Radiation and ways of protection from radiation were discussed in all aspects...

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.42827

In the 'November 8 World Radiology Day' event held online by Üsküdar University Vocational School of Health Services (VSHS), misconceptions about radiation were discussed. At the event, which was held with the participation of students studying in the Department of Medical Imaging Techniques at VSHS, the ways of radiation protection and the well-known misconceptions were explained comprehensively.

The event was moderated by VSHS Medical Imaging Techniques Program Head Instructor Elif Ebru Altunsoy Güçlü and Biomedical Device Technology Program Instructor Aybike Pirol Elmas.

As guests of the event, Chemical Engineer, Radiation Safety Consultant Salih Şimşek and Radiology Technician Instructor Sevda Karaçayır attended.

"If you are well protected, you will be exposed to much less radiation"

Stating that another training can be given in every field to be protected against radiation, Radiation Safety Specialist Salih Şimşek stated that "My students should not be confused by the wrong information in the field because unfortunately there are false perceptions and information in the field regarding protection against radiation. Cell phones are said to cause cancer, but there is more research to show that it does not. The sun is more harmful... UV-C rays are dangerous. These are used in sterilization. There are natural and artificial radiations. We use artificial ones. There are natural radiations that we are exposed to through sunlight and respiration. Everyone in the world is exposed to them. If you are well protected, you will be exposed to much less radiation. This is a detailed and sensitive issue. You have to know where and how you need to be protected."

"Shielding is one of the best ways to protect yourself from radiation..."

Şimşek informed about the ways of protection from radiation and stated that "Shielding is one of the best ways to protect yourself from radiation. Radiology, angiography rooms… These are shielded places. The places where the devices are located are shielded rooms. Distance is an important way of protection that you may not notice much. Moreover, radiology technicians should know that shielded rooms should be measured every 6 months or a year. People who work in a place that complies with the standards should not be afraid, only the shielded rooms should be checked every 6 months."

"The safety of the patient is always important to us."

Emphasizing that radiology doctors are the closest colleagues of technicians who know the device they work with, adjust the shooting parameters according to the patient and the disease, and take the necessary precautions in terms of employee and patient safety, Radiology Technician Sevda Karaçayır drew attention to patient safety. Karaçayır said that "The safety of the patient is always important to us. In the devices used in our country, we try to get maximum images by giving minimum rays. In procedures that require breathing, it is important to perform the procedure at the patient's location. Since technicians are in full contact with patients, they have to pay attention to their personal hygiene." Karaçayır also underlined that attention should be paid to the safety of the patient.

The event, which was held via Zoom, ended after the questions of the participants were answered.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)