Beware of the abuse of AI-powered algorithms!

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Stating that AI-powered technologies have the potential to facilitate social isolation by reducing face-to-face interactions, experts say that artificial intelligence algorithms used in social media platforms can contribute to the formation of echo chambers where individuals are only exposed to information and opinions that are compatible with their current beliefs.

Noting that artificial intelligence-supported algorithms can be used to manipulate public opinion, spread false information, and increase harmful content, Prof. Burhan Pektaş said that "This can damage trust in information sources and lead to social divisions and confusion."

Üsküdar University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Head of Computer Engineering (English) Department Prof. Burhan Pektaş evaluated the issue of whether artificial intelligence can interfere with people's lives.

"Artificial intelligence-supported technologies facilitate social isolation"

Prof. Burhan Pektaş stated that AI-powered technologies such as virtual assistants and social media algorithms have the potential to facilitate social isolation by reducing face-to-face interactions and encouraging dependence on digital communication. Pektaş stated that "Artificial intelligence algorithms used on social media platforms can contribute to the formation of echo chambers where individuals are only exposed to information and opinions that are compatible with their current beliefs. This can exacerbate social polarization and hinder constructive dialogue between different groups."

"It can lead to social divisions and confusion"

Noting that artificial intelligence-supported algorithms can be used to manipulate public opinion, spread false information, and increase harmful content, Prof. Burhan Pektaş said that "This can damage trust in information sources and lead to social divisions and confusion. To mitigate these dangers, it is important to develop and implement robust codes of ethics, regulations, and accountability mechanisms for the responsible design, deployment, and use of AI in social contexts."

"It is important to promote awareness of the potential risks associated with AI technologies"

Explaining that promoting digital literacy, critical thinking skills, and awareness of the potential risks associated with artificial intelligence technologies can empower individuals to navigate social interactions in an increasingly AI-driven world, Prof. Burhan Pektaş made the following remarks:

"Striking a balance between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and human life requires careful consideration of the benefits and risks of AI technologies, as well as the implementation of strategies that will enable AI to best serve the interests of humanity. Accordingly, ethical considerations should be prioritized in the design, development, and commissioning of artificial intelligence systems. This includes ensuring transparency, fairness, accountability, and respect for human rights throughout the AI lifecycle.

"Users should be included in the design process of artificial intelligence technologies"

“On the other hand, we must implement regulatory frameworks and standards to manage the responsible use of AI technologies. These frameworks should address issues such as data privacy, algorithmic bias, autonomous systems, and the ethical implications of AI applications. Human needs, values, and preferences should be prioritized in the design of AI systems. It is important to include all users in the design process to ensure that AI technologies are intuitive, user-friendly, and aligned with human values and goals."

"Designers have a moral responsibility to consider societal impacts"

Emphasizing that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly playing a role in decision-making processes with ethical consequences, Prof. Burhan Pektaş expressed that "Designers, developers and engineers responsible for creating artificial intelligence systems have a moral responsibility to ensure that these systems are designed ethically and taking into account potential societal impacts."

"Steps must be taken to mitigate potential harm, such as privacy breaches and unintended consequences"

Stating that this includes addressing issues such as bias, justice, transparency and accountability in the design process, Prof. Burhan Pektaş said that "Moreover, those who distribute and use artificial intelligence technologies bear moral responsibility for the consequences of their actions. This includes ensuring that AI systems are used responsibly and ethically and taking steps to mitigate potential harms such as discrimination, privacy violations, and unintended consequences."

"Who will bear moral responsibility for the actions of these systems?"

On the other hand, as artificial intelligence systems become more autonomous and have the capacity to make decisions without human intervention, questions arise about who will take moral responsibility for the actions of these systems, Prof. Burhan Pektaş concluded his remarks as follows:

"It is crucial to establish clear lines of accountability and ensure that appropriate mechanisms are in place to address issues of responsibility and liability. AI systems often make decisions with ethical implications in matters such as healthcare, criminal justice, and autonomous vehicles. Individuals and organizations involved in the development and deployment of AI systems have a moral responsibility to ensure that these systems make decisions that are consistent with ethical principles and values.

Overall, AI's intrusion into human life raises complex ethical questions about moral responsibility. It requires careful consideration and collaboration among various stakeholders to ensure that AI technologies are developed and used in a way that is compatible with ethical principles and promotes the well-being of individuals and society as a whole."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)