"Transgender children" are being discussed in the UK!

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.44306

British writer Joanna Williams talked about her experiences in England in her book "The Destructive Effect of Transgender Ideology" published by Üsküdar University Publishing.

In her book, British author Williams pointed out that although the number of transgender people is small compared to the general population, the number of children and especially girls who identify as transgender is increasing rapidly.

It is stated in the book that "There have been increases year by year in the number of children referred by doctors to the NHS's Gender Identity Development Service. Between 2018 and 2019, the number of referred 13-year-olds increased by 30 percent compared to the previous year, while the number of 11-year-olds increased by 28 percent. The youngest patient was only three years old."

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan who translated and edited the book that questioned the basis of the anti-gender theses stated that: "The building block of society is the family. It is a social responsibility to say no to a view that reduces marriage to sexuality rather than companionship..."

British author Joanna Williams' book "The Corrosive Impact of Transgender Ideology", published by Üsküdar University Publishing, draws attention to globally discussed concepts such as gender, biological sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

It is a social responsibility to say no to the view that reduces marriage to sexuality...

President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan who translated and edited the book, stated in the introduction section that the ideology of genderlessness, which emerged as a reaction to gender discrimination, is a post-industrial questioning. Prof. Nevzat Tarhan expressed that "The desire to live your life freely is worth celebrating, but it is a social responsibility to say no to a view that reduces marriage to sexuality rather than a companionship. The building block of society is the family. Wanting a society without a family and without two genders is as unreasonable as wanting a body without cells."

"In a family where there is no set of values, the children cannot learn to manage themselves"

In the section titled "Will we accept the use of unisex toilets?" in the book, Prof. Tarhan expressed the following views: "In a family where there is no set of values, the children cannot learn to manage themselves. In the child-centered family, the children become selfish and learn that their emotions have power over them. The right thing is that they learn that they have power over their emotions. The children learn to be respectful to the opposite sex, compassion instead of arrogance, empathy instead of selfishness, righteousness as a virtue instead of lies, keeping one's word, respecting the rights of others, benevolence, anger management, stress management, and managing the values that provide many social and emotional skills in the family environment. One of them is learning to manage emotions related to the opposite sex. Children who is not the captain of all these emotions cannot be their own leader.

"True freedom is freedom from negative and malicious emotions"

Parents or teachers now ask children, 'How do you feel about being a boy or a girl?' and if they do not like being one or the other, they say 'change'. It's like saying, how do you feel about lying, being selfish, using substances? In children, emotions are dominant rather than reason. The intellect should be the captain of emotions. In neuroscience, this is called frontal lobe training. It is unique to human beings. In ancient terminology, it is called willpower training. True freedom is freedom from negative and malicious emotions, that is, being able to manage wild and primitive emotions. The two wild emotions that Freud emphasized are eroticism and aggression. If the children do not learn this, thye will have a life without internal discipline, conscientiously irresponsible, anomic, that is, without norms."

Proposal from the British author to "ban puberty blockers for everyone under the age of 18"

British author Joanna Williams listed her suggestions in the introduction of the book as follows:

"Both the UK Government and the Scottish Parliament should declare a moratorium on all reforms to the Gender Recognition Act, at least for the duration of this parliament.

The prescription of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to anyone under the age of 18 should be banned immediately.

Social transition should not be allowed...

No child should be allowed to 'socialize' (i.e., change their name, pronouns, uniform or use changing rooms and toilets for members of the opposite sex) at school without parental consent."

"Transgenderism was not only accepted, but often supported"

Emphasizing that a distinction is made between transgenderism and transgender individuals in the book, it continued as follows:

"The term transgenderism is used to refer to an ideological movement that challenges gender-based rights and actively promotes the idea that a person's gender identity has no connection to their anatomy.

Transgenderism was not only acknowledged, but often supported, in important public institutions such as education, health, social work, police and prison services.

"This report explores the reasons for the rise of transgenderism"

While counselors were once approached by middle-aged men with a personal history of dressing as an opposite sex, today it is young girls who are most likely to seek advice on transitioning. Institutions hijacked by an ideology of transgenderism are unable to defend women's gendered rights or protect children who see gender reassignment as a solution to a range of personal or social problems they may inadvertently face. This report explores the causes of the rise of transgenderism and its impact on the lives of women and children."

"The intersex phenomenon occurs in less than 2 out of every 10,000 births"

In the section titled "Changing attitudes towards sex and gender" of the book, the following views were briefly included:

"Today, intersex (androgyny syndrome) is specifically defined as a condition in which chromosomal sex is inconsistent with phenotypic sex or the phenotype cannot be classified as male or female. Far from being as common as transgender activists suggest, the intersex phenomenon occurs in less than 2 out of every 10,000 births."

"Children have become at the center of many discussions about transgender issues"

In the book of the British author, it was stated that "Transgenderism is a new invention" and drew attention to the following issue: "Children have started to be at the center of many discussions about transgender issues. "The children seem to prove the claim that transgender is a naturally occurring and ever-present phenomenon, so much so that we forget how recently transgender children were introduced into the popular imagination."

"The transgender child remains a controversial figure"

In the book, it is pointed out that the existence of the transgender child has only been accepted since 2015, outside of expert and activist cliques, and says, "Since then, the existence of children who have experienced a mismatch between their sexist essence and their anatomy has now been accepted without question by many social workers, teachers, psychiatrists and health professionals. However, the transgender child remains a controversial figure."

The youngest child to be referred to the Gender Identity Development Service in the UK is 3 years old

British author Joanna Williams pointed out in her book that although the number of transgender people is low compared to the general population, the number of children and especially girls who identify as transgender is increasing rapidly.

"There have been year-on-year increases in the number of children referred by doctors to the NHS's (UK National Health Service) Gender Identity Development Service. Between 2018 and 2019, the number of referred 13-year-olds increased by 30 percent compared to the previous year, while the number of 11-year-olds increased by 28 percent. The youngest patient was only three years old. Between 2008 and 2018, the number of girls referred for treatment increased by 4,400 percent. Three-quarters of all children seeking help to change their gender are now girls."

"Children and adolescents, as they grow up, often change their minds about who they are and what kind of adult they want to be one day"

In the book "The Corrosive Impact of Transgender Ideology", the British author also provides the following information:

"Children and adolescents, as they grow up, often change their minds about who they are and what kind of adult they want to be one day. It may be the case that some children who begin to consider themselves transgender are simply experimenting or going through a phase. One danger of positive affirmation is that it risks reinforcing this new identity, thus making it difficult for the child to change their mind at a later date. A child who begins to see himself or herself as transgender may be experiencing social or emotional issues that precede concerns about their gender identity."

"It has a detrimental effect on the lives of women and children"

In the conclusion of the book, the British author stated that "Transgender ideology has a detrimental effect on society at large, and on the lives of women and children in particular, as opposed to the existence of transgender people."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)