The "United Nations World Drug Report 2023 " has been announced...

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Prof. Sevil Atasoy: "We call on governments and international and regional organizations to implement the recommendations we indicated in the 2023 annual report."

The United Nations (UN) Narcotics Control Board (INCB) 2023 Report was announced by Prof. Sevil Atasoy who is Üsküdar University Vice Rector, Member and former President of the United Nations (UN) Narcotics Control Board for the periods 2005-2010, 2015-2022 and 2022-2027, at the same time as the world.

This year, the report focused specifically on the role of the Internet, including social media, in drug trafficking and use.

Noting that Türkiye is facing a methamphetamine problem in terms of public health, Prof. Sevil Atasoy stated that "The increase in methamphetamine trafficking in recent years and the record level of seizures in 2022 also increase the threat that Türkiye faces in terms of public health. The share of methamphetamine-related deaths in total drug-related deaths has also increased steadily in recent years."

Drawing attention to the need to combat drug and substance use with evidence-based and scientific methods rather than punishment, Atasoy emphasized that the budget allocated for supply and the budget allocated for prevention must be balanced.

At the press conference held at Üsküdar University Central Campus Senate Hall, Üsküdar University Vice Rector, member, and former President of the United Nations Narcotics Control Board for the periods 2005-2010, 2015-2022 and 2022-2027, Prof. Sevil Atasoy shared the INCB 2023 Report.

"We call on governments to use methods to provide access to medicines"

Noting that the emergencies related to natural disasters and conflicts due to climate change in 2023 led to acute humanitarian needs for medicines containing internationally controlled substances, Prof. Sevil Atasoy expressed that "As the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), we call on governments to use simple control methods that will provide unhindered access to medicines in such cases."

"Most of the countries cannot foresee their needs for essential medicines"

Stating that the INCB 2023 annual report presented an analysis of the global presence of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances to be used for medical and scientific purposes, Prof. Sevil Atasoy said that "We underline that regional differences continue in the consumption of opioid analgesics for pain treatment. The main reason for this situation is that many countries cannot accurately predict their medical needs for these essential medicines. In regions outside of Europe and North America, affordable levels of morphine consumption are insufficient to meet medical needs. Through the Training Program, which we offer online, we are supporting Member States to improve their forecasts and thereby increase the availability of controlled substances for medical, scientific and industrial purposes."

"Poppy cultivation and heroin production appear to have decreased significantly in Afghanistan"

Noting that it is seen that poppy cultivation and heroin production have decreased significantly in Afghanistan when evaluated in terms of "illicit drug supply”, Prof. Sevil Atasoy stated that "Since the affected farmers may not have other sources of income, alternative livelihoods must be secured. The serious health threat posed by illicit markets around the world, particularly the possibility of using highly potent synthetic opioids as a substitute for heroin, needs to be closely monitored."

"Focused on combating the trafficking of synthetic drugs and their precursors"

Explaining that INCB focuses on the fight against the trafficking of synthetic drugs and their precursors, Prof. Sevil Atasoy continued her remarks as follows:

"To address this global threat to public health, the INCB has launched new initiatives under the Global Rapid Prevention of Hazardous Substances (GRIDS) programs. They aim to prevent both chemicals and equipment from being diverted for illicit drug production and to support public-private partnerships to prevent the chemical industry and Internet-based and postal/courier services from being exploited for the trafficking of new psychoactive substances and non-medical synthetic opioids."

Prof. Sevil Atasoy reminded that more details about the latest trends and initiatives related to precursor chemicals are included in the 2023 Pioneers Report.

"The role of the internet, including social media, in drug trafficking and use"

Prof. Sevil Atasoy also noted the following:

"The thematic section of the 2023 Annual Report examines the role of the Internet, including social media, in drug trafficking and use. Attention is also drawn to the difficulties encountered in handling online drug trafficking due to encryption technologies and jurisdictional issues, as well as the exploitation of legitimate e-commerce platforms.

The INCB is concerned about the increasing use of social media platforms to market drugs, including to children, and notes the opportunities that social media and the Internet offer to improve prevention, awareness-raising, and access to treatment services. Recommended actions for governments include engagement with the private sector and INCB operational activities, which enable authorities around the world to share information in real time to prevent highly potent substances from reaching the public."

"The report reviews the functioning of the international drug control system"

Emphasizing that the protection of health and well-being is the main concern of international drug control agreements, Prof. Sevil Atasoy said that "The report reviews the functioning of the international drug control system, including the INCB's support to Member States to improve the implementation of treaties and promote health and well-being."

In her speech, Prof. Atasoy said that "As INCB, we call on governments and international and regional organizations to implement the recommendations we indicated in the 2023 annual report. We encourage civil society organizations to integrate these recommendations into their work. Every person has the right to the highest standard of health that can be achieved. To make the health and well-being of all a reality, governments, supported by the international community and civil society, need to transform their political will and policy commitments into concrete action."

What are the paragraphs in the 2023 World Report that include Türkiye?

Prof. Atasoy also pointed to the paragraphs in which Türkiye is included in the United Nations International Narcotics Control Board 2023 World Report and briefly gave the following information:

"In 2022, the Balkan Route continued to be the main route for opiates originating in Afghanistan to reach Central and Western Europe through Iran and Türkiye. According to the latest data, the use of the Southern Route, that is, the route that passes through Iran and Pakistan directly by sea or air, or indirectly through South Asia, Africa, and the Gulf, to Europe, has increased in the smuggling of Afghan opiates. Afghan-linked heroin and morphine seizures smuggled from Central Asia to the Russian Federation are higher on the Northern Road than on the Southern Route.

