Automatic gas cutter detectors should be used in homes and kitchens

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Experts evaluating the natural gas explosions that killed 3 people in Istanbul yesterday and one person in Ankara today remind that negligence always comes to the fore; however, there are many things that natural gas users need to do before negligence. Occupational Health and Safety Specialist Dr. Nuri Bingöl stated that "We should take precautions. They are not very costly things. When these are taken, we will prevent such incidents”. Occupational Health and Safety Specialist Rüştü Uçan, on the other hand, warned that "If we are leaving the house for a long time in any way, it is very beneficial to turn off the natural gas valve before we leave."

Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Vice Dean, Occupational Health and Safety Specialist Assist. Prof. Nuri Bingöl evaluated the natural gas explosions that killed 3 people in Istanbul yesterday and one person in Ankara today.

Dr. Bingöl stated that, natural gas must accumulate in large enough quantities to reach the explosion limits in order for it to explode, and said:

"Since natural gas is a methane-heavy gas, it reaches the explosion limit between 5 percent and 15 percent. Therefore, there has been an accumulation of more than 5 percent. Indoor environment and window not open. It can be a spark that occurs during turning the electricity on and off, or it can be an intervention with a fire such as a match or smoking. When we met one of them, I think there was an explosion."

"Negligence is always at the forefront"

Informing about the possible cause of the explosions, Dr. Bingöl continued as follows:

"Negligence always comes to the fore; however, here is a lot of work that needs to be done before it comes to negligence. There are precautions that natural gas users can take as well as things they need to do. If you leave the stove on, the teapot will overflow, and if it turns off the stove on its own, natural gas leakage occurs.

Natural gas is an odorless gas, but it is odorized so that it can be understood when it leaks. It is scented so that its smell can be felt. You feel it when there is a leak in your home. However, we should not use anything that ignites when you feel a smell. When you go and try to turn on the lamp, an electric spark behind the lamp can ignite."

"We do not take precautions because it is not mandatory"

Dr. Nuri Bingöl also explained what to do in case of leakage as follows:

"When we feel leaks, methods such as opening the window, ventilating the house, closing if there is gas switch left open, opening the doors if there is a leak, and creating air flow can be performed. There are also more simple measures. For instance, there are detectors. These detectors are automatic gas cutters. İGDAŞ (Istanbul Gas Distribution Industry and Trade Joint Stock Company) requires them to be used in industry. If you are going to open a restaurant, when you apply to İGDAŞ, it asks you for a detector. Therefore, these are the measures that can be taken. We should take these measures voluntarily, that is, most of us do not take them because they are not mandatory. However, we have to buy it, not very costly things. When these are taken, we will prevent such incidents."

Users need to be aware

Occupational Health and Safety Specialist Assist. Prof. Nuri Bingöl pointed out that it takes time for users to become aware and said:

"It has a destructive effect like dynamite, like a grenade"

Stating that if there is an ignition, the explosion occurs, Dr. Bingöl concluded his words as follows:

"We do not call it a natural gas jam, natural gas does not get stuck, and even if it does, it does not explode. This is not a pressurized event like bottled gas. The atmosphere formed as a result of its accumulation is called an explosive atmosphere or an explosive atmosphere. Therefore, this is not called a natural gas compression, but an explosive explosion. They explode in such a way that they make a pressure of about 10 atmospheres. It has a destructive effect, like dynamite, like a grenade... We call them explosives."

"We do not know how to use natural gas"

Üsküdar University Head of Occupational Health and Safety Department Assist. Prof. Rüştü Uçan also evaluated the natural gas explosions.

Pointing out that natural gas should be used as energy, Dr. Uçan said that "However, this gas is a dangerous gas, and it has a great energy. Natural gas is lighter than air and can accumulate above. When it is more than 5 percent, and any igniter creates a small spark explosion due to turning on the light or turning off the lit light, opening the refrigerator, receiving a call on the mobile phone."

There should be detectors in the kitchens!

Stating that the walls collapsed in the explosion in Istanbul, Dr. Rüştü Uçan said:

"We do not know how to use gas. Natural gas is an odorless gas, but they give it an odor like a spoilt egg. It is possible to understand this smell. However, there is such a situation where we do not know the condition of that house. What a leak it was. Right now, it is a time when there is a lot of coming back from summer houses. During these periods, houses remain closed for a long time. If there is a leak from the stove in the house or something, these accumulations may also be there. Therefore, if we are leaving the house for a long time in any way, it is very beneficial to turn off the natural gas valve before leaving. We also use it a lot, especially in kitchens. There should be detectors in the kitchens. The price is also affordable. We need to use them."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)