Doubt and suspicion weaken social bonds!

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Today, the increasing doubt and suspicion in society undermines the sense of trust of individuals and weakens social bonds. Evaluating the main causes and consequences of this phenomenon, Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı, Faculty Member at the Department of Sociology, emphasized that the decrease in trust in a society leads to an increase in skeptical and anxious individuals. Pointing out the upbringing style of parents, Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı stated that "People who are raised by being taught that life is full of dangers in their childhood forget to trust people and turn into skeptical individuals."

Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı stated that "The state of doubt and suspicion caused by insecurity damages social relations such as neighborliness and friendship, increases fear and anger in individuals, and prevents the realization of social cooperation, peace and prosperity."

Üsküdar University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Sociology Faculty Member Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı evaluated the increasing phenomenon of skepticism in society.

Closely related to insecurity...

Emphasizing that events such as doubt and suspicion observed in social life are closely related to the phenomenon of insecurity, Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı stated that "A decrease in trust in a society causes an increase in skeptical and anxious individuals. Everyone is perceived as a potential danger to others. Another reason that is effective in the spread of this situation is the departure from social values. It leads to an increase in situations such as deprivation of values, the increase of deviant behaviors, doubt and suspicion. Another known reason for this situation is the upbringing style of the parents. People who are brought up with the teaching that life is full of dangers in their childhood forget to trust people and turn into skeptical individuals."

Those with paranoid personality disorder are suspicious of everyone

On the other hand, stating that this situation has a very important psychological dimension, Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı expressed that "Some personality structures pave the way for this situation. Especially people who are defined as paranoid personality disorder in the literature are suspicious of everyone around them without sufficient evidence and do not trust them in any way."

Some media content also fuels fear

Noting that it can be observed that the sense of trust decreases and increases among people in certain periods, Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı continued his remarks as follows:

"Communication technologies, which have a two-sided nature, are also effective in this process. In the modern period, it is known that mass media play a decisive role in the thoughts and behaviors of people in the social field. The production of high levels of violence, abuse, mugging and fraudulent content in the media, especially in the news and news programs, fuels the fears of individuals and causes feelings of suspicion and anxiety to come to light.

In fact, the news about murders and accidents broadcast on television channels to get more ratings, and the scenes of violence in the TV series not only increase the suspicion and suspicion of individuals in the country, but also cause tourists who want to come to Türkiye from different countries to worry, and students and parents who want to choose Turkish universities for education to reconsider their decisions. In other words, it has a negative impact on the country's image."

The unconscious use of social media is also effective

Stating that the unconscious use of social media also causes the spread of doubts and suspicions in the society, Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı said that "Sharing unfounded information, especially on social media to be read more and increase their followers may be the trigger of this situation. This situation also destroys the reliability of social media."

Effects on social bonds

Stating that people's trust in each other and institutions decreases with the spread of doubt and suspicion in society, Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı expressed that "Doubt and suspicion, which become dominant especially in relationships, surround the whole self of the society after a while, damaging social values and the spiritual structure of the society. In social life, individuals have difficulty in establishing close relationships, and they are deprived of a sense of trust because they are in a position to question every situation and individual they encounter. This situation emerges more clearly especially in the vital areas of existence of individuals. As a matter of fact, the state of suspicion and suspicion caused by insecurity damages social relations such as neighborliness and friendship, arouses fear and anger in individuals, and prevents the realization of social cooperation, peace and prosperity."

Values education is very important and necessary

Evaluating the effects of the increase in suspicion and suspicion, Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı concluded his remarks as follows:

"The sense of trust, which is an integral part of social capital, is a very important resource at the basis of social relations. In societies with a high level of social trust, economic development takes place. Democratic processes run more smoothly, and individuals experience higher levels of happiness and fulfillment. The distrust between the members and institutions of the society causes the holistic structure to deteriorate. Social values have a very important place in ensuring trust in social life. Because social values are cohesive factors that create an environment of harmony and trust between individuals in society, factors preventing polarization, and uniting factors. Many values such as honesty, openness, consistency, loyalty, closeness, commitment, and predictability constitute an ethical basis for establishing relationships that build trust in society. In this sense, values education is very important and necessary. On the other hand, the establishment of justice is one of the indispensable elements of the process of raising the level of trust in society."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)