The opening lecture of İzmir University of Economics was given by Prof. Sevil Atasoy.

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Prof. Sevil Atasoy, Vice Rector of Üsküdar University and Director of Graduate School of Addiction and Forensic Sciences, was the guest of İzmir University of Economics (İUE) Faculty of Arts and Sciences fall semester opening lecture. Prof. Sevil Atasoy gave important messages about 'Türkiye's fight against addiction'. Emphasizing that communication is of great importance in the prevention of substance addiction, Prof. Atasoy also gave vital warnings to young people and stated that "Do not say that nothing will happen from trying once, and do not even think of using the substance. Do not forget that you can get addicted even in one go."

İUE Faculty of Arts and Sciences 2024-2025 Academic Year Fall Semester Opening Lecture was held with the participation of Vice-Rectors Prof. Aslı Ceylan Öner and Prof. Gözde Yazgı Tütüncü, academicians, educators, and many students.

In the program held at İUE Conference Hall, students listened carefully to the presentation of Prof. Sevil Atasoy, Vice Rector of Üsküdar University and Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine, on 'Türkiye's fight against addiction with full participation.

Learn how to say 'no'!

Sharing her knowledge and experience in the fight against addiction, Prof. Atasoy stated that "University life is the time period when you will collect the best memories. The university will determine what you will be in the future and your achievements. First of all, you need to pay close attention to your own physical health. One day, you may be hesitant to say 'no' to an item that is extended to you, or you may think that there will be nothing wrong with trying it once. However, never do this. Because even trying it once can have very bad results. You can even become addicted in one go. For this reason, you should never try and know how to say 'no'. The best thing you can do when faced with such a situation is to tell your problem to those closest to you. Under the roof of this university, there are very important professionals who will lend you a helping hand and listen to you. Therefore, do not hesitate to get support from these people. Because not only your physical health, but also your mental health is very important for your success."

The family factor is important!

Stating that the family factor is also of great importance in the prevention of substance addiction, Prof. Atasoy explained what needs to be done and expressed that “Family members will sit together at the dinner table every evening. Everyone will share what they experienced that day. No one is going to criticize you by saying, 'You could not do it, and it cannot be from you.' Therefore, as long as we can share good and bad around the same table without criticizing, we will not have these problems."

Be mindful and beware of drug use!

Pointing out that some drugs used unconsciously can also lead to addiction, Prof. Atasoy stated that "Prescription drugs should only be taken at the dose and time frame specified by the physician. Not only do we use those drugs ourselves, but we also start giving them to our friends. Then the addiction can begin. Therefore, drugs related to attention deficit, depression and insomnia cannot be used without a doctor's supervision. It can be addictive if used. We must prevent this situation by acting consciously."

Prof. Yetkiner concluded the closing speech by thanking Prof. Sevil Atasoy for her support and participation.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)