What triggers problems such as heart attacks and clots in young people?

Haber ile ilişkili SDG etiketleri

DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.44950

Evaluating the research published in BMJ Journals, Faculty of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine Head Prof.İ. Tayfun Uzbay expressed that "Covid vaccines have been administered to billions of people. If it was a problem, it would not have been possible to overlook in such a large population."

Noting that there may be other important reasons behind heart diseases and clots, which have been discussed to have increased especially in young people recently, and unfortunately, these are not discussed as much as Covid vaccines, Prof. Uzbay stated that "Obesity is common in today's young people, they do not eat well and healthy, and they are more sedentary. The use of caffeine, energy drinks, and stimulants such as amphetamines, as well as some drugs, is becoming widespread. All these can trigger problems such as heart attacks and clots in young people."

Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine Head and Advisor to the Rector Prof. İ. Tayfun Uzbay evaluated the coronavirus vaccine to reduce the risk of heart disease in people who have had coronavirus, according to the research published in BMJ Journals.

"The allegations in the media have led to vaccine hesitancy in the society"

Reminding that there is a lot of speculation that Covid-19 vaccines cause heart disease and clots, Prof. Uzbay stated that "Such claims have also appeared in the media and led to vaccine hesitancy in the society. However, claims that vaccines cause heart disease or clots had no scientific basis and were not proven information. It was not based on a proper research with a sufficient number of subjects. They were mostly allegations based on perception management, supported by media and especially social media."

"It was a healthier approach to protect against the disease by getting vaccinated"

Noting that people are constantly frightened by linking the cases that may occur around them in normal times to Covid vaccines, Prof. Uzbay stated "At the time when these claims were made, the evidence-based scientific information we had pointed out that the virus and disease, which are the cause of Covid-19, could cause damage to the heart and predispose people to clots. In other words, it was a healthier approach to protect against the disease by getting vaccinated."

"If vaccines caused heart disease and clots, we would see this."

Stating that the results of the study published in BMJ Journals confirm the recommendations of sensible scientists, Prof. Uzbay expressed that "According to the results of the study, in which twenty million people were followed for a year, it shows that vaccines protect people from the risk of heart diseases and clots, let alone cause them. The sample size in the study is quite high, and the study provides important evidence that vaccines do not have such a risk. A comparison of vaccinated and unvaccinated people could also happen, but it is not necessary. If vaccines caused heart disease and clots, we would see that as a significant increase in the vaccinated group."

"The frequency of heart diseases is certain"

Noting that the prevalence of heart diseases in the society is certain, Prof. İ. Tayfun Uzbay stated that "It was expected that the incidence of heart diseases in the general population would increase significantly in those who received the vaccine. On the other hand, Covid vaccines have been administered to billions of people. If it had been a problem, it would have been impossible to overlook in such a large population because, especially in countries that care about science, those who have been vaccinated and their vaccine effects have been closely monitored. A negative situation would have resulted in the cessation of vaccination and the suspension of the permit.”

Increasing heart diseases in young people...

Stating that anti-vaccine lobbies are trying to manage perception in a way that harms public health, Prof. Uzbay concluded his remarks as follows: "There may be other important reasons behind heart diseases and clots, which have been discussed to have increased recently, especially in young people, and unfortunately, we do not bring them up and discuss them as much as Covid vaccines. Obesity is common in today's young people, and they do not eat well and healthily. They are more sedentary and spend more time in front of the computer in their free time.

The use of caffeine, energy drinks, and stimulants such as amphetamines, as well as some drugs, is becoming widespread. These days, we are also seeing an increase in methamphetamine seizures. All this can trigger problems such as heart attacks and clots, especially in young people. But when we're dealing with vaccines, we hardly ever talk about them."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)