Prof. Tarhan: "Success should not get in the way of health."

Haber ile ilişkili SDG etiketleri


Before these important exams, which concern more than 4 million students and together with their familie, more than 12 million people, Üsküdar University NPİSTANBUL Hospital specialists explained to students and their families how to manage their anxiety.

Prof. Tarhan stated that "The best performance-enhancing drugs are tea and coffee..."

Asst. Prof. Semra Baripoğlu stated that "Parents are responsible for the mental health of the child"

Asst. Prof. Melek Gözde Luş stated that "Physical symptoms such as nausea and vomiting are experienced due to exam stress."

Child and Adolescent Specialist Clinical Psychologist S. Aybeniz Yıldırım stated that "Students who plan their goals manage the exam process better."

Child and Adolescent Specialist Clinical Psychologist Elvin Akı Konu stated that: "It is necessary to instill hope for the future."

Üsküdar University NPİSTANBUL Hospital specialists drew attention to the issue of "Relationship management and communication between parents and adolescents during exam periods" less than a month before the LGS and YKS exams, which concern more than 4 million students and their families and more than 12 million people, and evaluated the importance of family relations, increasing psychiatric disorders in adolescents, exam anxiety and adolescent psychology changes with a multidisciplinary approach.

Advice to young people to chase a goal...

Chairman of the Board of Directors of NPİSTANBUL Brain Hospital and President of Üsküdar University Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan discussed exam anxiety and stress in terms of communication within the family and with young people in the new world order, the importance of the concept of family, the effects of family relations on life success and academic success.

Prof. Tarhan pointed out how parental attitudes should be before the LGS and YKS exams and said that if there is brain-based learning, the person manages their stress better.

Emphasizing that people who do not have a purpose do not have motivation, Prof. Tarhan advised young people to chase a goal.

Parents should be guides, not captains!

Noting that highly motivated children tend to make more mistakes, Prof. Tarhan stated that unmotivated children should have a reason to study and expressed that "Generation Z has to be successful in abundance. Older generations had to be successful in poverty. Generation Z must have goals that transcend themselves. If young people set goals for themselves, then they will not compare themselves with others and lower their self-confidence."

Advising children to take role models from history, Prof. Tarhan stated that "The role of parents is not to be the captain of the child's life, but to be the guide."

Prof. Tarhan also made suggestions for families to be companions to their children instead of lecturing their children and being imperious.

Humans are combine of both positive and negative emotions

Prof. Tarhan also made evaluations on personal development and success techniques and made the following remarks:

"Success techniques for personal development are beneficial for young people with a clear goal. If the goal is clear, it is useful to learn various success techniques to achieve that goal, to mobilize themselves and to manage themselves. However, those techniques create a false self-confidence in the person if it is used as a personal development technique rather than a success technique. They are being self-righteous. Trying to mobilize a child by seeing only the positive aspects without seeing their own negative aspects pushes the child to make mistakes.

Man is a combine of both positive and negative emotions. There are personal development and success techniques that approach by ignoring negative emotions and do not comply with psychological theories. People who have a clear goal can use it as a motivational technique to achieve it. However, it is not used for life success. Success techniques that can be used for academic success."

There is an unfair examination system in education

Referring to the education system, Prof. Tarhan stated that "There is a system that surpasses all of us. Our current education system attributes a person's success in life to an exam at the end of high school. It is an unfair system. Within a year, a person evaluates all their years and savings and makes a decision about their life."

The competition in the current exam system is not a fair competition, but something that increases anxiety

Stating that this problem has been solved in the world and thus there is no exam anxiety in children, Prof. Tarhan said that "It is not possible for children to be carefree when they focus on a 2-3 hour exam. Ideally, a system suitable for mental health. Although this is known, there is a status quo in our education system. That status quo is seriously resisting. Then there will be no need for classrooms. There will be no need to hire a private tutor. The competition in the current exam system is not a fair competition, it is something that increases anxiety."

Tarhan: "Performance-enhancing drugs before the exam can make children addicted"

Prof. Tarhan also touched on the issue of giving performance-enhancing drugs or supplements to children before the exam and gave the following warnings.

"If a parent gives a child performance-enhancing drugs without a doctor's advice, it will make that child addicted in the future. If they want the child to be addicted, let them give drugs randomly. Those kids cannot study without taking pills after they go to college. Then there are the children who are brought to us, they were raised like this. Since those drugs no longer work, they take drugs such as methamphetamine to be successful. The best performance-enhancing drug is tea, coffee...

This child becomes a child who cannot focus on the lesson and cannot work without using substances in the future. They poison the child's brain. Success should not take precedence over health."

Raising a child is like a dance that is difficult to choreograph...

