Nothing can stop success…

Haber ile ilişkili SDG etiketleri


Üsküdar University Health, Culture and Sports (HCS) Department held a program titled "Nothing can Stop Success" within the scope of December 3 International Day of Persons with Disabilities. In the program, in which Lawyer Deputy Serkan Bayram also took part as a speaker, Bayram drew attention to the fact that no one should be left behind in the century of our Republic due to disabilities. Bayram said why there should not be a disabled rector in the new century, "The state is not governed by hands and feet, the state is governed by heart, thought and brain. We will keep what we cannot hold with our hands, with our hearts and we will never let it go."

The seminar, which was organized as part of the University Culture course, was held at Üsküdar University Emirnebi 1 conference hall.

Prof. Mehmet Zelka: "80% of the disabled people in the world are from developing countries"

Vice Rector Prof. Mehmet Zelka made the opening speeches in the seminar and emphasized that it is possible to eliminate some of the disabilities with the advancement of technology. Zelka stated that "If people with disabilities are given the opportunity, if they are enabled, if they are trusted, they are observed. We all have a responsibility. Our country is a developing country. 80% of the world's disabled people are from developing countries. As one of the developing countries, we need to pay attention to this. With the development of technology, it is possible to eliminate even some of the disabilities. In this respect, health policy makers need to take this into account. This seminar is an important seminar to raise awareness. I believe that it will contribute to the continuation of the welfare, happiness and dignified life of our disabled citizens that they deserve."

Physiotherapist Eren Olcay Erdoğan: "Families need to take on the role of a second physiotherapist"

Referring to the importance of the concept of family in special education and rehabilitation, Physiotherapist Eren Olcay Erdoğan, a graduate of Pamukkale University Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department, stated that "December 3 International Day of Persons with Disabilities is an awareness day celebrated by the United Nations on December 3 every year since 1992. A theme is created for this day every year. This year's theme is to save and achieve the sustainable development goals by acting together with people with disabilities for people with disabilities. Here I would like to talk about the role of people with disabilities and their families in physiotherapy. Rehabilitation intervenes in society not only to ensure the education and adaptation of people with disabilities, but also to facilitate the social integration of these individuals with their current environment. The family is the main institution that is inevitable for the success of special education and rehabilitation. Today, the disabled individual themselves, their family and the institution are considered as parts of the whole that complement each other in accordance with the basics of special education. It is necessary to participate in family education programs given in rehabilitation centers. Families need to take on the role of a second physiotherapist. It should support the disabled person socially, emotionally and psychologically. It should support the development of the relationship between the disabled person and the society. They should support each other with the families of other people with disabilities. We must work together for a disability inclusive world."

Necdet Öztürk: "Removing obstacles is not a sympathy, but a right"

Founder of the Global Foundation for People with Disabilities Necdet Öztürk began his speech by informing on the foundation of which he is the founder. Emphasizing the importance of considering the inclusion of people with disabilities in society as a right, not as a compassion, Öztürk said that "I established Türkiye’s first foundation that is the Foundation for the People with Physical Disability for the disabled with esteemed Tayyip Erdoğan, who is now our President, in 1995. The Global Disability Foundation is a top network, a strong network that currently has members in the form of more than 400 institutions and organizations organized in 127 countries. We are working to produce products, systems and services. Our organization has an industrial sectoral expansion that will ensure participation in life, not an approach in an individual emotional format. Our main concern is inclusive education. Education is of primary importance. Children with disabilities need to participate in education between primary school and university. At Carleton University in Canada, there are students with vision, hearing, physical disabilities and healthy students in a classroom, and they are all taking the same course from the same teacher at the same time. This is what we call inclusive education. We have a school for the blind, a school for the deaf and so on. Since this is not just about education, marriage, employment, social life is integrity. You take care of that process from there and you do not discriminate. Accessible university, accessible route. It is not enough to arrange a place for an area. It is not right for a disabled student to come to a classroom and then go home. The law on persons with disabilities is the seventh article of the law 5378. Common areas must be made legally. This is a legal right. The first principle adopted in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the United Nations is not related to persons with disabilities. It is about the prevention of disability. After something is lost, the cost to the person, society, system and family is very high. Prevention work is vitally important. Since one does not understand something without losing it. This needs to be explained. This is our second goal, removal of barriers and inclusion of people with disabilities in society. It is necessary to put this on the table as a right, not in the form of compassion, understanding, approach, sensitivity, and to carry it out in such a way."

Lawyer Deputy Serkan Bayram: "In the century of our Republic, no one should be left behind due to disabilities"

Lawyer and Deputy Serkan Bayram, who had the floor later, drew attention to the need to act consciously about people with disabilities, not only on the day of the persons with disability, but also every day of the year. Bayram stated that “December 3, International Day of Persons with Disabilities is an awareness day. These days should not be remembered as a day, we are in a period where this issue should be acted consciously for humanity 365 days a year. Why is the film wheat berry important? Children will get used to peer bullying, that is, when they see a disabled person in the classroom, their friends make fun of them and there is an adaptation problem, and at this point, this movie will be important. There will also be hope for the disabled, they will see that a disabled person becomes a teacher, a civil servant and a judge in this country. In the Turkish century of our Republic, no one should be left behind because of obstacles. Our struggle is to ensure that no one is left behind because of their disability, both in this film and in what we have experienced. In a new century, we will also have a rector with disabilities. The state is not governed by hands and feet, the state is governed by heart, thought and brain. The important thing is that there are no obstacles here. A finger is 50 years of life, but what a struggle, after all, we have to be hope, to be a light, to hold on, to chase our dreams. We will not be the ones who lose when you give up, or not when you fall to the ground. We will keep what we cannot hold with our hands, with our hearts, and we will never let it go. We will say that one wheat berry is the voice and story of millions."

Buğday Tanesi tells the story of a disabled individual's struggle to hold on to life

The film "Buğday Tanesi" (Wheat Berry), which is about the life of Deputy Serkan Bayram, tells the struggle of a disabled individual to hold on to life. The film, which has given hope to many disabled people since the day it was released and increased the awareness of the audience about disabilities, was also shown in mobile trucks in different provinces after the movie theaters. "Buğday Tanesi" was uploaded to EBA for teachers, students and parents to watch on the occasion of December 3 Day of Persons with Disabilities. The film can be viewed in the "library" area at "" under the "special education" segment in the "sign language" section.

The performance of the disability inclusive music choir was highly appreciated

Üsküdar Municipality Disability Inclusive Music Choir also took the stage in the program, in which General Captain of Şişli Yeditepe Sports Club for the Disabled Kamil Temel also made a speech. The performance of the choir, which was followed with admiration, received a standing ovation.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)