Our scientists who contributed to the foundation and development of Türkiye were commemorated

Haber ile ilişkili SDG etiketleri

DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.42753

Üsküdar University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences organized an event titled "Our Scientists who Witnessed the Founding Period of the Republic of Türkiye and Contributed to the Foundation and Development of our State". At the event, which was organized under the moderatorship of Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Vice Dean Asst. Prof. Betül Gürünlü, the areas in which the scientists who took part in the construction of the Republic of Türkiye contributed to the newly established state after the War of Independence were discussed.

The event held at the Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Prof. Osman Çerezci, and the event received great attention.

Referring to the areas where the scientists who took part in the construction of the Republic of Türkiye contributed to the newly established state after the War of Independence, Üsküdar University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Vice Dean Asst. Prof. Betül Gürünlü touched upon the important groundbreaking studies and advances that scientists who studied abroad with the support of the state with limited opportunities during this period later gave to the homeland.

In the presentation, those who witnessed the founding period of the Republic of Türkiye and contributed to the construction and development of our state were discussed as follows: Ziya Nuri Birgi, İbrahim Refik Saydam, İbrahim Etem Ulagay, Celal Muhtar Özden, Hulusi Behçet, Akil Muhtar Özden, Mazhar Osman Usman, Mehmet Refik Fenmen, Kerim Erim, Naciye Safiye Ali, Fatin Gökmen, Cemil Topuzlu, Tevfik Sağlam, Server Kamil, Hamit Pamir, Nazım Terzioğlu, Sara Akdik, Nusret Karasu, Nuri Demirağ, Perihan Çambel, Remziye Hisar, Feza Gürsey, Asım Orhan Barut, Scientists such as İhsan Ketin, Cahit Arf, Hüseyin Cavid Erginsoy, Behram Kurşunoğlu, Nuzhet Gökdoğan, Erdal İnönü, Bahattin Baysal, Gazi Mahmut Yaşargil, Dilhan Eryurt, Oktay Sinanoğlu, Afet İnan, Halil İnalcık.

The event ended after a group photo shoot.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)