Within the scope of the World Health Awards, the psychiatry award was given to Prof. Nevzat Tarhan...

DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.47924

Within the scope of the "Golden Human Awards", which was held for the 6th time this year and in which important figures were awarded in different categories, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, who left 40 years behind in psychiatry, was also deemed worthy of an award. In the "Golden Health Awards" category, Tarhan was presented with an award in the psychiatrist category. Emphasizing that they are pioneers in many areas in Türkiye in the field of health and psychiatry, Tarhan expressed that "We have started an era in Türkiye in areas such as brain imaging techniques related to the combined use of brain and computer functions, and then treatment by measuring brain function.” Tarhan also added that he was glad to be rewarded for the achievement.

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, who has won awards in many fields with his work to date, is given another award...

The "Golden Human Awards", which were held with the motto of revealing the undiscovered mines of the world of literature, science and art, met with their owners in more than one category with a magnificent ceremony this year.

At the award ceremony held in the Kanlıca Mihrabat Grove in İstanbul, awards in many categories such as culture, art and healthy art, which are dedicated to people and living humanely, apart from all national and international polarizations, were presented to their owners.

Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, who has attracted international attention with his studies in the field of health, was also awarded in the "Golden Health Awards" category.

Tarhan, who left behind 40 years in his professional life, was deemed worthy of the World Health Award in the field of 'Psychiatry' in 2024 for the value and quality he added to human life.

"We have established the second brain hospital in Europe and the first in Türkiye"

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, who was deemed worthy of the "Psychiatry" award in the World Health Awards category, emphasized the firsts they have achieved in Türkiye in his speech at the ceremony. Expressing that they are pioneers in some issues in Türkiye in the field of health and psychiatry, Tarhan stated that "I would like to thank you for this beautiful award. We have pioneered some issues in the field of health and psychiatry in Türkiye. I have several identities: my identity as an author, my identity as a medic, and my other identity as an administrator. In the field of health, psychiatry, we have started the transformation in areas such as a brain that started before the digital transformation in the world, brain imaging techniques related to the use of computer functions together, and then treatment by measuring brain function. We have established the second brain hospital in Europe and the first in Türkiye. For this reason, it was an important source of joy for me to see and realize this. We will continue our work. I would like to thank the judges for their sensitivity on this issue. This visionary approach to the future was very important."

Many figures from the world of literature, art and health came together

In addition to Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, important figures were also deemed worthy of awards at the Golden Pen Awards, where important names from the world of literature and art met.

He was also awarded the Golden Author award...

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan was also awarded the "Golden Author" award in the psychology category with his book Wisdom Psychology, in which he made a synthesis of 'Quantum mechanics, neuroscience and psychiatry' in 2023 within the scope of the "Golden Pen Awards".


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)