User-oriented design for e-commerce platforms...

Haber ile ilişkili SDG etiketleri


"Design Processes for E-Commerce Platforms" event was held which is moderated by Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication Visual Communication Design Department Head Prof. And Algül. Ecenur Yıldırım, who graduated from Üsküdar University Visual Communication Design Department with second and high honors and graduated from the Department of Advertising Design and Communication, attended the event as a guest.

At the online event, Ecenur Yıldırım emphasized that the most used e-commerce platforms today are websites.

"We should be primarily user-oriented while making designs"

Ecenur Yıldırım mentioned that as a designer, the designer has a great burden while designing the sites and stated that "Design is the first element or even the most important element that affects the user on websites or platforms. The person who enters the platform or website, that is, the user, directly encounters the design before dealing with the details of the product. It is our responsibility to carry the positive effect of the décor in the physical store to digital. When making designs, we should primarily be user-oriented. Remembering that we are also a user, we should design with this in mind. We should work as plain as possible, focusing entirely on whatever we want to emphasize. Especially when making a website, our shopping icon needs to be visible in any situation. We have to deliver this to the user so that we can serve our purpose and complete the purchase. We should use quality images, quality videos, quality photos. In the designs we make, we have to pay attention to the harmony both on the website and on mobile devices."

"The user should be able to contact us at any time"

Underlining what should not be done rather than what should be done, Ecenur Yıldırım said that "Our contact information must be complete on the site or in other designs we make because the user should be able to contact us at any time and we need to make them feel it. There should be no mixed page layouts, that is, the user should not scroll through several pages to find something in the same category. The speed of our page is also very important. It is not about design, but we need to mention it because it is a whole. We need to include certificates, and we need to show the user whether it is safe or not."

After the question and answer session, the event ended.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)