The virtual environment has led to the degeneration of the Turkish language!

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Stating that language is a living entity that is open to constant change, experts say that socio-cultural, geographical, financial, and technological factors are the main reasons for the changes in language.

Stating that according to the research, abbreviations, slang, and jargon used in the written language can open the door to the weakening of the reading and writing skills of the new generations, ÜSTÖMER Director Instructor Selçuk Duman said that "However, as educators, we observe language deformations such as incorrect spelling and expression disorders in the written and oral expressions of our young people."

Üsküdar University Turkish Teaching Application and Research Center (ÜSTÖMER) Director Instructor Selçuk Duman evaluated the use of language by the new generation and the deformation of language.

"Language is a living entity that is constantly open to change"

On the subject of the change of language, Instructor Selçuk Duman stated that "Language is a living entity that is open to constant change. Socio-cultural, geographical, financial and technological factors are the main reasons for the changes in language." Duman explained that with the development of social media and digital communication channels, especially since the beginning of the 2000s, the contacts of the world societies have intensified, and this situation has brought about some changes in our culture and our language, which is the most important carrier of this.

Duman also stated that the use of vowels such as "tmm", "nbr", "tşk" in the unofficial correspondence of the young population has become widespread, the frequent use of words of foreign origin and the use of emojis continue to increase and said that "The virtual environment has opened up an area suitable for the degeneration of our Turkish."

Abbreviations, slang, and jargon weaken the reading and writing skills of new generations...

Stating that the use of slang, jargon and especially abbreviations is seen as a method used by the young people of our time, which is the age of speed, to use the shortest way to the purpose in communication and to express the meaning in an impressive way. Instructor Selçuk Duman said that "Of course, we can see this as a form of expression that manifests as a result of cultural interactions. Abbreviations and internet slang can make online communication more convenient for us. However, the reflections of such expressions in language can have negative effects, especially in the long term. According to research, abbreviations, slang, and jargon used in written language can open the door to weakening of reading and writing skills, especially of new generations. However, as educators, we observe language deformations such as incorrect spelling and expression disorders in the written and verbal expressions of our young people."

"The style of everyday language is more sincere and warm"

Noting that academic and everyday language use is a form of language use with different qualities, ÜSTÖMER Director Instructor Selçuk Duman continued his remarks as follows:

"Academic language is used in scientific, technical, legal and literary texts. In this language, scientific and technical terms are used, which are not commonly used in everyday life. It is more objective. Sentence structures in this language are more complex and longer. The style is formal. Everyday language, on the other hand, is the spoken language we use in our everyday lives. Sentence structures of everyday language are shorter. It is a more subjective and personal language. Its use is common and simple words are used in this language. The style is more sincere and warm. The language of education is constantly and rapidly evolving. As education and science develop, new words are added to the words that correspond to new concepts in our language. The development of the language of everyday communication is more limited and this development is proportional to the capacity of the society."

"In the words of Fazıl Hüsnü Dağca, 'we must properly hand over our voice flag, Turkish', to future generations."

ÜSTÖMER Director Instructor Selçuk Duman pointed out that the change and development in language is inevitable due to the nature of the language and concluded his remarks as follows:

"First of all, every individual should be raised with the awareness of handing over this language heritage to future generations like a relay race, in the words of the poet Fazıl Hüsnü Dağca, 'our voice flag, Turkish'. This should be a state policy that needs to be taken care of. Instead of fighting against the corruption of the language with some prohibitions, it would be appropriate to raise awareness of the options suitable for the preferences of the new generation. This will be achieved by providing them with readings that will enable them to discover the richness of our literary and intellectual world, and by enabling them to follow the interviews that are trace of these readings."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)