Athletes from Üsküdar ranked 2nd in Türkiye

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Üsküdar University has achieved another great success in Türkiye Universities Kick Boxing and Unilig Muay Thai Championship. In the competition, in which nearly 70 countries participated, and more than 400 athletes took part, the athletes represented Üsküdar University. 3 athletes who successfully represented Üsküdar University in the Türkiye Universities Kick Boxing and Unilig Muay Thai Championship held in Mersin continued their training under the guidance of Coach Harun Yavuz. Athletes won 6 medals in both competitions and became the second in Türkiye as a team. The athletes, who achieved a great success in the championship, visited the President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan.

Üsküdar University Head of Health, Culture and Sports (HCS) Department Özcan Demir, HCS Department Deputy Manager Kenan Karagöz and HCS Deputy Manager in Charge of Clubs Sadık Paksoy also participated in the visit held at Üsküdar University Central Campus Senate Hall.

Üsküdar University Kick Boxing and Unilig Muay Thai Teams achieved another great success in the Championship held in Mersin between February 15-23. Athletes represented Üsküdar University by winning first, second and third places in both branches.

6 medals in both competitions...

In the Kick Boxing Türkiye Championship held between February 15-18, Tuğba Uzun became the Turkish Champion with 70 kg Full Contact. Rümeysa Sultan Yalçınkaya ranked 2nd in Türkiye with 52 kg K-1, while Yaren Çınar ranked 3rd in Türkiye with 70 kg K-1.

In the Muay Thai Türkiye Championship held between February 19-23, Tuğba Uzun became the Turkish Champion with 71 kg. Yaren Çınar ranked 2nd in Türkiye with 75 kg, while Rümeysa Sultan Yalçınkaya ranked 3rd in Türkiye with 54 kg.

They visited Prof. Nevzat Tarhan

The athletes who ranked high in the championship visited the President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan.

Kenan Karagöz: "We have become the only foundation university among the state universities"

Üsküdar University Health, Culture and Sports Department Deputy Director Kenan Karagöz talked about the outstanding success of the athletes and the support given to the athletes. Karagöz stated that "During this time, our athletes represented us very well within the framework of sportsmanship in a competition in which nearly 70 countries took part and there were more than 400 athletes. As a team, Üsküdar University became the second in Türkiye. This is a very important and very valuable achievement for us. We became the only foundation university among the state universities. The tournaments were held one after the other at Mersin University. Our students know and are aware of the support provided by our university. It is a great honor for our three athletes to receive six medals. We have two gold, two silver and two bronze medals."

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "The most beautiful sport starts in the brain"

President of Üsküdar University Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan informed on psychological resilience to athletes. Tarhan stated that "Sport releases endorphins in the brain. The endorphin hormone has two properties: One is pain-relieving, and the other is relaxing. It releases endorphins during sports. Of course, it is a useful thing that protects many young people from going in harmful directions. It protects from many negative things. The most beautiful sport starts in the brain. Your sports organ is actually the brain, not the arm or leg. If the brain believes, the organs are subordinate to it. The most important feature of the human brain is its ability to think long-term. 'What will happen in five years and ten years? What will happen at the end of life? What kind of mark will my work leave behind me? What will it bring me financially and spiritually?' Adding meaning to your work gives you peace. If it does not add that meaning, it is just temporary. If a person who can transcend themselves can do something for themselves, for society, and for the world, then there is lasting happiness."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)