Chronic stress is the enemy of the immune system!

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Üsküdar University hosted the international symposium on "Metabolic and Inflammatory Diseases: Pathophysiology and Treatment" organized by the Metabolic and Inflammatory Diseases Application and Research Center. Important names from South Korea, Australia, Germany, Spain and many different countries took part in the symposium, which was attended by global authority names in their fields. In the program, which was also attended by Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, Tarhan emphasized that they are proud to establish Türkiye's first personalized treatment, pharmacogenetics and neuromodulation laboratory. Within the scope of the symposium, Üsküdar University application and science partner NPİSTANBUL Hospital was also visited. During the visit, information was given about the treatment facilities, technological facilities and general services of the hospital.

Participation in the event, which was held at Üsküdar University Health Campus Ibni Sina Conference Hall, was intense.

The opening speeches of the symposium were made by President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Haydar Sur and Üsküdar University Metabolic and Inflammatory Diseases Research Center Director Prof. Nesrin Kartal Özer.
In his speech, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that Üsküdar University, which was established 13 years ago, has adopted the synthesis of health, behavioral neuroscience and computer science as an R&D focal point. Emphasizing that they continue their education with 25 thousand students, Tarhan continued his remarks as follows:

Tarhan: "We established Türkiye's first personalized treatment, pharmacogenetics and neuromodulation laboratory"

"There are 6 faculties, including medicine and dentistry. It has been recognized by UNESCO TWAS as a centre of excellence in neuroscience and we accept postdoctoral students in this field. In this field, we have established the first 'personalized treatment, pharmacogenetics and neuromodulation laboratories' in Türkiye. It became the first brain hospital in Türkiye and the second in Europe."

Making evaluations in the context of stress and neuroinflammation, Tarhan noted that neuropeptides are activated from sensory nerves in response to psychological stress or certain physical stressors. Tarhan stated:

"In particular, we know that an inflammatory process occurs through the release of Substance P (CP) or other inflammatory mediators and the activation of mast cells or other inflammatory cells. Substance P (SP) is a type of neuropeptide. It functions as a neurotransmitter and a neuromodulator. It has been associated with regulation of mood swings, anxiety, learning mood disorders, anxiety, stress, reinforcement, neurogenesis, synaptic growth and dendritic branching, respiratory rhythm, neurotoxicity, pain, and nociception.

Chronic stress suppresses the immune system...

Central neuropeptides, particularly corticosteroid releasing factor (CRF) and possibly CP, initiate a systemic stress response through the release of stress through activation of neuroendocrinological, neuroimmunological pathways such as the sympathetic nervous system, hypothalamic-pituitary axis, and renin angiotensin system. Acute stress activates the immune system, while chronic stress suppresses the immune system. Chronic stress is the enemy of the immune system. Hormones, catecholamines, corticosteroids, growth hormone, glucagons and renin. These, together with stress-induced cytokines, initiate the acute phase response (APR) and the induction of acute phase proteins, which are important mediators of inflammation."

The central nervous system norepinephrine can also induce APR, possibly through macrophage activation and cytokine release, Tarhan stated:

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "We are ready for international projects"

"The increase in lipids along with stress can also be a factor in macrophage activation. Stress can initiate or inhibit the brain inflammatory process. The inflammatory response is embedded in the psychological stress response that develops later. Furthermore, the same neuropeptides, namely CRF and possibly CP, also mediate both stress and inflammation. Cytokines stimulated by stress or an inflammatory response are likely to use similar somatosensory pathways to send signals to the brain. On the other hand, the stimulation of the vagus system implies parasympathetic activation. A person can slow the inflammatory response with parasympathetic stimulation through relaxation techniques or neuromodulation treatments. If a project is carried out, it may be possible to prevent cytokines and neuroinflammation with neuromodulation therapies. This is a new area. I would like to state that we are ready for international projects on these and similar issues."

4 different sessions were held

In the opening session of the symposium, Üsküdar University Metabolic and Inflammatory Diseases Research Center Director Prof. Nesrin Kartal Özer chaired the session. Prof. Christos S. Mantzoros from Harvard Medical School in the United States made a presentation. The second session was chaired by Üsküdar University Vice Rector Prof. Muhsin Konuk. Prof. Antonio Cuadrado from the Autonomous University of Madrid in Spain, Prof. Alexander Bartelt from Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich, Germany and Prof. Adil Mardinoğlu from the Royal Institute of Technology in London, United Kingdom, made their presentations.

The third session was chaired by Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Haydar Sur

The session was attended by Prof. Yuji Naito from Kyoto Prefectural Medical University in Japan, Prof. Young-Joon Surh from Seoul National University, South Korea, and Asst. Prof. Ahmet Erdi Sözen made their presentations.

The last session was chaired by Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine Asst. Prof. Tuğçe Demirel Yalçıner, and Prof. Nilgün Tekkeşin from Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine. Dr. Seyed Mohammad Miri from Medipol University, Bengü Çetinkaya from Marmara University, Gizem Damla Yalçın from Middle East Technical University, Anna Migni from Perugia University in Italy, Berranur Sert, a graduate student at Üsküdar University, and Naz Mina Mert from Kadir Has University made their presentations.

NPİSTANBUL Hospital was visited

Within the scope of the symposium, a visit was made to Üsküdar University NPİSTANBUL Hospital. During the visit, information was shared about the inpatient service, artificial intelligence-supported 3 Tesla MRI device and scans in the radiology unit, and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) treatment in the neuromodulation center. Guests' questions were answered, and health services were introduced.

Dr. Mahmoud Bhais from NPİSTANBUL Hospital International Patient Unit, General Coordinator of Psychiatry Services Assist. During the visit, accompanied by Prof. Semra Baripoğlu and Corporate Communications Manager Simge Yıldırım Yuğra, information was given about the hospital's treatment facilities, technological facilities and general services.

Prof. Alexander Bartelt: "The interest and relevance in your hospital is very good"

Prof. Alexander Bartelt from Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Germany, who participated in the visit, mentioned that the services of NPİSTANBUL Hospital are very good. Dr. Bartelt underlined that especially in Munich, hospitals serve in very old buildings and are not sufficient in terms of hotel services and stated that "Patient rooms are like hotel rooms and you have guaranteed the safety of patients with security measures on patient floors. In the lobby of your hospital, the welcome, the interest and concern for the patients and their relatives are very nice, but unfortunately, this understanding is not very present in the institutions I work for due to my profession."

Prof. Yuji Naito: "It is very important for patients and medical staff to be together"

Mentioning that it is important for medical staff and patients to be together in hospitals, Prof. Yuji Naito from Kyoto Prefectural Medical University of Japan and stated that "It is very important that patients and medical staff are together and that specialists are easily accessible. In hospitals in Tokyo, the medical staff and patients are completely separate and have little contact. This adversely affects the treatment."

Prof. Antonio Cuadrado: "This comfort provided to the specialist in surgery increases the success rate"

Prof. Antonio Cuadrado from the Autonomous University of Madrid in Spain made evaluations about the 3 Tesla MRI in the radiology unit of NPİSTANBUL hospital. Cuadrado stated that "The use of AI in MRI is very impressive. This comfort provided to the specialist during the surgery increases the success rate of the surgery. Especially in neurosurgery, the ability to easily identify the target point is remarkable."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)