Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "Women are more suitable for teamwork"

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The Social Innovation Model Projects Protocol Signing ceremony was held between Üsküdar University and the Black Sea Confederation of Non-Governmental Organizations (KASTOB).

Pointing out that a success-oriented education was always aimed at before, that this was a trap of the capitalist system and that selfish people were raised by saying 'Success', Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "There is success, and one becomes a chemical engineer and produces synthetic drugs. Another person becomes successful and becomes a computer engineer, but then the person becomes a hacker.” Tarhan also emphasized that women are one step ahead of men in empathy and are more suitable for teamwork.

The Social Innovation Model Projects Protocol Signing ceremony was held between Üsküdar University and the Black Sea Confederation of Non-Governmental Organizations (KASTOB).

Tarhan: "We should not expect everything from the government."

Giving a speech at the signing ceremony at the Üsküdar University Central Campus Senate Meeting Hall, President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that that there is a Chinese proverb, ‘If you want a one-year product, plant wheat, if you want a ten-year product, plant trees, if you want a 50-100 year product, raise people.’ and that this is more valuable than building a factory.”

Pointing out the importance of NGOs in his speech, Prof. Tarhan explained that we should not expect everything from the government, that NGOs play a serious role in all areas of life, and that NGOs are asked to apply together with NGOs in applications to the UN.”

Prof. Tarhan also stated that if civil society does not express itself by organizing, lobbies start to direct the world, and that NGOs in the world are now like partners of governments.

Tarhan: "Everything that is not renewed gets old"

Explaining that NGO membership is supported in developed countries and that almost everyone in Denmark is a member of two to three NGOs, Prof. Tarhan said that "We do not have that awareness. In our country, associationism is always misunderstood. It was not to be trusted. Associations also need to be open, transparent, and accountable. Non-governmental organizations are doing great work. They are organizations that renew the fabric of society in a way..."

Emphasizing that everything that is not renewed becomes obsolete, Prof. Tarhan said that "We need to think about whether everything we do is for the benefit of Türkiye. It is necessary to be based on social benefit instead of individual benefit. If we can get that, then the NGO works.”

Noting that Tarhan wrote books on the well-being of mental health, which created confidence in people, Prof. Tarhan said that the ideal medicine is called medicine that works to prevent people from getting sick.

NGOs must work to maintain peace in society

Stating that NGOs must also work to solve the problems in the society when the problems are small, to protect public health, peace in the society, and the goodness in the society, Prof. Tarhan explained that Mother Teresa emphasized the importance of 'doing good one-on-one, doing good for free' regarding what should be done to make the world a better place.

Stating that doing good deeds for free cannot be integrated into the education system in Türkiye, Prof. Tarhan said that the university carried out projects to realize this and that their first project was the Yengeç Project (Crab Project), which could not be implemented, but all the work done was published as a book.

Prof. Tarhan stated that stress and anger management, empathy, sharing and reconciliation should be taught to young people, and that if these are not learned, young people cannot recognize life.

Success-oriented education raises selfish people

Reminding that the Minister of National Education Yusuf Tekin said that an education system based on raising good people was designed, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan explained that a success-oriented education was always aimed in the past, and that this was a trap of the capitalist system, and that selfish people were raised by saying 'Success'.

Prof. Tarhan stated that "A person becomes a chemical engineer, and they produce synthetic drugs. A person becomes and a computer engineer; however, the person becomes a hacker," and Tarhan drew attention to the importance of raising good people. Reminding that Yale University introduced a positive psychology course during the pandemic period and when it was opened to the public, 3.5 million people registered in a short time, Prof. Tarhan said that Anatolian wisdom and Mevlana were taught as a lesson in this course.

Female faculty members and female students are around 70 percent

Noting that they are at the top of the universities in this field due to the fact that female faculty members and female students are around 70 percent, Prof. Tarhan stated that equality of opportunity is ensured in social roles.

Prof. Tarhan explained that Hasan Basri, the 'friend of Allah', advised Caliph Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz as 'When choosing the people next to you, do not choose those who have ambition for the world, do not choose those who pursue wealth and money. They will mislead you. Do not choose those who are religious and lazy. They will not be useful because they have left the world. Choose those who are meritorious and dignified, and that dignified people will not betray, and that this geography is the geography that produces the most hypocrites in the world. This was due to people without dignity.’

Women are more suitable for teamwork

Prof. Tarhan that "What I am seeing now when I am working with women is that they are honorable people, and they tell the truth. Therefore, the more open and transparent communication can be established," and emphasized that women are one step ahead of men in terms of empathy and are more suitable for teamwork.

Referring to the Family Academy established in Gaziantep, Prof. Tarhan explained that the Family Mediation system should be established so that the burden of the courts would be relieved, and the problems would be solved before they escalated.

Stating that the Ministry of Justice also wants this, Prof. Tarhan emphasized the importance of rehabilitation studies in addiction.

24 federations, 2024 associations and 2 million 400 thousand people

In his speech, KASTOB President Nevzat Duyar noted that they continue to work with 24 federations, 2024 associations and 2 million 400 thousand people.

Duyar reminded that 176 prefabricated houses were built in Samandağ district of Hatay for earthquake victims affected by the February 6 earthquake.

'Positive Youth, Positive Future Project' and 'Youth Z Valley Project'...

Üsküdar University Rectorate Project Development Director and Young Minds Academy Director Dr. Nebiye Yaşar stated that it is aimed to take important steps with the aim to bring together Türkiye's young minds and bring them together with innovative projects, and expressed that "We aim to add values of our youth with our new generation youth projects, which we announced here today as the Social Innovation Projects Cooperation Protocol in the field of youth, such as 'I am Young Türkiye' Project, which we will carry out with the sister city of Antalya Governorship and Antalya GSB, this project is an ongoing youth project within the scope of the sustainability of our "Being a Kind Person in Four Seasons" project, which we have done with the Governorship of Antalya and successfully completed, to contribute to the values of our young people with the 'Positive Youth, Positive Future Project' to be carried out in cooperation with the KASTOB Federation and the 'Youth Z Valley Project' to be implemented in partnership with KASTOB-ZONDEF.

A protocol was signed

After the speeches, the Social Innovation Model Projects Protocol was signed by Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, KASTOB President Nevzat Duyar and Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Nazife Güngör. The signing ceremony was attended by Halil Kütük, İshak Koçoğlu, Asuman Karaşabanoğlu, Ziya Öncan, Yüksel Arslan, Mehmet Yılmaz, Emirhan Güraslan, Dr. Mustafa Şanverdi, Gurbet Altay, Dursun Ünlü, Ali İhsan Gündoğdu, Attorney Gönül Gürsoy, Mahmut Ekşi, Emre Kaan Şanverdi, Beyza Nur Çal, Nisa Nur Koyuncu, İclal Elif Erdoğan, Melisa Gül and Behiye Beyda Çal.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)