"Phy-gital" education decision from Uskudar University

Considering the decisions taken at the meeting of the Pandemic Board of our University on September 16, 2020, and the results of the survey that 10,000 students participated in, within the framework of the decisions taken by the University Senate, education activities will continue in the 2020-2021 Academic Year within the framework of the following basic principles:

1. In our university, education in the fall semester will be continued both face-to-face and mixed (hybrid) in accordance with the concept of "Phy-gital University".

2. Students will be able to follow lessons face-to-face or mixed (hybrid), according to their preferences.

3. For students who will come to the school to follow the course face-to-face, within the framework of measures taken to protect them from Covid-19:

a) Body temperature measurements will be made at the entrance to all settlements,

b) All measures such as information studies, physical distance warnings, and hygiene points will be taken completely,

c) Intermittent seating will be applied in classrooms, libraries, and cafeterias to ensure capacity control of campuses,

d) Instead of lunch, lunch can be served in the form of lunch boxes,

e) Face-to-face social activities that may increase social contact and trigger density during the epidemic will be suspended,

f) Care will be taken not to be found in public areas collectively during the outbreak.

We wish and love that the new academic year will bring health and success to all of our students.

Uskudar University Rectorate