Condolence meeting with Palestinian academics and students who lost their relatives

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President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan and members of the senate met with Üsküdar University Engineering and Natural Sciences Computer Engineering faculty member Asst. Prof. Rowanda D. Ahmed and 14 Palestinian students with the aim to express their condolences.

Students shared their feelings with faculty members and administrators at the condolence meeting held at the Central Campus Senate Meeting Hall.

Stating that they understand the situation they are in and the emotions and pain they are experiencing, President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that there are nearly 300 Palestinian students at Üsküdar University and said that "First of all, I wish them all an immediate recovery. We are against an inhumane practice."

It has become a struggle between humanity and non-human...

Explaining that when such cruelty is seen, our Prophet has a recommendation and this advice is 'Correct it with your hand, if you cannot correct it, correct it with your tongue, if you cannot do it, correct it with your heart, take a stand with your heart', Prof. Tarhan continued as follows:

"At least that is what we are trying to do. We know very well that it is impossible to be neutral towards the oppressor in such a situation. This is no longer a battle of Muslim or non-Muslim. This became a struggle between humanity and non-humans. We do not know what the outcome of such cruelty will be in the plan of fate; however, it is clear that there is an intention to frighten and intimidate the people of Palestine and to make them despair and pessimistic. In such a situation, the results of a serious resistance without falling into despair and pessimism will be obtained in the medium term."

There is an event where the good and the bad can be separated

Noting that the whole world has started to see more of the mistake made by Israel, Prof. Tarhan said: "For this reason, I think that time will work in favor of the one who acts correctly in such a situation."

Stating that there is a serious occupation in the middle, Prof. Tarhan continued his remarks as follows: "I liken it to that; For example, if you surround a cat, it will jump on the human if it has nowhere to run. It is to be expected that a society that is in a state of blockaded will react in such a way at some point. Therefore, I actually think about the unseen plan of this event. Those who are righteous here will cause unity in the world. There is an event where the good and the bad can be separated.

Humanity is going through a test

Beyond just the unity of Muslims, humanity is experiencing the test of being able to react to an inhumane event. For this reason, I see this not only as a Palestinian phenomenon, but also as a phenomenon of humanity. Of course, there is a lot to say. This is a matter that will be talked about for a long time... Humanity is going through a test. We do not know what time will tell, but not a single leaf falls without the permission of the creator. We have to do the right things patiently and wait for this."

Mandela's receiving support from the Holy Quran

Referring to the fact that Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 18 years, Prof. Tarhan said that during his imprisonment, he fell into despair for a while, and when he saw that an Indian Muslim who was imprisoned in the prison next to him fell into despair, he said: ‘Do not be desperate! Our book Quran says, ‘Do not give up hope in God's mercy,’ and Mandela pulled himself together after reading this. Reminding that after Mandela established a state, he appointed 2-3 Muslim Ministers even though the Muslim population was low, and a newspaper wrote that his son was a Muslim, Prof. Tarhan concluded his remarks as follows:

Our biggest prayer is that the war will end immediately...

"To do this, we need to look at the Gaza from a big perspective. It is necessary to look at it from a big perspective. I saw young people walking tall, I saw them lively. Hopefully, may Allah grant us all great patience. I wish may Allah rest the souls of those who died, may their souls rest in peace. I wish an immediate recovery to the wounded and our biggest prayer is that the war ends as soon as possible.

They should not forget that the Islamic world is at least there as a prayer army. Fate will give when we are worthy of good victories. I wish you well again, I offer my condolences. God may help us. If there is anything we can do, let us say that our door is always open."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)