The adventure of the designer was discussed in the experiences of the graduates

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Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication, Head of Visual Communication Design Department Prof. And Algül moderated the "Experience from Alumni: The Designer's Adventure" event. Assistant Visual Communication Specialist at Balonevi Çiğdem Didem Bozat attended the event as a guest.

"You cannot move forward and experience life without exploring "

Assistant Specialist Çiğdem Didem Bozat, who is a graduate of Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication and Balonevi Visual Communication, was the guest of the online event. Bozat emphasized the importance of self-development of students and gave some advice. Bozat said that "In most professions, you cannot get anywhere without improving yourself because we are now in 2023. If we stay in the same level as now, the designs we make in 10 years will have no value. The simplest is the designs of two years ago, the thoughts of two years ago, the colors used two years ago. This is also the case with clothing. New season, new trend... If we continue in this way, it will be better for us. It is just like life. You cannot move forward and experience life without exploring. You can improve yourself with books and seminars. Moreover, I definitely recommend art galleries. Very nice places for you to see different points of view. If you exist in such places, it will be very beneficial for you and your future. To inspire ourselves, we can feed on nature and life, and we can get great inspiration

"You add new knowledge to yourself in every field you work in"

Talking about what needs to be done before starting business life, Bozat stated that "You add new information to yourself in every field you work in. I recommend that you do your internships in agencies because you go there to learn, and naturally you have the right to ask in agencies. I have come to these days by adding every work I did at university to my resume. I think your average should be above three. Work, strive, and you can achieve it. You must be able to work at all times. You should always be inspired when you sit down in front of the computer. Do not just think about reading books in your field, but also you should also read books in the fields of art, novels, detective fiction and fantasy. While reading a book, you will look at the cover of that book with the eyes of a designer, you will examine it, and you will think about what kind of design you can make."

After the question and answer session, the event ended.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)