Provincial Director of Social Services Ömer Turan paid a visit to Tarhan...

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İstanbul Provincial Director of the Ministry of Family and Social Services Ömer Turan, who has carried out many studies with Üsküdar University, visited President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan in his office. Üsküdar University Social Work Department Head Prof. İsmail Barış also attended the visit, where the development of social work studies in İstanbul was discussed.

During the visit, which took place in the office of Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, there was an exchange of information.

Advanced studies in social work are aimed...

Within the scope of the visit, where the development of social work studies in İstanbul was discussed, it was mentioned that advanced studies in social work were aimed.

The visit ended with a photo shoot.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)