Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "Most of the conflicts are related to educational mistakes starting from childhood..."

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This year, the 7th edition of the Globe was held with the theme of 'From the Sphere to the Individual in the 21st Century: The Conflict Within Us'. Psychology Days started at Üsküdar University Central Campus. Speaking at the program attended by experts in the field, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan gave comprehensive information about what people can do to get to know themselves, personality and character types. Stating that the first step in self-knowledge is to investigate the cause of an event, Prof. Tarhan noted that many of the conflicts are related to educational mistakes starting from childhood. Tarhan said that "Let's not be afraid of conflict, let's manage them."

Within the scope of Psychology Days, Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Nazife Güngör and Üsküdar University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Dean and Advisor to the Rector Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan also made speeches.

Prof. Nazife Güngör: "If we want to create healthy structures at the social level, at the mass level, we need to start with the individual."

Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan: "Today, there is a great mass psychology and trauma in the background of Israel's policy in Palestine."

Üsküdar University 7th Century with the theme of 'From the Global to the Individual in the 21st Century: The Conflict Within Us'. Psychology Days have begun.

The opening speeches of the program were delivered by Psychology Club President Başak Sena Bone, Psychology Club Advisor Instructor Murat Otoğlu, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Üsküdar University and Advisor to the Rector Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan and Rector of Üsküdar University Prof. Nazife Güngör.

President of Üsküdar University Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, who delivered the speech titled 'Inner Discovery Journey: Do We Know Ourselves?' at the Psychology Days, gave important information about what people can do to get to know themselves, personality and character types.

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "If we look at the conflict from a positive perspective, we turn that conflict into an opportunity"

Pointing out that trauma and conflict are both a threat and an opportunity dimension, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "If we focus on the threat dimension, we cannot solve the conflict. It turns into a situation that blocks us and disrupts our mental health. If we look at the conflict from a positive perspective, we turn that conflict into an opportunity. This is very closely related to their personality structure. As soon as you correct your way of looking at things, you make the conflict a means of strengthening yourself."

Two psychosocial discoveries of humanity: Family and State...

Stating that there are two psychosocial discoveries made by humanity, Prof. Tarhan expressed that "One of them is the family. It has existed since creation. The other is the state... It is a very important discovery that people have found as a result of the conflicts, and global peace has been achieved with it. If there is no state in the masses, chaos ensues because there is no regulatory board. Prioritizing the state means prioritizing laws and rules.”

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "Most of the conflicts are related to educational mistakes starting from childhood..."

Emphasizing that every person has a tendency to cause conflict, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that the most conflict-causing entity is the child. Pointing out that children who are raised like the ruler of the house, whose every wish is met, and who are told 'yes' to everything, can cause physical harm to their family members or those around them when they grow up, Prof. Tarhan said that "I have witnessed children who are raised without rules, discipline and irresponsibility in the name of freedom. Then that child sees themselves at the center of the world. A lot of the conflicts are about educational mistakes that start in childhood."

Prof. Tarhan: "Let's not be afraid of conflict, let's manage them"

Prof. Tarhan said that "Let's not be afraid of conflict, but let's manage conflicts," and stated that people who do not know themselves use words such as 'what is there to be sad about, do not overthink it, 'you exaggerate everything', 'it is not something to be exaggerated’ and continued his speech as follows: "We often come across these words. People use it to comfort someone. However, before saying these, it is necessary to try to understand by asking 'why'. The first step in self-knowledge is to investigate the cause of an event. If we do not investigate the cause, events will govern us, and if we investigate the cause, we will manage events."

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "We become human with social learning..."

Reminding that personality has a temperament and character dimension, Tarhan stated that "The temperament dimension is hereditary and it is necessary to educate the existing tendencies. It is also important to learn in character. We become human through social learning. The cases of feral children are proof of this. It shows how important one's family is. Terms such as humanity, conscience, morality, and being a good person are not genetically learned, but later. We have genetic potential. For example, a monkey cannot become a human if it stays among humans for a thousand years, but it cannot develop when a human is not among humans."

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "We all have a narcissistic core in us"

Stating that the human brain is programmed not to be happy, but to survive, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that "If we want to be happy, we will use our brain in that direction."

Noting that the greatest psychosocial need of human beings is the need to overcome themselves, Tarhan stated:

"If you can transcend yourself, you are happy. If a person only seeks self-satisfaction, they are not happy. If a person runs in line with the goal and purpose that will surpass him, they will be happy and contribute to society. We all have a narcissistic core in us. Everyone tends to see themselves at the center of the world. Narcissism is not investing love in society. Anyone who invests only love in oneself becomes self-centered. For example, some people make a narcissistic investment in their body. One cares so much about their physical health that one gets depressed if a pimple appears. Such people cannot be happy."

Positive words and attitudes activate the reward center in the brain!

Stating that appreciating beauty, gratitude, hope, humor and spirituality increase the power of human resistance in the face of difficulties, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan drew attention to the similarities between kindergarten and the school of life. Stating that teachings such as 'do not take what does not belong to you' and 'apologize if you hurt your friend' improve children's social intelligence, Prof. Tarhan said that these teachings also have a counterpart in adulthood.

Emphasizing that what increases the most stimulation in the human brain is not the expected reward, but the unexpected reward, Prof. Tarhan concluded his remarks as follows:

"Addictions occur because drugs are the most likely to activate the unexpected reward. However, even the anticipation of unexpected rewards makes that person happy. Those who work in laboratories day and night are very happy with unexpected prizes and surprises such as Nobel prizes for those who make discoveries, and dopamine is activated in the brain. If a person smiles at the other person unexpectedly, dopamine is released in the brain and the person feels very good. As a culture, we do not approach our loved ones and relatives with good behaviors and nice words, and we do not activate the area related to rewards in their brains. However, if we do this, healthy, safe relationships will emerge."

