'Symposium on Psychology Researches' has Held

The first symposium on Psychology Research was held this year with the cooperation of the Institute of Social Sciences of Uskudar University and Gri Cevher (Gray Ore). The interest in the symposium, in which individual research and thesis studies were presented, was very intense. 63 verbal papers took place at the symposium.

Social Sciences Institute Director Assoc. Dr. Gökben Hızlı Sayar, Assistant Director Lect. Hüseyin Ünübol, Member Lect. Remziye Keskin, T.A. İdil Arasan Doğan and Student Council President Büşra Özdoğan have participated in the symposium, which was held in 7 sessions. At the Psychology Research Symposium, where 63 people presented verbal papers, all papers were also published on the “Gri Cevher” YouTube channel.

Assoc. Dr. Gökben Hızlı Sayar: “With Covid-19, our symposium and congress habits have changed.”

Social Sciences Institute Director Assoc. Dr. Gökben Hızlı Sayar touched on the habits, that changed with the Covid-19 outbreak and the new norms of today. Hızlı Sayar told that; “Many habits have changed with the Covid-19 outbreak. Changing our symposium and congress habits is one of them. In the past, face-to-face congresses had the advantage of greater interaction. However, there were also disadvantages such as the limited capacity of acceptable participants, the low number of participants from outside the city, the obligation to be present in a particular venue, leaving some of our normal life responsibilities to attend the congress or symposium. In this online symposium, our hall capacity was unlimited, they could attend from outside the city, there were no transportation difficulties and no responsibilities were impeded. Around 800 people watched the sessions of the symposium on the first day. The advantage of online events, video recordings will continue to be watched and will reach more people as they continue to be presented in the digital environment.”

“We received high demand for a new symposium”

Assoc. Dr. Gökben Hızlı Sayar said the following about whether a new symposium will be held or not: “After we finished the symposium, there were many requests for a new symposium. June and February, for example, at the end of every academic semester, we plan to organize a symposium. That's about every six months. Let's announce it, to those who want to participate. Let them start preparing for the next research festival.”

“Gri Cevher (Gray Ore) Psychology Education Platform became a family of 5 thousand people”

Assoc. Dr. Gökben Hızlı Sayar shared the Gri Cevher (Gray Ore) platform. Assoc. Dr. Gökben Hızlı Sayar said: “We established the Psychology Education platform under the name of Gri Cevher (Gray Ore) platform. It was a formation that we started with the Covid-19 process. We had a successful period. We held more than 30 training seminars, psychology competitions, book gifts, question bank projects, book chapters, employment announcements, project announcements, and symposiums. A group that those who want to improve themselves will benefit. Those who want to participate in this group can participate in gokben.hizlisayar@uskudar.edu.tr e-mail address by e-mailing their education information. We have a Group of 5,000 Gri Cevher (Gray Ore), which is usually composed of psychology undergraduates, graduates, Ph.D. students, psychiatrists, psychological counselors, child developmentists, other employees of the field and psychology enthusiasts. You can also follow up-to-date training announcements from our mail group, YouTube account, and Instagram account as (@gricevher).”

Rankers have been rewarded

The 63 verbal papers in the symposium were rigorously evaluated by a 5-person jury consisting of individuals in the field of psychology and psychiatry with criteria such as scientific content, language content, quality of presentation, simplicity in expression, labor required by research, contribution to the field. While the first three were determined at the symposium, the final 7 studies were given certificates of success.
The first place of the symposium; In the Families of Children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder Screening of ADHD Symptoms and Assessment of Family Functions, Zeynep Gamze Kalkanlı, and her friends, second place; Investigation of Individual Factors Affecting Adherence to the Covid-19 Process in Autism Spectrum Disorder, and the Third Degree of Adults in Childhood, Yasemin Ozan Şavkay won the study on the Relationship Between Perception of Maternity They Experienced, Current Coping Skills and Stress Perceptions.

Finalists were awarded the achievement award

In the symposium, 7 other finalists were awarded certificates of achievement. The names of the students and the study who received the certificate of achievement are as follows:
•             The Effect of Mothers ' Self-Efficacy Levels On Their Children's Attitudes Towards Nutrition - Mürüvvet Nil Gönce
•             The Relationship of Obesity Prevalence with Social Anxiety, Depression, and Self-Esteem in a Secondary School - Samet Taşkıran Ark.
•             Çarkçı Theater Artists, Self-efficacy Scale Development Validity and Reliability Study - Jaklin Çarkçı and Ark.
•             Women; Their Spouse Diagnosed with Schizophrenia, Their Beliefs for Mental Illness: A Comparative Study - Büşra Özdoğan and Ark.
•             Well-Being Program, Providing Alzheimer's Care Based on Interpersonal Psychotherapy - İdil Arasan Doğan and Ark.
•             Awareness and Attitudes of Healthcare Professionals About Undetected Pregnancies. Banu Bostancı
•             Anxiety, Uncertainty, and the Relationship of Innovation with Political Attitude in Voters- Ümran Okan

The students who entered to degree told their feelings

The students who entered the degree shared their feelings and thoughts. Zeynep Gamze Kalkanlı, who won the first place, said, "It was a great source of happiness and pride for me to be the first among all the work". Zehra Babat, who won second place, said: “First of all, we carried out this work with my teachers at my internship. We got the second prize together. I can't describe my happiness. I'm highly motivated to get an award at the first symposium I attended”. Yasemin Ozan Şavkay, who won the third prize, said, "The happiness that my work contributes to social change has been supported by our esteemed teachers, is indescribable."

Kalkanlı: "Leaflet presentations on different subjects enriched my knowledge"

The students, who ranked, explained what the held symposium brought them. Zeynep Gamze Kalkanlı said: “Thanks to this symposium, I was able to publish my thesis work. This was a great chance for me. In addition, paper presentations on different topics enriched my knowledge. It was also very valuable in this respect.” Zehra Babat spoke in the form of; “The symposium gave me an incredible experience as a senior student. There is no thesis study in my department. I experienced working with my teachers with this symposium.” Yasemin Ozan Şavkay said, “Together with this symposium, it caused me to review and evaluate my work from the beginning. This was very useful for me.”

Kalkanlı: “Gri Cevher (Gray Ore) strengthened the Covid-19 process and enabled us to exit”

Students who are eligible to enter degrees shared about the work of the Gri Cevher (Gray Ore) Education Platform. Kalkanlı, who won the first degree, said, “The Gri Cevher (Gray Ore) made us stronger to come out from the Covid-19 process. I would like to thank Uskudar University, especially Gökben Hızlı Sayar.”
Babat, who is entitled to the second place, said, “The Gri Cevher (Gray Ore) project of our teachers has created an admiration for me. I think there is an extraordinary effort to take care of us one-on-one and provide very special training on the YouTube channel. All of this, created a thought about my master's degree in clinical psychology, definitely at Uskudar University, that I can't find such relevant and so prolific teachers anywhere else.”
Yasemin Ozan Şavkay, who won a third-place degree, said, "The Gri Cevher (Gray Ore) Education Platform, delivers different information in many fields to hundreds of people. For this reason, the contribution of Gri Cevher's (Gray Ore's) to society, experts, and science is very high and valuable. I hope that the work of Gri Cevher (Gray Ore) continues successfully in this form.”
29.06.2020 16:22

Uskudar News Agency (UNA)


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