Living alone has become an epidemic!

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Noting that the world's biggest epidemic in recent years has been living alone and that individuals live alone in masses on a global scale, Sociologist Prof. Barış Erdoğan stated that "The effects of loneliness are a problem that is often ignored but carries serious health risks. Research shows that social isolation and loneliness can be as harmful or even more deadly than smoking 15 cigarettes a day."

Üsküdar University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Head of Sociology Department Prof. Barış Erdoğan touched on the increase in individuals living alone.

The phenomenon of living alone is no longer linked to old age

Stating that "the biggest pandemic in the world in recent years has been living alone. On a global scale, individuals live alone in masses," Prof. Erdoğan expressed that the increase in the number of individuals living alone is a combination of a number of social, economic, technological and psychological factors, and that the phenomenon of living alone, which was due to old age in the past, is mostly associated with young and middle-aged people today.

Stating that a wide demographic diversity is observed among those living alone, Prof. Barış Erdoğan said that "Different age groups, from young professionals to retired elderly, adopt this lifestyle or are forced to do so. Moreover, there are various marital statuses among those living alone, such as singles, divorced or widowed individuals."

Loneliness gains strength as family weakens

Noting that the trend of living alone was largely triggered by social and economic changes, Prof. Barış Erdoğan continued his remarks as follows:

"In today's capitalist society, individuals prefer career-oriented lives. While the importance of the traditional family structure is decreasing day by day, personal freedoms are gaining priority. Men do not want to take all the family responsibility. Women, on the other hand, do not adopt this lifestyle with the self-confidence of achieving their economic independence. Also, the increase in the level of education equips individuals both intellectually and financially. Higher levels of education often lead to higher incomes. This allows individuals to stand on their own feet. In addition, educated individuals have the opportunity to resist more pressure to marry and start a family. On the other hand, they want to benefit more from the blessings of life. This makes them the ideal subjects of the consumer society."

The pandemic has increased technology dependency

Stating that the COVID-19 pandemic has had significant effects on individuals living alone, Prof. Barış Erdoğan expressed that "Quarantine and social isolation have revealed the difficulties and importance of both loneliness and independent living. The pandemic has caused many to appreciate social support networks more. However, the pandemic has also unfortunately caused us to become more dependent on digital communication tools."

Loneliness is a public health problem

Stating that the lack of social interactions causes many diseases today, Prof. Barış Erdoğan made the following remarks:

"The effects of loneliness are often overlooked, but there are serious health risks. Research shows that social isolation and loneliness can be just as harmful or even more deadly than smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

People who live alone are more likely to face health problems such as stroke, dementia and depression

Loneliness is deadlier than being overweight. Research shows that lonely individuals are at greater risk of suffering from mental and chronic diseases. Those who live in isolation from social relations face health problems such as stroke, anxiety, dementia and depression at a higher rate. Such findings show that loneliness is an important problem in terms of public health. For this reason, it is vital to strengthen social ties in order to support the healthy life processes of individuals."

No zoom link can replace a real match

Noting that technology plays an important role in coping with the challenges faced by those living alone, Prof. Barış Erdoğan stated that "Today's widespread social media platforms, video conferencing applications and online communities can partially reduce the feeling of loneliness by enabling people to connect with friends and family around the world. However, as a social being, we get satisfaction with real-life relationships. We reach the satisfaction of real life and relationships with our posture, touch, smell and dozens of signals and impressions that we radiate and receive without realizing it. No zoom link can replace a real match."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)