The 100-year adventure of journalism in Türkiye was discussed

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Üsküdar University, Faculty of Communication, Department of New Media and Communication organized an event which is titled 'The 100-Year Adventure of Journalism in Türkiye: Ups and Downs'. Journalist Asst. Prof. Recep Yaşar and Asst. Prof. Engin Başçı participated in the event as a speaker.

The event, where the 100-year adventure of journalism was discussed, was held at the South Campus Fuat Sezgin conference hall. The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Communication Prof. Süleyman İrvan, the Head of the Department of New Media and Communication Assoc. Prof. Yıldız Derya Birincioğlu Vural, faculty academicians and students.

Asst. Prof. Recep Yaşar: "The main function of a journalist is to inform the public correctly"

Talking about the characteristics of the press in the first years of the Republic, Asst. Prof. Recep Yaşar stated that "In the early years of the Republic, the press was used as a medium to explain the ideals of a newly established state to the people. There was a press that was completely under the control of the founding administration. In the early years of the Republic, the press was used as a tool to shape society. New formations were emerging that controlled the press. As a journalist of more than 30 years, I can say that journalist is a wolf to journalist, and a journalism is the art of asking questions. If there are problems in social peace and economy in a country, if inflation is very high, if there are deteriorations in social balances, this is inevitably reflected in the media. The task of the journalist is already to reveal the problems. It is our main duty to help the government see those problems and solve them. The journalist has two main functions. The first is to inform the public correctly and the other is public control. Public control of the press is a sine qua non of democracy."

Asst. Prof. Engin Başçı: "The impartiality of journalism is objectivity"

Emphasizing the importance of objectivity in the profession of journalism, Asst. Prof. Engin Başçı said that "Objectivity is very important in journalism. A journalist may not be impartial, but they have to be objective in doing their job. It should stand at an equal distance from each segment. The impartiality of journalism is objectivity. There is such a distinction between impartiality and objectivity. What the journalist should prioritize is the issue of objectivity."

After answering the questions of the participants and taking a group photo, the event ended.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)