Popular diets cause very severe health problems!

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.44320

Experts who state that the basis of weight gain is inadequate and unbalanced nutrition, hormonal changes and slowing down of the metabolic rate with the progression of time, say that the weight loss that one does not need can end up with very severe health problems leading to death,

Emphasizing that the concept of diet is imposed very wrongly, Head of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan said that "The nutrition process is a person's life partner. The nutrition lists applied should be prepared and carried out in parallel with the lifestyle."

Assoc. Prof. Arslan: "If you really want to lose weight healthily and not to regain the lost weight, you should go to dietitians and get support."

Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Head of Nutrition and Dietetics Department Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan evaluated the issue of healthy nutrition and diet.

"Inadequate and unbalanced nutrition and hormonal changes are the basis of weight gain"

Noting that the basis of weight gain is inadequate and unbalanced nutrition, hormonal changes and slowing down of the metabolic rate with the progression of time, Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan expressed "Just as inadequate and unbalanced nutrition brings the problem of obesity in parallel, we are also faced with the problem of obsession with healthy eating called orthorexia nervosa. Although a person is at their ideal weight, they want to lose weight a little more, a little more, and a little more. Then, we come across an event that causes a very serious health problem. Some people have the wrong idea that even if the body weight is ideal, they still want to lose a little more. We are talking about a process called training the brain. First of all, a body analysis is done. Does the person really need to lose weight or not? This needs to be analyzed very well. Then, adequate and balanced nutrition under the guidance of a specialist is important. Weight loss processes, even though they do not need it, can bring with them very severe health problems ranging from hormonal changes to death."

If they lost 10 kilos, they regain 20 kilos...

Pointing out that people lose weight by applying some right or wrong methods, Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan said that "I am not saying they are getting thin, they are losing weight. However, if one lost 10 kilos afterwards, they regained 20 kilos. If a person lost 5 kilos, they regained 10 kilos, maybe more. Every method applied incorrectly puts a cross on the metabolism and then comes as more weight. There are those who say, 'we will do everything you say for 3 months, we will put a lot of effort on the exercise, if you say stay hungry, we will stay hungry'. That is the fundamental mistake. When inadequate and unbalanced nutrition is resolved, there is no problem such as weight gain."

"The concept of diet is imposed very wrongly"

Pointing out that the concept of diet is very wrongly imposed, Arslan said that "When it comes to diet, people think that they are malnourished, that they will eat only for a single food group or only protein-based vegetables and fruits, and that they will be hungry. The feeding process is a person's life partner. For this reason, it is very important to be able to act together with your life partner. The nutrition lists applied should be prepared and carried out in parallel with the lifestyle."

It is unrealistic to say that you will not eat pasta to someone who has been eating pasta for years!

Pointing out that it is not realistic to say, 'you will not eat pasta' to a person who has been eating pasta for years, Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan said that "The important thing is to adapt pasta to your lifestyle and include it in the nutrition process with cooking methods that will not harm your health." Pointing to popular diets, Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan said that "Various diets are applied. There was Atkins, the stone age diet came out. There is a ketogenic diet. The gluten-free diet was very fashionable at one time. However, all of these disrupt the microbiota of the gastrointestinal (digestive) system and cause very serious health problems."

Weight gain or loss is not just the number on the scale...

Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan noted that it is necessary to be aware of how the weight loss process is and said that "When this is already settled, the thought of wanting to lose more weight after losing the weight one needs to lose disappears and a healthy process comes. Well, what is that? First of all, it is necessary to analyze what the ideal weight is. Just thinking about the body mass index, people command themselves to say, 'I am overweight, obese, or fat'. However, body mass index is an average that emerges by indexing height and weight. It is a criterion that does not consider fat. For this reason, people perceive the actions of gaining or losing weight only as the low or high number they see on the scale. For this reason, the person needs to tell his brain his ideal weight, ideal body fat and how to proceed accordingly."

As long as the fat does not reach the ideal, that weight comes back again...

Emphasizing that people aim to lose weight very quickly and in a short time, and that this is a very wrong process, Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan stated that "Since the weight loss process varies from person to person. An extremely obese individual, called morbidly obese, loses weight faster because that individual has a large amount of body weight, while people who are below the body weight categorized as underweight or at ideal body weight can lose weight much more slowly. What is the average of this? The literature says it is between half a kilo and a kilo a week. However, it is a process that varies from person to person. A model client gives 300 grams per week. That is a good number for them. However, the morbidly obese client, whom we call very overweight, can lose 4 kilos and 5 kilos per week. This is a loss of water. This is also the issue of regaining the lost weight. Thus, your body weight is going down. You say you have lost weight, but as long as the fat does not reach the ideal, that weight comes back again."

"The process of gaining or losing weight is not just about nutrition"

Stating that the process of gaining or losing weight is not only related to nutrition, Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan continued her remarks as follows: "Exercise also has an important place. In other words, we are talking about a process related to the balance of the energy received and the energy spent. Age has a serious importance. With the progression of time, basal metabolism slows down every 10 years. There are specific processes such as the menopausal process. There are special periods, such as the pregnancy process, such as the breastfeeding process. There are processes in which certain diseases intervene, such as hypothyroidism, such as Hashimoto. Such as some endocrinological diseases.

All of these actually trigger the weight gain process

“However, a life without exercise is also very important. For this reason, we provide practical advice, especially to desk workers, as people are very active in working life. For example, walking with their cars pulled a little farther away from their workplaces, not using elevators. Like walking by the beach or in the park or garden on weekends... These are the little clues that can liven up life. When you pay attention to these by correcting your diet, you prevent weight gain."

"Nutrition is not just something for one food group"

Stating that the nutrition process has become a market, a process called nutritional supplements and weight loss market, Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan said the following remarks:

"Nutrition is not just about one food group. It is the amount of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats that a person takes. A person should also take carbohydrates, protein, and fat. This balance should be adjusted specifically for that individual. One of the biggest mistakes made is that many people apply the list in which one person is weakened. The fact that uneducated people are in the spotlight in the press too much and they give nutritional tips. There are too many people who lose their lives due to malnutrition. There are too many people who cause health problems.

If you really want to lose weight healthily and not to regain the lost weight, I would like to underline that you should go to dietitians and get support. It is very important to adjust the nutritional processes by analyzing the body by nutritionists and dietitians."

The underlying problem is diet lists that are not adapted to lifestyle...

Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan stated that diet or exercise alone cannot be effective and said that "Both of these are a whole. The main problem is taking on another life with diet lists that are not adapted to the lifestyle and exercise programs that are not adapted to the lifestyle."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)