A social issue: Hate Speech!

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.44395

Noting that hate speech is an important social problem today, experts state that this concept reflects the power relations and problems of the society, revealing existing problems and signaling violent incidents. Noting that any hate speech should not be taken lightly, experts also say that social media plays a major role in the spread of hate speech.


Üsküdar University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Sociology Research Assistant Bengi Çakmak evaluated the issue of hate speech.

Hate speech plays the role of a warning system in terms of maintaining social order

Stating that there is no single definition of the concept of hate speech, sociologist Bengi Çakmak expressed that "We can summarize what it means from the following two interrelated aspects. Firstly, the concept of hate speech is considered in relation to the limits of freedom of expression. To prevent freedom of expression from becoming vague and flexible to the extent that it can lead to hatred and violence, it is necessary to draw a boundary based on human rights. Hate speech also makes a functional contribution to the creation of this boundary. Secondly, we can consider hate speech as a factor or a warning system that plays a role in the protection of social order."

Hate speech in the language is a warning of criminal incidents

Noting that hate speech, as a phenomenon that manifests itself in language, will reveal existing problems by reflecting power relations and problems in society and will be a warning against violence and crime incidents that may be aggravated, Çakmak stated that "In parallel with these two meanings of hate speech, verbal or written. We can consider content such as images as hate speech."

What are the social dynamics that create hate speech?

From this point of view, Bengi Çakmak stated that the tense relationship established with the other, the different or the foreign can be counted at the beginning of the social dynamics that make up hate speech, and said that "In other words, although human rights are universally defined, the norms that make up social orders can vary between societies and cultures. In this respect, the social dynamics that determine what and who is not normal can differ according to time and space. However, in any case, the main factor that establishes hate speech is that those who are outside of what is considered normal turn into objects of anger and hatred. We can say that the reason for anger and hatred is prejudice and anxiety that what is not normal will shake the social order."

The role of social media...

Stating that social media plays a major role in the spread of hate speech, sociologist Çakmak expressed that "Social media enables the spread of not only hate speech but also all kinds of discourse, information and images. In terms of communication and communication, social media has become one of the most prominent leaps of our age in terms of providing a large-scale, fast, and participatory environment that we have not seen in the past. In an environment where each individual can participate, share and make an impact according to their own wishes, it is inevitable that hate speech will easily find a place and spread rapidly. Unlike face-to-face communication, in an environment where anonymity, instant communication and temporariness are dominant, the fact that people are more indifferent is one of the reasons that magnify the problem."

Hate speech is also a warning

Stating that hate speech is a warning, Bengi Çakmak said that "It mirrors the existing and perhaps growing problems in the society and signals violent incidents that can lead to the violation of the right to life. It is important to know that the boundaries between hate speech and freedom of expression are very sensitive and to be able to discuss these boundaries. However, it is extremely dangerous for hate speech to be seen as valid under the name of freedom of expression or to be accepted as normal based on social norms."

Any hate speech should not be taken lightly

Noting that although there is a difference between discriminatory jokes, insults, threats and ultimately violence, it is necessary to focus on the common element of hatred in all of them and not to underestimate any hate speech, Bengi Çakmak said that "Of course, at this point, we do not reduce violence only to the physical attack of people. With the normalization and spread of hatred, any obstacle that may occur in front of people living comfortably and happily should be considered as a social problem. It is important to base our efforts on the universality of human rights to combat hate speech."

Standing against hate speech and discrimination is defending everyone's right to exist

Stating that it is necessary to discuss what discrimination is and make it a part of education to raise awareness against hate speech, Çakmak expressed that "The basic condition for this is to encourage questioning and critical. At this point, it is important for individuals to educate themselves not only through an institutional education process, but also by critically reviewing their own judgments and values. The behavior patterns of social groups, people and behaviors that are not sufficiently accepted at the individual or social level, are considered minority or other, are considered abnormal and are not evaluated well from a moral point of view may vary. Raising awareness against hate speech and defending human rights against discrimination does not mean that people fully embrace everyone and everything. Standing against hate speech and discrimination means defending everyone's right to exist. Raising awareness of this issue is a priority in the fight against hate speech and violence."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)