Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: “One who manages their brain manage themselves”

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President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan participated in the "The Formula for Success in Business Life" seminar organized by Kuveyt Türk Academy within the body of Kuveyt Türk Participation Bank. Tarhan made important evaluations about the formula of success in business life and pointed out that while moving towards success, it is absolutely necessary to give importance to target-oriented details.

The seminar titled "The Formula for Success in Business Life" held at the Kuveyt Türk Banking Base attracted great interest from Kuveyt Türk employees.

If we do not take risks, we cannot move forward

President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan informed on the types of intelligence that are important in success. Tarhan said that "There are types of intelligence that are important in success. One of them is what is known as logical intelligence IQ. The second is emotional intelligence. Logical intelligence glorifies being an idealist, while emotional intelligence glorifies being an activist. It activates the person. One dreams and thinks, but they do not put it into action. Emotional intelligence is needed for this, and if emotions are added, a thought turns into action. Physical intelligence, on the other hand, is the type of intelligence that transforms emotions into action. Internal discipline is important here, being focused on the goal alone and then being able to take risks. If we do not take risks, we cannot move forward. In order for the turtle to eat, it must remove its head from its shell. It is a risk for him, but you cannot move forward without risking it. Physical intelligence and social intelligence are important here. It is also important to be open to collaboration. For example, this is also important in family communication. Is love a cause or an effect in marriage? It is always said that love is the cause. However, they call it love, and after 6 months they get divorced. Why are they getting divorced? Because love evaporates. Love plus collaboration equals lifelong love. Here, the ability to cooperate with emotions needs to be developed. This is related to social intelligence."

If one manages their brain, they manage themselves

Pointing out that a person who manages their brain also manages themselves, Prof. Tarhan stated: "Neuromanagement is managing our brain. If one manages their brain, they also manage themselves. In fact, the word politics comes from the root seyis in Arabic. What does seyis mean? It means the one who disciplines the horse. There is a wild horse in us. This wild horse wants to live according to whatever they like. If we cannot discipline it, the horse wants to go in the direction it wants. It says, 'I'm the boss,' but if you train it, the horse will know that you are the one when you arrive, and it will take you to the goal. That's why being able to discipline the wild horse inside you, neuromanagement or managing the pharmacy in your brain, the molecules of happiness, anger, hatred and jealousy in our brains are the molecules that the brain manages. It is linked to all types of intelligence."

Details are important in success…

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan mentioned that having short-term and long-term goals and determining goals enables the brain to be programmed in the most accurate way. Tarhan said that "Having short-term, long-term goals and setting goals allows the brain to be programmed in the most accurate way. Here, the first is the pyramid of time in order of importance and priority. Here it is necessary to order from the pyramid of time from important to less important. You spend more time on what you call very important. You do not spend that much time on what you say is less important. Therefore, detail is important in success, and detail is in success. Some people say, 'The devil is in the details.' It is the opposite, but they are both true because the person who has determined their goal will see the detail on the way to the goal, which leads them to success. If one does not see the detail, if one gets caught up in unnecessary detail, that person will miss the destination they are going to, and the devil will be in the detail. Therefore, we must pay attention to the details of our goal while moving towards success. It will not work if we pay attention to details that are not our goal. You will set your goal, but if you have a talent for it, if you develop a formula, that is, luck is the point where reason and opportunity intersect. There are butterfly hunters, what do butterfly hunters do? He waits and waits, catches it, tenderly picks it up and puts it in a cage. It is necessary to be in this way when doing talent management and talent scouting in human life. You will determine your purpose, wait accordingly and catch it. No wind in life will help those who wait lazily with their two eyes closed."

A person can be no leader of a family if they are not a leader of their own

Pointing out that people with future projections progress in life, Tarhan said that "You have to pay as much attention to how you do it as you do what you do. If you do not care about the how, you will miss out on a lot of opportunities. Here, time and attention pyramids are also important in terms of making good use of our time resources in your importance and priorities and achievements. The third step here is to plan for the future. There should be road maps that you will follow on the path of life other than the goal you are waiting for. You have to watch out for the traps on these maps. People with a projection of the future are moving forward in life. You will know where you are first, there is no point in knowing where to go if you do not know where you are. You cannot determine your roadmap accordingly. While drawing this, it is necessary to know yourself, then to determine your goal, and then to plan and determine road maps for this. It is necessary to be a system society. If a person systematizes themselves, if they become a system society, there is development in this society. If you say, 'We will do it, brother, we got this,' it means that you are not thinking systematically. Then you will be well managed. There can be no leader of a family who is not their own leader. First, we will learn to manage ourselves, we will learn to manage our own desires and impulses, and then we will be able to manage others."

Courage is not to run dangerous risks, but to use reason and intelligence in the face of danger

Underlining that success and happiness are fake in the kingdom of selfishness, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan expressed that the success of selfish people is temporary. Tarhan said that "A human being’s only rival is themselves. Our courage and our fears are the biggest obstacles in a person. Courage is not to put yourself in danger, but to use reason and intelligence in the face of danger. We said that the only competitor of a person is themselves; however, there are also skills that develop in this storm, such as patience, compassion, diligence, respect, responsibility. If we take the right position in the storms we experience, post-traumatic growth emerges after the storms and we can gain many new skills such as patience, compassion, respect, and responsibility that can improve us. For this reason, the sense of belonging increases in success here. Even if we have failed, basic self-questioning emerges instead of looking for it in others. Most children run around the house, bump into the edge of the table, and people blame the mother, which teaches the child to attribute their fault to external causes. For example, one commits suicide, they attribute the reason for this to their mother-in-law. I know that she is not aware that she has actually done things that will drive a person crazy. She is looking for the fault in them. Here, in the kingdom of selfishness, success and happiness are false. The achievements of selfish people are temporary, false, not permanent. It dissipates in the world of facts.”.

At the end of the seminar held at Kuveyt Türk Banking Base, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan signed the books of the participants.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)