NPİSTANBUL Hospital Psychiatrist and General Coordinator of Psychiatry Services Asst. Prof. Semra Baripoğlu stated that raising a child is like a dance that is difficult to choreograph and that families should have a command of the child's personality traits, interests and skills.

Stating that "Parents are responsible for the mental health of the child," Asst. Prof. Semra Baripoğlu also pointed out the importance of parents telling their children. Baripoğlu expressed that "This is the conditions of the country, we would not want you to have to take this exam, but these are the conditions, our priority is your mental health."

Asst. Prof. Melek Gözde Luş: Exam anxiety can be managed

Üsküdar University NP Etiler Medical Center Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Specialist Asst. Prof. Melek Gözde Luş touched upon issues such as psychiatric disorders and treatments related to anxiety management, exam anxiety, which have recently increased in adolescents, and said, "Recently, there has been an increase in psychiatric disorders in adolescence. Adolescence is a period in which the identity and personality development of the individual is experienced intensely, and physical and emotional changes occur rapidly. In this process, adolescents may encounter many psychological problems, which may lead to an increase in psychiatric disorders."

Asst. Prof. Melek Gözde Luş stated that exam anxiety can be managed, medical treatments can be applied, and emphasized the importance of families not to use drugs for their children with hearsay information.

Physical symptoms such as nausea and vomiting are experienced

Pointing out the importance of supporting the individual characteristics of children, Asst. Prof. Melek Gözde Luş said that families should support children instead of forcing them.

Asst. Prof. Melek Gözde Luş said that "Exam stress can cause anxiety disorders, depression, panic attacks and even school phobia in adolescents. Physical symptoms such as nausea and vomiting are experienced. Various support and treatment methods are recommended to adolescents and their families to cope with exam anxiety."

It is important to manage parent-adolescent relationships effectively

Üsküdar University NP Etiler Medical Center Child and Adolescent Specialist Clinical Psychologist S. Aybeniz Yıldırım discussed the management of adolescent psychology, relationship management and communication between parents and adolescents and said, "Adolescence is an important transition period in an individual's life and brings with it many physical, emotional and social changes. During this period, adolescents take important steps in the process of finding their identity, gaining independence and developing their own personality. However, adolescence can be a challenging time for both adolescents and their families. Therefore, adolescent psychology management and effective management of parent-adolescent relationships are of great importance."

Noting that adolescent psychology management includes understanding and supporting the emotional, mental and social needs of adolescents, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Aybeniz Yıldırım said, "Young people in adolescence may be exposed to many difficulties such as identity crises, identity search, and conflicts between roles. Therefore, it is important for parents to understand the emotional world of adolescents and treat them with empathy. In addition, adolescents should be allowed to express their own feelings, talk openly about their problems and seek support. Parents should listen to and understand adolescents to increase their self-esteem and ensure their emotional safety."

Each student may have individual difficulties

Explaining that each student may have individual difficulties and that they work on them in the sessions, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Aybeniz Yıldırım stated that students who plan their goals manage the exam process better.

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Aybeniz Yıldırım said that children in pre-LGS age also experienced anxiety about the Bilsem Exam held by the General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services for 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades.

"Exam periods can be stressful and challenging times for many students."

Üsküdar University NPİSTANBUL Hospital Child and Adolescent Specialist Clinical Psychologist Elvin Akı Konuk also made suggestions for managing empathy and exam stress during the exam period and said that "Exam periods can be stressful and challenging times for many students. During this period, anxiety can manifest itself in various forms. In addition to physical symptoms such as accelerated heartbeat, sweating, trembling, difficulty breathing, loss of appetite, headache, feeding or sleep disorders, emotional symptoms such as tension, nervousness, pessimism, anxiety, and restlessness can also be seen. Children who feel these symptoms may often exhibit behaviors in the form of inactivity such as stopping studying, leaving the exam midway or not taking the exam, delaying studying, excessive activity or vice versa."

Fearing that I will be disgraced, they forget the answers and make mistakes

Expert Clinical Psychologist Elvin Akı Konuk stated that "Children who experience exam stress may also exhibit mental symptoms such as thinking that they have forgotten everything they know, thinking that they will not be successful or that everything will be over if they do not pass the exam, forgetfulness, difficulty in concentrating, and the belief that they will be disgraced. This situation causes the use of existing academic performance to be prevented. Because of these thoughts, he cannot understand the questions he reads in the exam, cannot focus his attention on the questions and solutions at that time, may make small mistakes or forget the answers even in the questions he knows very well. This situation negatively affects both the academic performance and self-confidence of the child." Konuk also suggested that families observe their children on these criteria shortly before the exam.

Stating that families look at the exam result-oriented, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Elvin Akı Konuk said that it is necessary to focus on the process.

Drawing attention to the importance of parents contributing to the exam processes of adolescents and overcoming their anxiety, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Elvin Akı Konuk said, "It is necessary to instill hope for the future."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)