Türkiye has seized more and more methamphetamine since 2019. This number doubled in 2022, breaking an all-time record of 77.7 tons. This can be attributed to the smuggling of methamphetamine, which largely originated in Afghanistan, through the neighboring Islamic Republic of Iran. This methamphetamine is targeted in East and Southeast Asia, Central Asia, Europe, and North Africa, but may remain in Türkiye's domestic markets.

"Especially around İstanbul, facilities that convert liquid methamphetamine into crystalline shape have been identified"

While Türkiye usually seizes crystal methamphetamine, it also seizes a significant amount of liquid methamphetamine. Officials said liquid methamphetamine was preferred because of the greater possibilities of stashing. In some outskirts of cities, especially around İstanbul, facilities that convert liquid methamphetamine into crystalline shape have been identified.

Türkiye reported that synthetic cannabinoids (synthetic cannabis), which are recently consumed in the form of electronic cigarettes, are still the most seized drug in the country among the substances classified as "new psychoactive substances". However, Türkiye's synthetic marijuana seizures fell by 53 percent compared to 2021. In 2001, it was about 2.2 tons, while in 2002 it was about 1 ton.

"24 million tablets of Captagon seized in 2022"

Türkiye seized more "Captagon" in 2022 than in previous years. In 2021, it captured 14 million tablets; however, this number increased to 24 million tablets in 2022. This number is ten times more than in 2021, when 2.8 million tablets were captured.

Skunk, a very powerful form of marijuana, is a serious problem for Türkiye. The country reported a decrease in cannabis seizures between 2020 and 2022, while the amount of "skunk" seized increased compared to previous years. The amount of 63.3 tons of cannabis seized in 2022 was 28 percent less than in 2020. In contrast, "skunk" seizures increased by 56 percent compared to the previous year, reaching 8.6 tons.

"24 million tablets of Captagon seized in 2022"

Türkiye seized more "Captagon" in 2022 than in previous years. In 2021, it captured 14 million tablets; however, this number increased to 24 million tablets in 2022. This number is ten times more than in 2021, when 2.8 million tablets were captured.

Skunk, a very powerful form of marijuana, is a serious problem for Türkiye. The country reported a decrease in cannabis seizures between 2020 and 2022, while the amount of "skunk" seized increased compared to previous years. The amount of 63.3 tons of cannabis seized in 2022 was 28 percent less than in 2020. In contrast, "skunk" seizures increased by 56 percent compared to the previous year, reaching 8.6 tons.

"In 2022, Türkiye seized 2.3 tons of cocaine. This amount is 18 percent more than in 2021."

Increasingly, Türkiye is being used as a transit country for cocaine, either directly from Latin America or indirectly in transit from West Africa, to reach Europe's destination markets via the Balkan Route. The amount of cocaine seized from 2014 increased 7 times in 2021 and reached a record high of 2.3 tons. Some of the cocaine transiting Türkiye is destined for Middle Eastern markets. In 2022, Türkiye seized 2.3 tons of cocaine. This amount is 18 percent more than in 2021.

2.3 tons of cocaine seized in Peru with Türkiye as its destination

On March 24, 2023, Peruvian authorities reported that they had seized 2.3 tons of cocaine hidden in ceramic tiles and aimed at Türkiye. They stated that the shipment, which will go to Türkiye using the expanded maritime traffic smuggling route, is a first in smuggling between Peru and Türkiye.

In the Netherlands, 1.1 tons of cocaine in a container from Türkiye was also seized

Another major incident of cocaine smuggling was the 1.1 tons of cocaine in a container arriving from Türkiye and seized at Dutch customs on May 16, 2023.

According to a study conducted in Türkiye in 2022 on people who have committed drug-related crimes, the most used drug is cannabis with 49.2 percent, followed by methamphetamine with 24.9 percent and heroin with 6.8 percent. Synthetic pharmaceuticals account for 5.9 percent, while synthetic marijuana, locally known as bonsai, accounts for 4.3 percent.

More than 321 thousand people received outpatient and inpatient treatment in 2022

In 2022, 302 thousand 911 people were served as outpatients and 18 thousand 187 people were served as inpatients in health institutions. Of the patients, 37.4 percent were treated for heroin (43 percent in 2021), 37.8 percent methamphetamine (25.6 percent in 2021), 7 percent marijuana (11.6 percent in 2021), 1.3 percent synthetic marijuana (5.8 percent in 2021), 7 percent opiates (4.2 percent in 2021), and 2.9 percent cocaine (2.7 percent in 2021). The rest were treated for "ecstasy" and other drugs.

Türkiye faces methamphetamine problem in terms of public health

The increase in methamphetamine trafficking in recent years and the record-breaking seizures in 2022 also increase the threat Türkiye faces in terms of public health. The share of methamphetamine-related deaths in total drug-related deaths has also increased steadily in recent years. In 2018, this number was 6.2 percent (41 out of 657 deaths), in 2020 it was 31.2 percent (98 out of 314 deaths), and finally in 2022 it was 59.9 percent (140 out of 246 deaths)."

"The budget allocated for supply and prevention must be balanced!"

Pointing out that drug and substance use should be combated with evidence-based and scientific methods rather than punishment, Atasoy emphasized that the budget allocated for supply and the budget allocated for prevention must be balanced.

What is in the report?

The INCB 2023 Report is titled "The role of the Internet, including social media, in drug trafficking and use" and makes recommendations to governments by examining the challenges and opportunities for drug control, prevention and treatment in the Internet age and online drug trafficking. The report analyses the global availability of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for medical and scientific purposes, highlighting ongoing inequalities in access to medicines for pain management. The report advises governments, United Nations bodies and relevant international and national organizations to prevent the growing danger to public health by focusing on synthetic drug trafficking, including non-medical synthetic opioids, cocaine and its precursors used in their synthesis.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)