A scientist from Türkiye was selected for the first time...

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.43844

Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine Department of Medical Biochemistry Prof. Nesrin Kartal Özer has been elected as the editor of two important internationally prestigious scientific journals. Prof. Özer will work as an associate editor in IUBMB Life and FEBS Open Bio journals. Therefore, Prof. Özer became the first person from Türkiye to be selected for this position for IUBMB Life Magazine.

Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine Department of Medical Biochemistry Prof. Nesrin Kartal Özer has been elected as the editor of two important internationally prestigious scientific journals.

Journal of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology IUBMB Life

Prof. Nesrin Kartal Özer was invited to "IUBMB Life", the journal of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Stating that she is proud to be one of the six 'Associate Editors' around the world, Özer said that "It is also important to be the first person from Türkiye to be selected for such a position, and it is also important that Üsküdar University is seen as the place where I work."

Stating that this journal is a journal that publishes the results of studies from all over the world in which the molecular mechanisms of the changes that occur in our body in health and disease are examined or the mechanisms of action of beneficial molecules in health are examined, Prof. Nesrin Kartal Özer said that "The results of these studies contain important information that will shed light on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases."

Noting that the journal has editor-in-chief, associate editors, and editors, and that the articles are accepted if they are publishable after the opinion of the referees, Prof. Nesrin Kartal Özer stated that "The journal covers publications in the fields of health, medicine, pharmacy and biology. IUBMB Life Magazine is included in the 'Science Citation Index Expanded'."

The journal includes research, reviews, and articles

Prof. Nesrin Kartal Özer will also serve as an associate editor of "FEBS Open Bio", a scientific journal focusing on research in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology.

The journal, which is published by the Federation of European Biochemical Societies and serves as an open access publication, includes original research, reviews, and articles covering various topics in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, structural biology, and related fields.

The journal evaluates and publishes scientific studies submitted by various researchers at the international level.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)