Teach your children about online safety and privacy!

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.44422

Experts say that children's digital footprint is everything they share online, which means social media posts, website visits, online apps and games, and even personal information they share online. Asst. Prof. Nuri Bingöl stated that "Check your children's online account. Check your child's social media, games, and other online accounts. Check the privacy settings and review your child's shared information."

Furthermore, Cyber Security Master's Department Instructor Murat Demirci emphasized the importance of participating in safe online activities with children.

Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Vice Dean, Head of Artificial Intelligence Engineering Master's Program Asst. Prof. Nuri Bingöl and Cyber Security Master's Department Instructor Murat Demirci gave information on how families can control their children's digital footprint.

Everything shared online is a digital trace

Stating that "A children's digital trail is everything they share online, Asst. Prof. Nuri Bingöl noted that this means social media posts, website visits, online applications and games, and even the personal information they share online.

Asst. Prof. Nuri Bingöl said that “It is important to check children's digital traces because it can help keep them safe online Children may not be aware of the risks they may face online. For example, sharing their personal information online can make them vulnerable to dangers such as phishing, fraud, or exploitation."

Keep track of your kids' online activities...

Listing the things to be done to control the digital traces of children, Demirci warned parents as follows: "Talk to them about their online activities. Find out what your kids are doing online, what sites they go to, what apps they use. Talk to them about online safety and privacy. Keep track of your children's online activities. You can use a variety of tools to keep track of your child's internet usage. These tools allow you to keep track of what sites your child goes to, how much time they spend, and what types of content they access. Check your children's online accounts. Check your child's social media accounts, game accounts, and other online accounts. Check their privacy settings and review your child's shared information. Educate your children on digital security. Teach your children about online safety and privacy. Warn them about the dangers of sharing their personal information online.”

The family internet plan allows parents to monitor their children's internet usage

Noting that there are various tools and methods that can be used to control children's Internet use, Asst. Prof. Nuri Bingöl stated that "These tools and methods may vary according to factors such as the child's age, interests, and parents' concerns. Parental control software allows parents to monitor and restrict their children's internet usage. Managed devices allow parents to control their children's devices remotely. These devices allow you to control which apps your child can use, how long they can stay online, and which websites they can access. A family internet plan is an internet plan that allows parents to monitor and restrict their children's internet use. "These plans allow parents to control how long their children can stay online and what websites they can access."

How is children's privacy protected through digital monitoring and containment?

Making evaluations on the subject and pointing that digital monitoring and restriction methods can be used in various ways to protect children's privacy, Cyber Security Master's Department Instructor Murat Demirci said that "These methods can help reduce the risks that children may encounter online and encourage them to make safe decisions online."

Parents should keep their children informed while tracking their online activities

Demirci also pointed out some of the ways in which digital monitoring and restraint methods can be used to protect children's privacy. Demirci stated that "Monitoring children's online activities can help protect them from online threats such as abuse or harassment. By keeping track of their children's online activities, parents can determine if children are accessing inappropriate content or interacting with dangerous individuals. Checking the privacy settings for children's online accounts can help prevent them from sharing personal information online. Teaching children about online safety and privacy can help encourage them to make safe decisions online. It is important that these methods are used in a way that respects children's privacy. Parents should respect their children's privacy when monitoring their online activities and provide them with information when checking their accounts."

Be careful not to invade your child's privacy

Expressing that "Respect your child's privacy. When monitoring your child's online activities, be careful not to violate your child's privacy," Demirci said that "Children are exposed to digital media at an early age; therefore, it is important to start digital media education early. Talk to your child about digital media and have open and honest communication with them."

Emphasizing the importance of informing children about safety and privacy, Demirci said that "Warn them about the dangers of sharing their personal information online.

Give your kids opportunities to be in safe online environments. Participate in safe online activities with your child. You can play online games together and attend online classes. These steps can help reduce the risks your children may face online and help them make safe decisions online."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)