Prof. İbrahim Öztek: "The island of Cyprus has an extremely strategic importance"

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Üsküdar University Head of the Department of Medical Pathology Prof. İbrahim Öztek informed information about Cyprus and its importance within the scope of the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Victory. Öztek emphasized that Cyprus has been home to many empires and civilizations. Pointing out that the island of Cyprus has an extremely strategic importance in terms of controlling the Eastern Mediterranean, the Suez Canal and the Middle East, Öztek said that the rich petro-gas deposits increase the importance of the island even more. Pointing out that the massacres against the Cypriot people continued in 1967 and 1968, Öztek noted that the right to life was not recognized against the Turks at that time.

Üsküdar University the Department of Medical Pathology Head Prof. İbrahim Öztek evaluated the history and importance of Cyprus on the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Victory.

"They did not recognize the right to life against the Turks..."

Reminding that the island of Cyprus, which has hosted many empires and civilizations, was taken from the Venice in 1571 with 70 thousand martyrs, Öztek stated that "After we were defeated by the Russians after the Ottoman-Russian war of 1877-78, the Russians came to İstanbul. In exchange for stopping the Russians, the island was leased to the British by Abdul Hamid II. When we took the front against England in the first world war, England completely embraced Cyprus. The Greeks, who lived on the island and were the majority, started to fight against the British and Turks since 1921. The Greek Cypriot National Union (EOKA) was established in 1925 by Retired Colonel Grivas within the framework of the Akritas plan with the idea of dominating the island and connecting the island to Greece (ENOSIS). Grivas, who went to İzmir as a lieutenant in the Greek army in 1919 and returned to Greece after the defeat in the battle of Sakarya, Makarios, who was the priest of the Christian people of the island, and Sampson, who later dethroned Makarios, made an attempt on their lives, property and honor in 1954, 1958, 1960, 1963 and 1964 against the Turks living all over the island, and did not recognize the right to life."

"They were determined to end the Republic..."

Talking about the Greek massacre known as Bloody Christmas, Prof. İbrahim Öztek stated that "As a result of the Zurich and London treaties in 1959, an independent Republic was established on August 16, 1960 with the partnership of Greeks and Turks. Türkiye, the United Kingdom and Greece became guarantor states for Cyprus. Makarios became the President and Dr. Fazıl Küçük became the Vice President. However, the Turkish population was an obstacle to Enosis on the island. In 1963, the Greek Cypriots accelerated the Akritas plan with the aim of clearing Cyprus of the Turks. They formed paramilitary forces and were determined to end the common Republic. In 1963, 364 of our compatriots were massacred in Turkish villages and neighborhoods. The Greek massacre, known as the 'bathtub massacre' or 'Bloody Christmas' in the history of Cyprus, took place in Nicosia on December 21, 1963. Militants of the Greek Cypriot terrorist organization EOKA raided the house of Medical Major Nihat İlhan, who served in the Turkish regiment, and brutally murdered his wife Mürüvvet Hanım and his young sons Kutsi, Murat and Hakan, who were hiding in the bathtub."

"The massacres continued in 1967 and 1968"

Mentioning that Türkiye almost stood up in the face of the events at that time, Öztek said that if they let go, they would land on the island like an eagle and tear their prey apart. On August 6, 1964, Grivas troops attacked Erenköy. While our veterans were fighting for their lives, the Turkish air force was seen for the first time on the horizon of the island and rescued our soldiers. Meanwhile, the plane of the squadron commander Captain Cengiz Topel was shot down. Topel, who jumped with a parachute, fell into the hands of the Greeks and was martyred by being subjected to very severe torture. Unfortunately, on June 5, 1964, U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson prevented Türkiye's attempt to intervene in Cyprus with a letter he wrote to Prime Minister İnönü. The massacres continued in 1967 and 1968. Türkiye had almost stood up in the face of the events, and if they had let it go, it would have landed on the island like an eagle and torn its prey apart. Nikos Sampson, with the support of the Junta government in Greece, overthrew President Makarios on July 15, 1974, taking Greek officers and Greek Cypriot national guard forces with him. They declared that they had established a national salvation government and created a Hellenic/Greek republic in Cyprus."

