The success of young candidates in the elections is promising!

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Emphasizing the importance of more young representatives participating in politics in countries with a large young population such as Türkiye, experts say that although politics is associated with experience, especially in terms of administration, another equally important function of politics is representation.

Noting that there should be restrictions on the re-election of current politicians for more young people to take part in politics, experts emphasize that the success of young candidates in the last elections is also promising for the future.

Üsküdar University Department of Political Science and International Relations Research Assistant Ali Ekmekçi valuated the entry of young people into politics in the March 31 local elections and the election of a 22-year-old candidate as mayor.

"It is important for more young people to participate in politics in countries like Türkiye"

Stating that Türkiye is one of the countries where young people constitute a significant part of the population, Ali Ekmekçi stated that "Therefore, the extent to which young people will be involved in every social issue is important. When evaluated in terms of active participation in politics, individuals under the age of 40 can be considered as young at the level of election. Although politics is associated with experience, especially in terms of governance, another equally important function of politics is representation. In this context, what needs to happen is that more young representatives participate in politics in countries with a large young population, such as Türkiye."

"Young mayors will inspire other young people"

Political Scientist Ali Ekmekçi stated that the results of the March 31 local elections are a good development in terms of increasing this representation and continued his remarks as follows: "It is likely that young mayors will inspire other young candidates for the next elections and the number of young politicians will increase. Another importance of young people being in politics is that they can still act more idealistically in politics, as in every field. It is a well-known fact that a difficult field such as politics wears people out over the years. Therefore, it is very important for more young people to take part in such a field in terms of providing the necessary idealism for social change."

There should be restrictions on the re-election of current politicians...

Noting that there should be restrictions on the re-election of existing politicians for more young people to take part in politics, Ali Ekmekçi stated that "Just as some political parties set quotas for female candidates, incentives such as some upper limits for candidates in terms of age or a quota of a certain number of young candidates under the age of 40 can be evaluated. However, greater participation of young people in politics can only be achieved in the short term with such concrete incentives. In the long run, it is more essential that the general atmosphere in the country becomes one in which young people can look to the future with more hope. The success of the young candidates in the last elections is also promising for the future."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)