Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "Justice starts from the family..."

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The traditional iftar dinner of the Association of Justice Defenders was hosted by Üsküdar University. Members of the association gathered at the iftar dinner held under the chairmanship of President of Üsküdar University Founding Rector and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association of Justice Defenders (ASDER) Prof. Nevzat Tarhan. Emphasizing that justice begins in the family and the need for justice will never end, Tarhan expressed that "There is a good part and a bad part in a person. Whichever part we support, it develops."

ASDER members gathered at the traditional iftar dinner

The traditional iftar dinner held at Üsküdar University NP Health Campus was held under the chairmanship of ASDER Chairman of the Board of Directors Prof. Nevzat Tarhan. Tarhan, who made the opening speech at the iftar dinner, in which there were great participation, gave advice on how to approach the concept of justice.

"The need for justice never ends"

Tarhan started his speech by pointing out that justice starts from the family and the need for justice will never end and stated that "As the Association of Justice Defenders, we are together at the iftar we hold every year. Hopefully, it will lead to useful things. In the 2000s, when we were establishing the Justice Defenders Association, we were having a hard time not pronouncing the word 'justice'. To be able to establish such an association in such a situation... Many of the activities carried out at that time later yielded its fruit, but despite this, the need for justice never ends. There is a good part and a bad part in a person. Whichever department we support, it develops. In life, the test does not end, it changes shape, it continues. That part of us that we call the bad part is always to cooperate with the devil who is evil and make us do wrong things all the time. That is why Mesenger of Allah said, 'Do not leave me alone with my nafs in the blink of an eye!'"

"Justice-oriented systems yield results in the medium and long term"

Pointing out that there is a need for the concept of justice in every field, Tarhan stated that "Justice starts with the family. Justice begins with being fair to ourselves and others. When they ask, 'What is the measure of whether a person is in a fair environment?' it is said to be sure that there will be no knock on one’s door at night except for the janitor, to make sure that nothing out of the ordinary will happen when you go to the police station, and finally, to make sure that nothing illegal will be done when it comes to the court. If there is such an environment, there is peace, there is trust, there is peace among people. This is an ideal that will never end. Many systems give results in the short term, but justice-oriented systems give results in the medium and long term. We, as the Association of Justice Defenders, have always advocated this. In this way, we continue to show our own sensitivity and the importance we attach to the concept of justice. On this occasion, when we remember the old days, there were those who said, "The Association of Justice Defenders has completed its duty," but it is seen that the continuation of this concept is needed in every field. The law is needed by everyone and all of us."

The iftar program attracted great attention from the members of the association and their families.

The iftar program, which attracted a lot of participation, ended with a souvenir photo after the signing ceremony.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)