Experts evaluated the 2024 YKS!

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Evaluating the 2024 YKS exam, Üsküdar University Educational Institutions and Guidance Services Manager Ertuğrul Tut said that "In recent years, ÖSYM has stereotyped this situation. That is, TYT exam chooses the student who understands what they read, and candidates who have a habit of reading in the past, can think analytically, and can understand quickly will be more successful in TYT."

Ertugrul Tut stated that "Since AYT is based on knowledge, it is easier for a candidate who has gained more question practice."

Üsküdar University Educational Institutions and Guidance Services Manager Ertuğrul Tut evaluated the 2024 Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS), which took place in three sessions on June 8-9 and in which more than 3 million candidates entered.

AYT is easier for the candidate who has gained more question practice...

While leaving the YKS process behind, the same questions came to mind every year, "Was the exam difficult or easy? Reminding that the questions were conveyed to the candidates, Director of Educational Institutions and Guidance Services Ertuğrul Tut said that "The most striking comment came from a candidate after the exam and said, 'What AYT taught me is that any question is hard for those who did not study'. This phrase summarizes what has existed for years. Since AYT is knowledge-based, it is easier for a candidate who has gained more question practice. It was difficult for the candidate who did not have question practice.”

Comments for TYT are quite contradictory...

Ertuğrul Tut, who also evaluated TYT, stated that “The comments made for TYT are quite contradictory. According to some of them, mathematics was difficult, while it was difficult according to others. It came across comments about history and geography. Or it is possible to come across comments such as this year's questions were easier for candidates who say they solved last year's questions. While this is the case, there is a lot of confusion about what was easy and what was difficult. While the comments in previous years met on a more common ground, this year the comments are different."

TYT chooses the student who understands what they read

Stating that it will be seen together how this year's success ranking will be and what kind of difference there will be in the rankings compared to last year, Tut expressed that "However, there is a situation that we expect and that does not surprise us, which ÖSYM has stereotyped in recent years. TYT chooses the student who understands what they read. candidates who have a habit of reading in the past, can think analytically, and can understand quickly, are more successful at TYT. On the other hand, candidates who have solved more questions and have a better command of the information without missing the subject, are more successful at AYT."

Compared to last year, the number of applications is less...

Director of Educational Institutions and Guidance Services Ertuğrul Tut noted that the number of applications was less than last year and continued as follows: "The desire of ÖSYM to take the exam for only 4 high school students, which it has wanted to do for years, has not been realized this year. You do not need to be a seer to understand that this desire is not very possible. The choice of profession is not done professionally. The path set out with the goal of medical school can result in engineering during the preference period. Candidates who do not know what they want and what kind of environment they want to work in are sometimes directed to a different field by family guidance or a guidance counselor who does not know the candidate. This situation leads to taking the exam again the next year and being unhappy in the department they study."

We have come to the most difficult period...

Stating that candidates should not forget that this exam is a ranking exam, Ertuğrul Tut said that "We have come to the most difficult process. The fact that the conclusion part of the story is bad creates the perception that the whole story is bad. The conclusion is the story of choosing a profession and finding ourselves in the right place academically. In this process, listen to yourself very well, be very meticulous when choosing the department of the profession you will perform, maybe you can make up for the exam with the right choice of profession."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)