Üsküdar University gathered at the Entrepreneurship Summit

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.43810

Under the leadership of Üsküdar University Health, Culture and Sports (SKS) Department, the 'Entrepreneurship Summit' was organized by the IEEE Üsküdar University Student Branch Club. Experts in their fields participated in the summit, which attracted great attention. At the summit, where it was emphasized that some risks should be taken to be an entrepreneur, it was pointed out that it is very important to get out of the comfort zone.

Real People Managing Partner Melih Elidüzgün, Born2beRoot Co-Founder Yasin Yılmaz, Coderspace Co-Founder Ahmet Hoşgör, İşbank Artificial Intelligence Program Startup Screening Manager Yasemin Tavlaşoğlu, Ferisoft CEO and Founder Ferkan Akyazıcı, GTech CEO and Co-Founder Mine Taşkaya attended the summit held at Üsküdar University Central Campus Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall.

The opening speech of the program, which was followed with interest by the students, was made by CS President Mina Çelik.

Melih Elidüzgün: "The risks I took in my life made me an entrepreneur"

Managing Partner of Real People Company Melih Elidüz stated that the risks he took in entrepreneurship brought him to the fore. He also mentioned that he is a risk-taker, the difficulties he faced in entrepreneurship and the opportunities he faced. Stating that he took the first step on the way to his entrepreneurship adventure during his student years, he stated that he took an active role in student communities in the past years and continued to take part in these communities.

Yasin Yılmaz: "You need to get out of your comfort zone"

Stating that most of his peers spend time developing, producing, and discovering something while playing computer games in the cyber cafes or at home, Born2beRoot Co-Founder Yasin Yılmaz said that "The first rule in entrepreneurship is conviction. First you will believe in yourself, then you will believe in what you dream of, then it is networking, communication. Do not say, 'What am I doing there?' There is a lot that can really add to you when you go. Try to get out of your comfort zone. You always see this; they share it on the Internet. I am tired of them because they are articles about entrepreneurship. There is a lot of wrong information, yes, there is also correct information among them, but it is important to detect it. There is a lot of incomplete information that can mislead people. Personal experiences stand out too much. Personal experiences are important, but not every person is you, and everyone is different. There are also some sayings that say get out of your comfort zone. That is correct. You need to get out of your comfort zone. If you are going to develop, if you are going to improve, if you want to come to a point and produce, you need to get out of your comfort zone."

Ahmet Hoşgör: "The common feature of every successful person is hard work"

Coderspace Co-Founder Ahmet Hoşgör mentioned that he founded his own company after working at Garanti Bank for many years. Hoşgör stated that "Thanks to Coderspace, companies can reach the candidates they are looking for, and those who are looking for new job opportunities will be informed about these opportunities. We do not only share job opportunities with the company, which includes software developers, but also provide short-term trainings. The common feature of every successful person is hard work. Focus on one job with your all effort."

Yasemin Tavlaşoğlu: "We support artificial intelligence studies with funds"

İşbank Artificial Intelligence Factory Startup Screening Manager Yasemin Tavlaşoğlu started her speech by explaining the artificial intelligence program she is working on. Talking about the program she is working on, Tavlaşoğlu stated that this program is not a program that produces artificial intelligence, and that artificial intelligence projects are supported by funds. In the speech, which proceeded in the form of mutual questions and answers, Tavlaşoğlu advised the students on the conditions under which they should prepare their entrepreneurial projects and what they should do to support their initiatives. At the end of her speech, she talked about the projects they support and the characteristics of the audience that prepared the project.

Ferkan Akyazıcı: "The important thing is to grow correctly"

Stating that there is no success that cannot be achieved when working hard, Ferisoft CEO and Founder Ferkan Akyazıcı said that "When an entrepreneur starts a business, one has to take certain risks. You need to manage not only the team well, but also finance and customer relations well. If you do all these together, success comes by itself. I took a risk, built my team, and hired the office at once, we had a lot of difficulties, but we overcame them. It is necessary to be able to face the challenge and be part of the system. After a while, everything is already fine. There will be times when you will not be able to fit it into normal working hours, the customer needs to be called, but on the other hand, you need to do software, you need to catch up with different problems. You will have to work until the nights for a certain period, as you will not be able to let go of one of them. In this way, you should grow with the right steps. Growing up all at once is one of the most dangerous things. The main thing is to grow correctly. If you grow it right, the rest will come by itself. We grow slowly and with the right steps, and the best thing is to work hard."

Mine Taşkaya: "Whatever you do, do it as you feel like it..."

Emphasizing the importance of self-development, GTech CEO and Co-Founder Mine Taşkaya said that "If you want to live your life the way you want to, you have to believe. You should not think about who says what. For example, your family is more protective of you, and they instinctively want to protect you, but when they see your wishes and beliefs, they somehow open your way and support you. Maybe it is a little difficult, but the outcome worths it. When this happens, you learn a lot, you develop other muscles, you get a lot stronger, and you make them believe and trust you more. When we choose a person for our team, we look at who is more willing, who is an entrepreneur, who is willing to do what kind of work they have done on the subject they say, and what they have done to stand out among hundreds of people. You will not give up, you will be willing, and you will work hard. You will have a competence for them to choose you, and you will believe in yourself. In addition, when the individual competencies of women and men are combined in teamwork, a very good result emerges. So, trust yourself and improve yourself. Whatever you are doing at the end of today and in the future, do it to your heart's content. Make an effort.”

After the question-and-answer session, the Entrepreneurship Summit ended with a group photo shoot.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)