Türkiye represented an approach that takes into account its energy and economic needs

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.43862

Stating that the COP28 summit is a platform where important steps are taken in the fight against the global climate crisis, experts also say that the decisions taken form a basis for future climate policies and sustainable development strategies.

Making remarks on Türkiye's commitment to triple the renewable energy capacity and double energy efficiency by 2030, Prof. İbrahim Özdemir stated that "The fact that Türkiye' did not sign this commitment together with major economies such as China and India represent an approach that takes into account its own energy and economic needs." Özdemir added that the upcoming local elections are an opportunity for a greener and cleaner world.

Üsküdar University Environmental Ethics Forum Director Prof. İbrahim Özdemir made evaluations after the COP28 Climate Summit held in Dubai.

Climate change and ecological problems are among the existential threats for future generations

Stating that the report prepared by the Üsküdar University Environmental Ethics Forum before COP28 made an impact all over the world, Prof. İbrahim Özdemir reminded that the "Al-Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth”, which was also prepared as a university, was discussed in a panel at COP28.

Noting that climate change and ecological problems are among the existential threats not only for us but also for future generations, Prof. İbrahim Özdemir stated that "Understanding the extent of these problems correctly and responding to them appropriately is of great importance not only for the current generation, but also for our grandchildren and future generations."

It is time to act to protect our future

Pointing out the importance of taking the necessary measures to protect the sustainability of life on earth and to leave a more livable world, Özdemir said that "It will be possible if each of us fulfill our responsibilities in this regard with a joint effort. Now is the time to act to protect our future."

Emphasizing that the decision at COP28 is an important milestone in reducing the share of fossil fuels in the world's energy production, Prof. İbrahim Özdemir continued his remarks as follows:

The global decarbonization process is accelerating

"The fact that 118 countries have reached a consensus on this issue underscores the importance of acting together in the fight against global climate change. For example, the European Union's investments in the transition to renewable energy and China's efforts to increase its solar capacity are part of this collective movement. This decision is a step that will accelerate the global decarbonization process necessary to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Countries' commitment to triple renewable energy capacity and double energy efficiency by 2030 is both ambitious and imperative. To achieve these goals, one can learn from Germany's achievements in renewable energy fields such as wind energy and Denmark's biomass energy. However, the realization of these goals depends on international cooperation and high financial investments, as well as national policies."

What does it mean when Türkiye does not sign the commitment?

Commenting on Türkiye's commitment to triple the renewable energy capacity and double energy efficiency by 2030, Prof. İbrahim Özdemir stated:

"Türkiye's refusal to sign this commitment, along with major economies such as China and India, represents an approach that Türkiye takes into account its own energy and economic needs. Türkiye's investment in alternative energy sources such as renewable energy and natural gas, while avoiding this commitment, reflects the country's own energy security and economic growth priorities. However, this situation should be considered in terms of Türkiye's long-term climate policies and sustainable development goals.

Instead of short-term solutions, Türkiye should act with a moral responsibility in the light of science. It should listen to all stakeholders when setting these policies. Decisions about the environment should be made as a result of great solidarity. And thus, the community will gladly implement these decisions."

The role of nuclear energy among carbon-free energy sources

Evaluating the "Declaration on Tripling Nuclear Energy", Prof. İbrahim Özdemir said that "It shows that nuclear energy can play an important role among carbon-free energy sources. However, the challenges posed by nuclear power are evident by examples such as France's nuclear waste management and Japan's efforts to increase safety measures after the Fukushima disaster. This declaration may increase interest in nuclear energy, but this interest needs to be addressed in a balanced way in terms of safety, environmental impacts and cost-effectiveness."

COP28 was a platform in which important steps were taken

Explaining that the COP28 summit is a platform where important steps are taken in the fight against the global climate crisis, Prof. İbrahim Özdemir expressed that "To realize the promises made at this summit, especially developing countries need to be supported and financed. Moreover, technology transfer should be done in the fight against climate change. The decisions taken serve as a basis for future climate policies and sustainable development strategies and can be considered as an important step towards achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement."

The results of the summit revealed the measures to be taken against the global climate crisis

As a result, Prof. İbrahim Özdemir stated that the COP28 summit is an event where important decisions are taken in the fight against climate change, and the results of the summit clearly reveal the measures to be taken against the global climate crisis and the strategies for the future, and continued as follows:

"First, there has been a strong commitment to reducing the use of fossil fuels and transitioning to renewable energy sources around the world. In this context, it has been seen that many countries have pledged to increase the share of renewables in energy production and improve energy efficiency. Furthermore, steps have been taken by some countries to increase their nuclear energy capacities, considering the potential of nuclear energy. This decision highlights the role that nuclear energy can play in reducing carbon emissions.

However, it has also become clear that international cooperation, political will and adequate funding are required for the effective implementation of the decisions of COP28. This summit reminds us that the steps taken in the fight against climate change are only the beginning and require continuous efforts."

Local elections are an opportunity for a greener and cleaner world

Noting that the upcoming local elections offer an important opportunity, Prof. İbrahim Özdemir said that "In these elections, let's vote by acting with an environmentalist approach. Let's not forget that local governments make decisions that directly affect our environment. For this reason, we should ask in detail about the plans and projects of the candidates for environmental problems and evaluate their visions and commitments. The responsibility to create a greener, cleaner and sustainable environment starts at the ballot box. Therefore, let's support candidates who are committed to taking concrete steps on environmental sustainability, support green policies and make environmental protection a priority. Local elections are an important step we will take in order to act with this awareness and protect our environment."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)