Social media is an important tool for election campaigns

With the technological development, the language, methods and tools used in election periods are changing. Assoc. Prof. Gül Esra Atalay evaluated the differences, positive and negative sides of traditional media and digital media used in election campaigns and said that social media has become an important tool for election campaigns today. Assoc. Prof. Gül Esra Atalay said that digital media campaigns have a more targeted, interactive and engaging approach while traditional media campaigns are carried out with emotional emphasis and the goal of reaching large masses.

Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication Journalism Department Head Assoc. Prof. Gül Esra Atalay made remarks on the effects of traditional media and digital media on election campaigns.

Emotional in traditional media, direct communication in digital media

Assoc. Prof. Gül Esra Atalay stated that digital media campaigns have a more targeted, interactive and engaging approach while traditional media campaigns are carried out with the aim of emotional emphasis and reaching large masses and said "In traditional media, candidates turn towards tools such as newspapers, television, radio to promote their campaigns and try to reach voters through press conferences, interviews and public meetings. In this process, candidates often use rhetoric and emphases that appeal to the emotional side of voters.”.

Social media is being used to reach voters

Stating that digital media has become an important tool for election campaigns in recent years, Assoc. Prof. Gül Esra Atalay said that "Candidates can now reach voters through social media channels, websites and other digital platforms. Digital media can be advantageous as it allows candidates to communicate with voters in a more direct and interactive way.".

The advantage of digital media is targeted advertising

Stating that the biggest advantage of digital media for political propaganda is that it allows targeted advertising, Assoc. Prof. Gül Esra Atalay said that "With micro-profiling, it is possible to show targeted advertisements according to the demographic characteristics, interests and even world views of social media users. However, these processes are criticized for undermining democracy because they are not transparent.”.

Campaigns keep up with the media

Highlighting that candidates can make their policies and discourses more interesting and understandable with videos and infographics that are easily shared and spread in digital media, Assoc. Prof. Gül Esra Atalay said that "The rule-based structure of traditional media requires election campaigns to be prepared according to a certain line in these channels. However, digital media offers platforms where control is limited and social norms can be loosened. Therefore, political communication campaigns keep up with the structure of these channels." Assoc. Prof. Gül Esra Atalay said that the humorous language and style used by politicians on social media in the recent period and their sincerity in sharing forms an example of this adaptation attempt.

Social media trends are also used by politicians

Assoc. Prof. Gül Esra Atalay said that "We see that trends, trendy words and slogans in social media are also used by politicians" and added, "In order for any content in social media to reach a large number of people, it must be either very entertaining or interesting in a good or bad sense. We are witnessing that politicians are also turning towards entertainment (elements such as dance, humor) or attracting attention to gain more visibility in these channels.”.

It enables faster access to more people

Assoc. Prof. Gül Esra Atalay stated that social media has become an important tool for election campaigns today and that social media platforms enable the rapid spread of campaign messages and allow direct interaction with voters.

More interaction is established with voters

Noting that the use of social media has the potential to affect election campaigns positively or negatively, Assoc. Prof. Gül Esra Atalay listed the positive effects of social media on election campaigns as follows:

-The fact that social media allows reaching a wider audience allows campaign messages to be shared quickly and even go viral.

-Through social media, candidates are able to interact more with voters. Voters can comment, share or like campaign messages. These interactions can help campaigns attract voters' attention and gain support.
-Political communication activities on social media can be carried out at less cost than traditional media.

Misinformation can weaken the credibility of campaigns

Assoc. Prof. Gül Esra Atalay also listed the negative effects of social media on election campaigns as follows:

-Social media can lead to the spread of false or manipulated information about candidates or parties during election periods. This can make it harder for voters to access accurate information and weaken the credibility of campaigns.

-Again, social media can cause polarization and conflicts among voters who adopt different views during election periods. Voters can express different opinions by commenting on or sharing campaign messages. This can sometimes lead to polarization and conflict.