Prof. Muhsin Konuk met with students preparing for the Science Olympiad hosted by Üsküdar

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Üsküdar University Vice Rector Prof. Muhsin Konuk met with students as part of the "İstanbul Science Olympiad Preparatory Camp" organized by the Science Olympics Institute of the Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education. Provincial National Education Camp instructors, coordinators and students were guests of the event. Prof. Konuk talked about new generation technologies and the importance of imagination. Pointing out that the world we live in now is the information age, Konuk emphasized the importance of investing in technology for the future of young people.

Secondary and high school students across Istanbul continue their preparations hosted by Üsküdar University for 1 week as part of the Science Olympiad Preparation Camp.

Üsküdar University Vice Rector Prof. Muhsin Konuk came together with the students who are working feverishly. Provincial National Education Camp trainers and coordinators also participated in the meeting, which took place at Üsküdar University Çarşı Campus Emir Nebi 1 Conference Hall.

Prof. Muhsin Konuk: "The world we live in now is the information age"

Stating that everything starts with imagination, Prof. Muhsin Konuk said that "Einstein says about imagination, 'Imagination is more important than knowledge.' If you are thinking of producing information or if you want to produce something new, you must first come to your dream and make that dream concrete. While you make that dream concrete, you obtain and learn the information. The world we live in now is the information age, we live in the information age, and in this information age, it is very important to learn, produce and make the things you produce applicable. This era has imposed a new mission on universities. The new generation of universities will now produce knowledge, develop, and appropriate the knowledge they produce to the society. In other words, society will always be able to benefit from that information."

"These madmen were the ones who had killed death"

Talking about the movie 'Deliler', Prof. Muhsin Konuk said that "The Deliler Ocağı (The Troop of Madmen) also includes some rituals from the ancient shamanic belief and the Central Asian Turkish geography. For example, we tie a rag to a tree. This is actually our behavior that comes from our old faith. Like our nation, other nations have a lot of things that they have brought from their old religions. In fact, if you look at the clothes, they were chosen to look more imposing and to strike fear on the other side. These madmen have killed death, which means they have no fear of death. They sacrificed their lives for their state and nation. As we said in our oath, these people said, 'May my existence be a gift to the Turkish existence'. At the moment, the Republic of Türkiye also needs such a troop."

"Our duty is to invest in technology..."

Stating that the goals of the new generation are to invest in technology, Prof. Muhsin Konuk expressed that “Take a look around you, is there a country that is friendly to us? No. These are actually pawns; however, there are those who control this pawn. We need to stand up against them all the time. And those who will make this standing happen will be the madmen of our day. In other words, these people should be the rock from which our souls are fed, and our dreams are fed. Thanks to our generation, we are not an inch behind America in terms of new generation treatments, stem cell therapy, and all kinds of science and technological equipment. Our task here is to invest in technology. Those who will produce this technology are also crazy people. We will hand over the flag of the insane to you, the insane."

The event ended after a group photo shoot.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)