Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: “There is no reformation in religion, but there is Renaissance.”

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“From Existence to Search for Meaning Psychological Talks with President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan” continues, which is held by the Conscious of Age Club with the support of Üsküdar University Department of Health, Culture and Sports. Underlining that new answers are needed to be given to the old questions, Tarhan said that “New information must be reinterpreted. The counterpart of this in social psychology is Renaissance. There is no reformation in religion, but there is Renaissance. Here, it protects the core; however, it renews. It is given with a new sheath by adding new information.”.

“Old questions must be responded with new answers”

President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan underlined that the thought of God must be defined correctly in the program “From Existence to Searching for Meaning Psychology Talks” held on Monday. Tarhan said: “Let’s think that the devil is actually a symbol for the evil and the angel is a symbol for goodness. To understand the creation of the devil, we must understand the thought of God correctly as we emphasized before. The thought of the creator must be defined correctly. What is the reason that the devil is created, the devil exists? What is the public and invention of the devil? Indeed, it is like a question that was asked today instead of 100 years ago; however, it is necessary to give news answers to old question but not old answers to old questions. Beddiüzzaman gave new answers to old questions. This answer is different than the ones on other interpretations. Other answers say that ‘Allah created, He deemed appropriate in that may. It is a divine choice.’. In other words, when we look at it from the sight of Allah, it seems such a choice, but what is the wisdom for man, there is no such clear statement about it in other interpretations, it is necessary to know it.”.

"There is no Reform in Religion, but there is Renaissance"

Tarhan mentioned that the level of knowledge at this time was not satisfied with the answer given by people at the old level of knowledge and stated that "The questions actually seem like classic questions; however, the invention of this time is different. According to the invention of this time, one answers them with a new style, and one answers them with new information. In the past, people's level of knowledge was different, and people are now different. If you read the same level of knowledge at this time as the people at the old level of knowledge, people are not satisfied. Things in the old time cannot give new information. The ulema of that time were the star of that time, the sun of that time, and they illuminated that time. They answered the questions of that time, and they met the needs of that time; however, at this time it is necessary to answer the old questions with new information at this time. New information also needs to be reinterpreted. Therefore, this is creating new. The equivalent in social psychology is the Renaissance. There is no reformation in religion, but there is a Renaissance. Renaissance means to renew, it is the English of ‘tecdit’. Here it retains the essentials but renews it. It changes the shell but the essence remains the same. It changes the sheath; the excuse is the same. One gives it in a new sheath, adding new information. Therefore, one gives with the packaging, with the new format, with the new mold, but the essence is the same."

"The mistake of doing nothing is a bigger mistake than making few mistakes"

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan pointed out that a person finds it reasonable in their mind when a person thinks about the result and that the mind takes precedence over fears even if they are afraid. Tarhan said: "While Allah created the world, we cannot understand it if we do not know the wisdom of creation. Here, He created the universe according to chaos theory. Hot-cold, light-dark, good-bad, ugly-beautiful are in a certain balance. Here it is essential to increase the good, the beautiful, the bright. When you increase it, the cold, the darkness decreases, the evil decreases, the ugliness decreases. Therefore, if we do not do anything, when we sit around, when we do not increase the good and the beautiful, for example, if the traffic police cars come and sit on the side; If he said, 'I didn't do anything.’. And they crashed into each other because you did not do your duty. The mistake of doing nothing is a bigger mistake than making a few mistakes. When we say that the mistake of doing nothing is a bigger mistake, we are working consequentially. We work to think about the result of your work. When a person thinks about the result, one finds it reasonable in their mind, even if one is afraid, and their mind gets ahead of their fears. Fears rule mankind.”.

"Evil is the dialectic that we are in the test"

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan underlined that matter emerged after information. Tarhan said: "According to the previous entropy law, evil and good stand as a dynamic equilibrium of the opposite. That is how Creation created it, and this was created by the law of entropy. It stands together as good and bad, hot and cold, light and dark. In fact, it is most likely that the leader who came to them first in Buddhist religions. They call it Ying yang, the balance of black and white. There are two intertwined circles called Ying yang. Good and evil exist in the Zarathustrian religion. They believe in two gods, the god of good and the god of evil. Both are needed because there has to be a certain balance. They have to accept a god of the evil and a god of the good. There, is a constant battle of the gods. Thus, it was like this in the ancient times. Zeus and the sons of gods were fighting with each other. Then, gods of Ancient Time emerge. Their religion is emerging. There is no fight of the gods in monotheistic belief. Allah has a test because there is the reality of death. The fact that there is a truth to death shows that there must be a second life after death. Evil is the truth of death for this reason, and what seems evil is actually approaching with the dialectic of examination. What is in the dialectics of the exam? The exam has reasoning. What did the materialist dialectic say? 'First there is matter, and the reason for this is the meaning. First there is concrete, then it is abstract.’. Now, however, it is understood that first there is abstract knowledge, first there is universal education. There is information, then matter appears. There is no such thing as matter. What we call matter is our energy filaments according to this worm theory. Thus, there is knowledge first, and this information has come out of matter dialectically. So, first there is good, but dialectically there is evil. When good decreases, evil increases. When evil decreases, good increases. There is such a balance, this is the dialectic of exam. There is a cause and effect relationship, and there is a cause and effect relationship between evil and the test. Therefore, we can say that evil is the dialectic that we are in the test.”.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)