Prof. Nazife Güngör: "A healthy individual creates a health society"

Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Nazife Güngör, who made the opening speech of the Psychology Days, drew attention to the fact that loneliness in crowds causes conflicts. Güngör stated that conflicts within people turn into disharmony and unhappiness. Prof.. Nazife Güngör said that "The problems experienced by the individual in one’s inner world are reflected in their environment, social life and social environment. Problems in the social environment are reflected in problems at the top, at the mass level. Conflict at all levels feeds each other and causes conflicts at the global level."

Stating that Erich Fromm stated that a healthy society starts from the individual, Prof. Nazife Güngör expressed that "A healthy individual creates a healthy society. Therefore, if we want to create healthy structures at the social level, at the mass level, we need to start with the individual. From the moment the individual is born, one is well cultured, their psychology is directed in a good direction. One is well educated, their consciousness is channeled in the right direction and they are fed, all these affect each other."

Prof. Güngör: "We are mobilizing together to solve problems with a human-oriented perspective"

Prof. Nazife Güngör noted that all branches of science support each other interdisciplinarily at Üsküdar University and explained that the process of integrating different disciplines has been started again with digital technologies.

Stating that they are trying to ensure interdisciplinary interaction, Prof. Nazife Güngör said that "We are mobilizing together to seek solutions to the problems of the individual, society and the world on the global level with a human-oriented perspective. Our human-oriented perspective may go beyond Üsküdar University and maybe there will be an opportunity for us to touch some problems at the global level."

Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan: "Brain-based health expenditures are expected to increase to 16 trillion dollars in 2030"

In her opening speech, Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan said that the 7th Psychology Days is one of the brand organizations of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Arıboğan expressed that "We are in one of the special days where psychology and psychiatry, which are among the most important components of Üsküdar University, show themselves together," and Arıboğan also emphasized that the theme of 'Conflict Within Us' is one of the important dynamics of political science, sociology, philosophy and international relations.

Prof. Arıboğan touched on the following points in her speech:

"Contradictions are one of the existential foundations of this world we live in. The transformation of contradictions into conflicts, the transformation of conflicts into wars, takes place at certain stages and in certain processes. In this symposium, the conflict within us, that is, the situations in our minds individually, will be analyzed. However, as a political scientist and an international relations scholar who studies political psychology, I try to analyze what these conflicts and contradictions in the world bring us, what kind of world they predict us to live in."

Prof. Arıboğan: "There is an ill state of mind the background of Israel's policy in Palestine"

Stating that there are many motives that we are trying to learn and understand, Arıboğan said that "Today, there is a great mass psychology and trauma in the background of Israel's policy in Palestine. There is a morbid state of mind reflected by a trauma.”

Prof. Arıboğan: "Mental health expenditures are twice as high as defense expenditures"

Arıboğan drew attention to defense expenditures in the world and compared them with mental health expenditures. Arıboğan made the following statements: "The fact that defense expenditures have increased to 2 and a half trillion dollars shows that wars will continue. However, according to the latest reports, only brain-based health expenditures in the world today, psychological disorders in general, but also diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, twice as much as defense expenditures, 5 trillion dollars. By 2030, spending in this area is expected to increase to $16 trillion. Such symposiums can not only show how to turn our individual moods into positive ones, how to get to the point we call post-traumatic growth by feeding on those conflicts, but also can play an important guiding role for our large audience."

Instructor Murat Otoğlu: "The conflict within us is a phenomenon that makes us grow..."

Starting his speech by thanking the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan, Psychology Club AdvisorInstructor Murat Otoğlu expressed that "We are organizing the 7th this year. As every year, it is organized in partnership with the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Psychology Club. Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan helped us a lot to create our theme."

Reminding that we started the 21st century with wars, Assist. Asst. Murat Otoğlu continued his speech as follows:

"There is a conflict outside, there is always a conflict inside us. We cannot escape the conflict within us. We also need a little bit of conflict within us because it is a conflict that makes us grow. There is conflict in each of the stages of development. The influence of the environment is very important to overcome this conflict in a healthy way. Individuals who can overcome this conflict in a healthy way can step into the next stage in a healthy way. If we can learn to use and control it correctly, this conflict is necessary, and it is a phenomenon that makes us grow."

The two-day symposium welcomes experts in the field

Üsküdar University 7th Century Üsküdar University 7th Century with the theme of 'From the Global to the Individual in the 21st Century: The Conflict Within Us', which was also broadcast live on ÜÜTV. Within the scope of Psychology Days, Dr. İbrahim Bilgen gave a lecture on 'Psychological Flexibility', Nilgün Yavuzer gave a lecture on 'Understanding the Aggressive and Destructive Nature of Humans', Asst. Prof. Meltem Narter made a presentation under the titles of 'Lack of Occupational Law in Türkiye, Specialist Psychologist Özgenur Taşkın made a presentation under the title of 'Staying in the Moment and Self-Compassion' and Specialist Clinical Psychologist Cumali Aydın made a presentation under the title of 'Case Analysis'.

On the second day of the symposium, which was completed with photo shoots, Prof. Ferzan Curun with the topic of 'Gender Roles: The Relationship between Conflict and Abuse', Prof. Gökhan Oral with the topic of 'Narcissistic Distortions Against Violence and the Conflicts that Causes in Criminal Justice: The Distortion - Conflict Dilemma' and Psychologist Dr. Sinem Durusal with the topic of 'Emotion, Thought, Behavior Pattern' will contribute to the symposium.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)