They were awarded an Honorable Mention in the competition

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An important award to Üsküdar University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing Instructor Tuğba Karakuş Türker and Instructor Derya Deniz… In the "Innovative Products Supporting Newborn and Child Health" competition held by... Neonatology Nursing Association, Pediatric Nursing Association and Innovative Nursing Association throughout Türkiye, Instructor Tuğba Karakuş Türker and Instructor Derya Denwith was awarded the Honorable Mention Award in 4th place with the project titled "Smart Central Venous Catheter (Smarthcath)".

The Innovation Competition, which is held regularly every year by the Innovative Nursing Association, was held this year in cooperation with the Neonatology Nursing Association and the Pediatric Nursing Association.

They were awarded the Honorable Mention Award by placing 4th in the competition

Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nursing Insturctor Tuğba Karakuş Türker and Instructor Derya Denizparticipated in the competition organized with the theme of "Innovative Products Supporting Newborn and Child Health" with the project titled "Smart Central Venous Catheter (Smarthcath)".

The "Smart Central Venous Catheter (Smarthcath)" project, which ranked 4th in the competition, was awarded the Honorable Mention Award.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)