A country that remains open to disinformation could face a digital war

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.38627

Assoc. Prof. Aylin Tutgun Ünal evaluated the withdrawal of Twitter, from the '2022 Strengthened Code of Practice on Disinformation' protocol which is widely used and intensively, and drew attention to the fact that Twitter bears great responsibility for disinformation. Emphasizing that disinformation is a problem that needs to be solved with international cooperation, Ünal says that a country that remains open to disinformation may face a digital war. Ünal also warns that we individually need to manage the process of verifying digital information sources well.

Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication, Department of Journalism Instructor Assoc. Prof. Aylin Tutgun Ünal made evaluations regarding Twitter's decision to withdraw from the '2022 Strengthened Code of Practice on Disinformation' protocol signed between the European Union and social media platforms.

The fact that people can easily share their views has revealed information pollution and disinformation

Assoc. Prof. Aylin Tutgun Ünal stated that the new media technologies emerging with Web 2.0 technologies have created new communication environments where interaction is intense and continued her remarks as follows: "An example of this is social media channels that are widely used worldwide. The motivations for using social media are socialization, entertainment and appreciation by influencing others. The fact that people can easily share their views has also revealed the spread of inaccurate information and news, information pollution and disinformation and has taken its place as a new problem of our age.".

Disinformation is used for purposes such as attracting attention and perception management

Stating that sharing information and news is mostly done through digital channels today, Ünal stated that "The fact that social media is among the daily habits of the masses has caused the habits of receiving news to take place in social media channels. Activities such as receiving instant news, constantly checking social media in order not to miss the agenda, and following up on current personal information shared are frequently realized. The issue of confirming the accuracy of these shares has also come to the fore and has become a necessity. Especially Twitter is often controlled by people as a social media application that attracts attention by sharing instant information, news and opinion. In many news, disinformation is used for purposes such as attracting attention, getting more clicks and managing perceptions. Therefore, Twitter is also expected to fulfill some responsibilities within the managerial scope.".

When we do not verify the accuracy of the information, we are entering the sphere of influence of disinformation

Ünal said that "We are exposed to disinformation with the bombardment of information shared on social media every day" and continued: "Especially when we do not confirm whether the information we encounter is true or not and from which source the information is shared, we are in the sphere of influence of disinformation when we are not aware of fake accounts. We even spread disinformation by re-sharing, commenting, or liking and making them visible in others' streams. To protect and combat disinformation, it is first necessary to understand what is happening.".

If there is 'ill will and bad intent', there is disinformation

Noting that disinformation is intended to maliciously and deliberately mislead people, Ünal said that "It can also be manipulative or completely fabricated. On the other hand, people can be exposed to misinformation while avoiding disinformation. In general, whether the information is true or false is an element that needs to be confirmed. If there is 'bad faith and intent', we can say that it is disinformation. With the spread of disinformation, it is aimed to manage perceptions with fabricated information as in conspiracy theories. Another problem is created with efforts to disrupt social unity while there is a problem that society is busy with, Especially in times of social chaos. Therefore, the fight against disinformation is on the agenda again. Misinformation requires more sensitivity to confirmation because it is the sharing of misinformation in the digital environment that is not intentional, not malicious. Since it does not attract direct attention as in conspiracy theories, it can seem right to the person at first glance. Therefore, we need to make a habit of confirming the accuracy of information from different sources individually in addition to understanding disinformation and derivative concepts.".

Disinformation is a problem that needs to be solved through international cooperation

Pointing out that Twitter has a great responsibility for disinformation, Assoc. Prof. Aylin Tutgun Ünal stated that "Disinformation is a problem that needs to be solved with international cooperation. Therefore, it should participate in international agreements and take a stand in favor of our country here. Otherwise, it is possible to say that a country that remains open to disinformation will face a new digital war. The source of misinformation is one of the biggest problems for a country. The 'Network Society' introduced by Manuel Castells is defined as a form of communication that directs digital culture. The advantages of being a network society are being enjoyed globally. On the other hand, it is struggling with its disadvantages. Influencing social thought by managing perceptions, diverting the masses and even creating their own truths through the loss of true/false information, also called post-truth, are the dynamics of network society. We can say that it is possible to attract these dynamics to the disadvantaged side with disinformation.".

Those responsible are expected to engage in any kind of cooperation related to disinformation awareness

Reminding that Twitter is used intensively by large masses, Ünal said that "Those responsible are expected to act in a way that is aware of disinformation and its dangers and to be in all kinds of cooperation related to disinformation awareness. Therefore, Twitter should consider its decision to withdraw from the 'Disinformation Protocol' signed between the European Union and social media platforms. In this direction, it is stated that the struggle will be continued within the scope of state institutions in the statements made by the Directorate of Communication in our country. As individuals, we can conclude that we need to pay more attention to the posts shared, especially on Twitter, from now on.".

We must be able to manage the process of validating digital information sources well individually

Stating that Türkiye is a country with awareness of combating disinformation both through the confirmation lines and the work it has done within the scope of the state institution, Ünal said that "Our country can sign a goodwill agreement independently of social media channels by taking part in international cooperation protocols. Struggles for international cooperation against future disinformation threats will again minimize the damage. As individuals, we need to be able to manage the verification process of digital information sources well.” Ünal listed the verification stages that will ensure the avoidance of disinformation as follows:

-Looking at the source of the information shared on social media.

-Questioning whether the information or news shared on social media is in other sources.

-Protecting ourselves by being aware of fake accounts.

-Checking the relevance of shared images to the context.

-Obtaining reliable sources that are referenced.

-Following official sources.

-Sharing the information after confirming its accuracy.



Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)