"It prevented Cyprus from joining Greece"

Underlining that Türkiye first resorted to peaceful means, Öztek said that "When Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit's peaceful initiatives did not yield results, the Turkish Armed Forces carried out the Peace Operation on the morning of July 20, 1974. The Turkish army landed in Cyprus by air and sea, securing the rights of the Turks on the island. He ensured the safety of life and prevented the annexation of Cyprus to Greece. On August 13, 1975, the Turkish Cypriot federated state was established, and on November 15, 1983, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was established. This limited operation in Cyprus has made Greece and the Greek Cypriots increasingly angry, and the Greek Cypriots, backed by the USA and the EU, have established a state recognized by the West on their own, ignoring the Turkish presence on the island. The rich petro-gas deposits that emerged around the island of Cyprus, which is an important part of the Greater Middle East Project, were marketed by the Greek Cypriots to developed countries and Türkiye was brought face to face with these countries."

"The island of Cyprus has an extremely strategic importance"

Mentioning that the rich petro-gas deposits increase the importance of the island even more, Öztek stated that "The island of Cyprus is of strategic importance in terms of controlling the Eastern Mediterranean, the Suez Canal and the Middle East. Rich petro-gas deposits increase the importance of the island even more. As Türkiye's oil and gas drilling, cooperation with Libya and Blue Homeland practices gain importance and our rights in the Eastern Mediterranean are resolutely protected, Greece and the Greek Cypriots have to take a step back. Today, it is time for the Turkish Republic of Cyprus to be recognized in the international arena. Turkish Republic of Cyprus has been involved in many international sports fields, cultural activities, tourism and many higher education institutions. On some maps, it is shown within separate borders. Its parliamentarians are recognized at the UN. TURKSOY is an observer in the Organization of Turkic States and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. Therefore, it has come a long way."

"Muslim countries have important duties"

Prof. İbrahim Öztek underlined that Turkish civil society organizations and the media should consciously work with all their might for the independence of the Turkish Republic of Cyprus. Öztek stated that "From now on, Azerbaijan, other Turkic states, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Muslim countries together with Türkiye have important duties in the recognition of the Turkish Republic of Cyprus. In fact, Russia should be forced to do this. From now on, all Turkish civil society organizations and the media should consciously work with all their might for the independence of the Turkish Republic of Cyprus. The state of the Republic of Türkiye has many international televisions. This body should implement its special programs for the Turkish Republic of Cyprus in the countries where they are broadcast. 45 thousand foreign students are studying at universities in the Turkish Republic of Cyprus. The international activity and promotion of these universities should be increased. Turkish Cypriot teams should be included in all sporting events and cultural events held in Türkiye. The Turkish Republic of Cyprus should be opened to the world as a tourism paradise. Türkiye should include institutions in Cyprus that are based on solid foundations for Turkish Cyprus. Petro-gas exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean should continue uninterruptedly."

Happy 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Victory!

Drawing attention to the fact that the existence of the Turkish Republic of Cyprus should be demonstrated, Öztek concluded his remarks as follows: "The existence of the Turkish Republic of Cyprus should be demonstrated in all kinds of cultural activities at home and abroad. Because Cyprus has been Turkish territory for 500 years and it is the Greeks who are occupying here. On this occasion, I wish a happy 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Victory. On July 20, we are going to Cyprus again with great enthusiasm. We will always commemorate with gratitude and mercy the great soldiers of Cyprus, Dr. Fazıl Küçük and the founding President Rauf Raif Denktaş, who led the freedom struggle of the Turkish Cypriots, the first TMT founders Burhan Nalbantoğlu and Mustafa Kemal Tanrısevdi together with Denktaş, the directors of the Organization Daniş Karabelen Pasha, the first Bayraktar Rıza Vurkan Albayı, all the Bayraktars, and the heroic soldier who fought shoulder to shoulder with Turkish soldiers. May their souls rest in peace."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)