ended with the presentation of certificates and a group photo.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)