Being in solidarity prevents suicides

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Pointing to the risk factors that push individuals to suicidal acts, experts say that suicide is not only an individual aspect. Stating that the solidarity of people is one of the most important factors in preventing suicides, Department of Sociology Instructor Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı draws attention to the need to increase the knowledge and awareness of family physicians and teachers on this issue.

Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı stated that "Countries are cooperating with the media to eliminate the encouraging effect of suicide, and written rules are established that determine the way news is given."

Üsküdar University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Sociology Instructor Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı evaluated the phenomenon of suicide sociologically.

Ebulfez Süleymanlı said that "When we evaluate suicides, which is one of the most important problems of today, it is seen that there are many risk factors that push individuals to this action, and these factors are psychological problems, socioeconomic status, drug and alcohol use, loneliness, hopelessness, migration and other stressful situations.”

Increasing the number of support units in suicide prevention is very important

Emphasizing that suicide is not only an individual aspect, but also studies to prevent suicides should be carried out in a social dimension, Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı continued his remarks as follows:

"People's solidarity is one of the most important factors in preventing suicides. Moreover, it is necessary to increase the number of existing socio-psychological support units for suicide prevention, to find ways to reach people with suicidal tendencies, and to increase the knowledge and awareness of family physicians and teachers on this issue. Furthermore, a large number of associations, units of many municipalities, consultation and solidarity lines should support this issue."

Suicide news can be a trigger

Explaining that the issue of traditional and social media should also be taken into consideration, Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı said that “As a matter of fact, studies conducted in many countries indicate that giving suicide news in a certain way, encouraging and dramatizing can be a triggering factor in people's suicidal behavior. For this reason, the coverage of suicide news in the media is subject to regulation in many countries."

It is not important not to talk about suicide in the media, it is how we talk about it

Emphasizing that for this reason, television, radio channels and all social media channels should act jointly and pay attention to the elimination of the incentive effect of suicide news, Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı said that "Legal sanctions on this issue should be put into practice as soon as possible. What we should have reservations about here is not about talking about suicide, but about how we talk about it. For this reason, countries are cooperating with the media to eliminate the encouraging effect of suicide, and written rules are established that determine the way news is given."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)