Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "If art is not for art, but for humanity, it will be good for the soul"

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President of Üsküdar University Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan made evaluations on the subject of "Music, Art and Psychology" in the program "Door to Mind with Prof. Nevzat Tarhan" broadcast on Dost TV and Dost FM. Tarhan said that new information has emerged between music and psychology recently. Stating that music is used in treatment, Tarhan expressed that “In science, it is used in the form of rhythm therapy. This is also called holotropic therapy. There is music, but also movement, rhythm and verbal repetition. When you use this trio, it becomes a learning model." Tarhan also pointed out that there is a very close relationship between art and mental health and said that "If art is not for art, but for humanity, it is good for the soul."

Music has a fascinating effect"

Stating that new information has emerged between music and psychology recently, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that "Along with music, the brain dances at the same time. With music, the brain is exhilarated and has an effect. Therefore, music has a fascinating effect. It depends on the person. An artist comes out with a beautiful voice, a beautiful melody, a beautiful rhythm, and someone who has taken singing lessons. For example, it affects and excites thousands of people at the same time. It enters the brain frequency of hundreds of thousands of people. In the same way, it seriously stimulates the reward system and pleasure system in the brain. It releases dopamine into the brain."

"The ideal learning environment is a fun and disciplined environment"

Drawing attention to the two features of dopamine, Prof. Tarhan stated that "Dopamine gives pleasure and increases attention. The person focuses on the subject, and when one is focused, a person is fascinated. It has a fascinating effect, evokes a pleasant enthusiasm. All of these release dopamine to the brain at the same time. This is scientifically verified information. Dopamine has two properties. One of them focuses and the second feature gives a feeling of intoxication. Thus, the ideal learning environment of the brain is a fun and disciplined environment. When a person does what he loves, experiences the sense of flow and disciplines himself, there is great learning."

“When you use this trio, it becomes a learning model."

Stating that music is used in treatment, Prof. Tarhan said that "In science, it is used in the form of rhythm therapy. This is also called holotropic therapy. There is music, but also movement, rhythm and verbal repetition. When you use this trio, it becomes a learning model. In the Far East, there are words called mantras that are used while meditating during yoga. One repeats the same word. This has become a chant in our culture. There is movement, there is a repetition of words, and there is music that accompanies it at the same time. This reminds us of Mevlana, the Sema ceremony. He combined all three. Humanity has found it to be beneficial. He uses these three as a therapy technique. We call it rhythm therapy."

"There is a very close relationship between art and mental health"

Emphasizing the effect of music on mental health, Tarhan said that "These are helpful, supportive methods. For example, we have an occupational therapy unit. One of the treatments there is music-related therapy. Apart from that, there is painting. Some of them express themselves in pictures and colors. For example, we also make marbling art. There are those who buy a marbling boat for their homes. We did research on marbling before and after treatment. We look at what they did when they were discharged. The color differences show their point of view. When their depression passes, their outlook on life changes and this is reflected in the colors. There is a very close relationship between art and mental health."

"Having a mental shelter provides an advantage in treatment"

Stating that the current system teaches to be happy by consuming, Tarhan said that "It has been scientifically revealed that there is a psychological need to teach to be happy by being useful to others by producing. In recent years, after the equivalents of this in the brain have been found, it has now entered the range of this science. No one can object anymore. There are third-generation psychotherapies, called mindfulness therapy. Mindfulness therapy. The person feels the need for a mental refuge. When a person feels bad, when one cannot cope with their traumas, they feel the need to take refuge in a mental refuge, to connect to a great power, to be a part of a great meaning, to a high value, to a value that transcends themselves. Whoever catches it catches peace. This feeling exists only in belief systems. Whatever belief system you belong to right now, having a mental shelter gives you a great advantage in treatment."

“Sustainable and controllable pleasure exists in the search of man"

Stating that the brain secretes hormones related to happiness and pleasure along with music, Tarhan stated "When it secretes, the fear goes away, self-confidence, energy, courage comes, and with it, there is a focus, and the person forgets all their problems. One swings away for hours in enthusiasm, moves, and has fun. They say we are relieved, but this time reward addiction appears. The meaning one attaches to it is only a material pleasure, when a tangible pleasure ends, one begins to look for it. Because if the taste is sustainable, it has a permanent effect. If it is sustainable and controllable, pleasure and taste have a lasting effect. Flavors that are not sustainable and controllable cause people pain when they run out. For example, you take a pleasurable, pleasurable drug, and when the effect wears off, you want it more. You go to entertainment, you have fun by the hour, then this time you try to spend your days with her dream. Sustainable and controllable pleasure is in the search of man."

"Art is a space for self-expression"

Emphasizing that art can mean a lot with few words and that nothing similar can be done, Tarhan stated that "Art is a field of self-expression as well as meeting the psychological needs of people. For example, cinema is an art, music is an art, caricature is an art. Sometimes you get a cartoon that explains a fifteen-page concept. That is what art is. The characteristic of art is that it is concise. The fact that it can mean a lot with few words and that the like cannot be done. The feature of art is that it is concise. There is no similar thing, and it cannot be done the same by others. The other thing is that it is concise with little. It means a lot with little. This is the characteristic of art. It is the same in the art of lyrics, the art of music and painting. Not everyone can do the feats of this art. These things stir emotions.”

"Art is accepted when it affects people"

Talking about two kinds of art aspects, Tarhan concluded his remarks as follows: "Art has a sociological aspect, but when it applies to all people, when it affects people, that art is accepted. This happens in two ways. Someone says, 'Art is for art,' someone says, 'Art is for society.' In our societies, art is for people's ideals and beliefs. That is how we are focused on art. If art is not for art's sake, but for humanity, it is good for the soul. We made alms stones for the storks. That is how we expressed art. In our country, the outside of the mosques is plain, the inside is colorful and ornate. The outside of the cathedrals is ostentatious, the inside is very dark and oppressive. That culture does not care about the inner world, it cares about the outside. We care inward, we care inward in the mosque. We do not care that much about the exterior. This is a kind of reflection of the culture. Culturally, we care about inner beauty, and they care about external beauty."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)