Researchers talked about "Stem cells and genome"...

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Üsküdar University Scientific Research Community Club organized an event titled "Current Approaches in Medical Technology". Üsküdar University Vice Rector Prof. Muhsin Konuk, Advisor to the Rector Prof. Hikmet Koçak and Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics faculty member Prof. Sevim Işık participated in the event. At the event, attention was drawn to the stem cell and human genome project.

The event, which took place at Üsküdar University NP Health Campus, İbn-i Sina Auditorium, held with great participation.

Prof. Hikmet Koçak: "You made the right decision by choosing Üsküdar University"

The opening speech of the event was made by Üsküdar University Advisor to the Rector Prof. Hikmet Koçak. Referring to the meaning of university, Koçak stated that "When we look at the general structure and meaning of the university, the university is an institution that provides high-level education and educates individuals in the department it teaches as beneficial to the society or as professionals. A second meaning of university is to do research. You came to this university dreaming of these things. Here, our duty is to provide you with the necessary opportunity and to help you in the field you want to work in. Technology is not only in medicine, but everywhere from diagnosis to treatment. For this reason, you made the right decision by choosing Üsküdar University."

Prof. Sevim Işık: "We carry stem cells in our body from the fertilization of the egg to the moment of death"

Mentioning that she has been working on stem cells and neurological diseases for years, Üsküdar University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics faculty member Prof. Sevim Işık informed on stem cells. Işık stated that "Stem cells, we call cells that are not specialized, have the ability to renew and replicate themselves, as well as the ability to differentiate. These cells can replicate themselves and specialize in our body when needed. In this way, tissue regeneration in our body is constantly ensured. We carry these cells in our body from the fertilization of the egg to the moment of death. Only the potentials of the cells are changing. From the moment of the first fertilization, these cells have the ability to form an organism. We call stem cells obtained from fetuses, babies and lifelong people tissue stem cells. Phase 3 and phase 4 trials have started, especially in neurological and orthopedic diseases. First-generation stem cells, you take three to four milliliters of stem cells from the bone marrow and multiply them from there. Therefore, they are very rare cells here as well. When it comes to immortal cells, cancer cells come to mind. There is also a risk of cancer in the use of these cells in the clinic. So how are they used in the clinic? Any body cells are taken from the patient. For example, skin cells are taken, the nucleus is removed, and egg cells are taken from any donor and transferred inside, and the same technology is used in animal cloning."

Prof. Muhsin Konuk: "It seems that our generation will be the last example of homo sapiens"

Pointing out that as of today, we have reached previously unimaginable stages, Üsküdar University Vice Rector Prof. Muhsin Konuk stated that "Since the future will be in your hands due to the developing world and the increase in information with the developing technology, I recommend that you please have a very elastic mindset and elastic behavior patterns because those who remain in the status quo will stay there and will not be able to move forward. You must work not for yourself, for your family, but for this nation, this homeland. Since we all owe a debt to this land, we must pay this debt. Especially with the launch of the human genome project in 1990, I was abroad for my doctorate. At that time, I was learning a lot of information from stem cells. In 1990, the genome project suddenly began. The stem cell has been forgotten and too much meaning has been attached to the human genome project. As of today, we have reached previously unimaginable stages. I do not know how you will live from now on; however, I believe that our generation will be the last example of homo sapiens. I also think that a different species will emerge from you. In pharmacogenetics, we basically use the genetic data obtained from the human genome project."

The event ended after the question-and-answer session.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)