In Ramadan, 4 meals must be eaten including iftar and sahur!

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In Ramadan, it is necessary to create an order to reach at least 4 meals with iftar, sahur and 2 small snacks. Pointing out that the iftar meal should be eaten slowly and in small portions, experts recommend that it be consumed by dividing and taking breaks instead of eating all foods at once to increase the metabolic rate.

Stating that an average of 1-1.5 liters of water should be consumed to meet the fluid requirement between iftar and sahur, Nutritionist Instructor Kübra Şahin said that "Drinking water accelerates the functioning of the intestines and kidneys."

Üsküdar University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Instructor Kübra Şahin evaluated the topic of healthy eating in Ramadan.

"An order should be created in such a way that it will reach 4 meals"

Pointing out the basic nutrients that the body needs while fasting, Şahin said, "In Ramadan, an order should be established in such a way that at least a total of 4 meals should be found with iftar, sahur and 2 small breaks. However, there are 4 basic food groups every day. Cheese, eggs, meat, chicken, fish group, milk, yogurt group, vegetable-fruit group and grain group should be consumed in certain amounts in an equal and balanced way at iftar, sahur and night meals."

"The best menu in suhoor is breakfast style nutrition"

At iftar, soup, meat-chicken or fish, lean and skinless meat varieties, vegetable and legume dishes, salads consisting of various vegetables, whole grains such as bulgur, tarhana, erişte (a type of egg noodl), rye, whole wheat or mixed-multigrain breads and composte, stewed fruit should be preferred. Instructor Kübra Şahin expressed that "The best menu in sahur is breakfast-style nutrition. Charcuterie products should be avoided. To prevent constipation that may occur due to low consumption of liquid and juicy foods, foods with high fiber content (legumes, whole grains, vegetables and fruits) should be consumed. When foods high in protein and calcium such as yogurt, cacık and ayran are consumed, the satiety period increases."

"An average of 1-1.5 liters of water should be consumed between iftar and sahur"

Referring to the issue of drinking enough water while fasting, Şahin said, "Drinking water is important for the normal physiological continuity of our body and the vitality of metabolism. The water that our body needs; Metabolic water is provided by the fluids we drink daily (such as tea, coffee, fresh fruit juices, ayran) and the foods we eat. An average of 1-1.5 liters of water should be consumed between iftar and sahur to meet the fluid requirement. Drinking water accelerates the work of the intestines and kidneys. However, drinking a lot of water during meals can disrupt the digestive system."

"A light meal eaten at sahur prevents hunger throughout the day"

Stating that foods with high sugar content raise and lower blood sugar rapidly, Instructor Kübra Şahin said that "This causes you to feel hungry very quickly the next day and your blood sugar drops much faster. When foods with high sugar content are consumed, blood sugar begins to decrease, and metabolism slows down during the fasting period that starts after sahur. A light meal eaten at sahur will prevent hunger throughout the day and prolongation of the hunger period, control the drop in blood sugar that may occur, and prevent fatigue, headache, forgetfulness and carelessness that may occur in the mind."

"Eating fast at iftar causes more food to be consumed and weight gain"

Explaining that sahur meals should be consumed in small portions by chewing thoroughly, Şahin continued her remarks as follows:

"Foods rich in vitamin C, such as raw vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, which are both low in energy and high in liquid content, should be included. In cases where there is no desire to eat much ins sahur, a glass of milk and one portion of fruit will be sufficient to keep blood sugar in balance. After a whole day of hunger, people consume a lot of food very quickly and in large quantities at iftar. This habit causes blood sugar to rise rapidly. The brain creates a satiety signal at least 20 minutes after the first time it starts eating. Therefore, eating fast food will cause more food to be consumed and weight gain until the satiety signal occurs."

"Foods with a low glycemic index should be preferred for iftar"

Noting that it is best to start iftar with light, low-fat foods with high fiber content that will not increase blood sugar rapidly, Şahin said that "It should be started with soup to give a feeling of satiety. Sweets, fruits and nuts should not be consumed immediately after meals. Instead of syrupy desserts, milk or fruit desserts should be preferred. Instead of foods with a high glycemic index such as white bread and rice, which rapidly increase blood sugar, foods with pulp and low glycemic index such as bulgur, whole meal bread or whole meal pasta should be preferred. When breaking the fast, you should start with soup and after a break for a while, it is necessary to continue eating with light meals such as meat and vegetables.” Explaining that after 15-20 minutes, low-fat grilled meat meal, legumes, vegetable meals, salads, ayran and cacık should be eaten by allowing time for slow digestion, Instructor Kübra Şahin said that "This will be effective both in terms of providing a feeling of satiety and preventing digestive problems."

Menemen with peppers and tomatoes is very suitable for sahur...

Instructor Kübra Şahin stated that "The best menu in sahur is breakfast-style nutrition," and Şahin expressed that that foods with high protein content in sahur increase the satiety time.

Noting that boiled eggs or menemen with peppers and tomatoes are very suitable foods for sahur, Instructor Kübra Şahin said that "If bread products with high fiber content such as whole wheat flour bread, rye bread, whole meal bread are consumed instead of white flour bread, the feeling of satiety will increase. Also, milk consumption is important both in terms of giving a feeling of satiety and its fluid content. For snacks, foods such as fresh seasonal fruits, soups, milk desserts, dried fruits and oilseeds should be preferred. In the period between iftar and sahur, at least 2 snacks should be made to be fed frequently and in small portisions.”

Sahur meals should be consumed by chewing thoroughly

Stating that digestion and metabolism are slow due to eating and lying down in sahur, Instructor Kübra Şahin concluded her remarks as follows:

"For this reason, excessively fatty, salty and sugary foods should not be consumed in sahur. Since the metabolic rate is slow, the conversion of nutrients taken into the body into fat will be higher. Sahur meals should be consumed little by little, chewing thoroughly. Moreover, reflux and stomach disorders can be seen when excessively fatty, salty and sugary foods are consumed and then went to bed.

Iftar dinner should be eaten slowly and in small portions

The iftar meal should be eaten slowly and in small portions. The foods to be taken during and after the iftar are important. Eating frequently, especially after iftar, is important in terms of accelerating the slowing metabolism. To increase the metabolic rate, it should be consumed by dividing and taking breaks instead of eating all foods at once. Preference should be given to light meals.

Otherwise, digestion will become difficult, health problems such as heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, burning, nausea, sleepiness, constipation in the intestines, bloating, high blood pressure and rapid secretion of neurological hormones may occur. Food should be consumed in small portions by chewing well and at frequent intervals. Very fatty, very salty and excessively sweet foods should be avoided."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)