Women academics play a leading role in social responsibility projects!

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.57095

While Üsküdar University draws attention with its socially sensitive projects, women academics play important roles in these projects.

In the 2023-2024 period, 37 social responsibility projects carried out by women academics aim to find solutions to social problems and contribute to the future of the young generation.


While Üsküdar University draws attention with its socially sensitive projects, women academics play important roles in these projects. In the 2023-2024 period, 37 social responsibility projects carried out by women academics aim to find solutions to social problems and contribute to the future of the young generation.

The "Remember Me" project is carried out in cooperation with the Darülaceze Presidency

Among these projects, the "Remember Me" project was carried out by Prof. Deniz Ülke Kaynak, Asst. Prof. Remziye Keskin, Asst. Prof. Zeynep Gümüş Demir and Instructor İdil Arasan Doğan in cooperation with the Darülaceze Presidency. Moreover, Research Assistant Simge Kırteke is conducting the study titled "The Role of Cognitive Neuroscience Tools in the Empathic Design Approach: A Case Study on Generation Z within the Framework of the Concept of Neurodesign" together with Üsküdar University, Yıldız Technical University and the Turkish Organ Transplantation Foundation.

Bakırköy Women's Prison Justice Awareness Project continues with Kindergarten Children

While the "Awareness Project with Bakırköy Women's Prison Justice Kindergarten Children" with the contributions of Elif İpek Tutu is also implemented with the contributions of Elif İpek Tutus, the "One Voice Two Movements Project/Preliminary Screening of Posture and Gait Disorders" carried out with the Ministry of National Education is carried out by Research Assistant Beyzanur Dikmen Hoşbaş and Research Assistant Berna Karamancıoğlu. Instructor Eda Yetimoğlu, on the other hand, works on the projects "Angels of the Earth" in cooperation with Üsküdar Smile Cafe and "Violence against Women" in cooperation with Mor Çatı.

They continue to raise social awareness

Asst. Prof. Nebiye Yaşar continues to raise social awareness with projects such as "Popular Culture Bullying", "Insufficient Participation of Young People Aged 18-29 in Decision-Making Processes", "Substance Use and Addiction at an Early Age", "Passivity and Productivity in Technology", "Uncertainty and Future Anxiety in Youth" and "Lack of Social Emotional Development in Children Aged 0-6".

The active role of women academics in these projects once again demonstrates Üsküdar University's commitment to social responsibility and its goal of creating positive effects on all segments of society.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)