Myth about X-rays: Will the chemistry of the food passing through x-ray machine be disturbed?

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X-ray machines are present to ensure security in crowded places where there is intense human circulation, such as airports, shopping malls, public buildings and bus terminals. Due to the use of radiation in the working principle of X-ray machines, many people are suspicious about whether these devices adversely affect the food we consume. Ultimately, we do not want to get food through these devices, Therefore, is this information accurate? Will the chemistry of the food passing through the X-ray machine be disturbed? Anadolu Ajansı Teyit Hattı (Anadolu Agency Confirmation Line) asked the question “Will the chemistry of the food passing through the X-ray machine be disturbed?” to Üsküdar University Department of Medical Imaging Techniques Asst. Prof. Elif Ebru Altunsoy Güçlü.

Altunsoy-Güçlü stated that "X-ray is a type of high-energy electromagnetic radiation. X-rays have very short wavelengths and can penetrate into matter due to their high energy. Thanks to these properties, it is also an important tool in examining the internal structure of substances. X-rays are used in many different areas today."

Altunsoy-Güçlü said: "X-ray devices are devices in which objects, people and vehicles are exposed to an x-ray source to provide information about their contents", and added that the structure of these devices includes an x-ray source and detectors that detect these rays.

Radiation emitted from x-ray machines does not harm food

Underlining that, the radiation emitted from x-ray devices does not harm nutrients contrary to popular belief, Altunsoy-TGüçlü stated that "The reason for this is that x-ray devices are systems that take images with very low doses of x-rays."

Altunsoy-Güçlü continued as follows: "Moreover, x-rays do not give radioactive properties to the materials they pass. They continue on their way through matter. It does not have the property of being stored and loading radiation into the material through which they pass. For this reason, there are no known side effects of consuming foods that pass-through x-ray devices. In addition, x-rays in the food industry are used in areas such as sterilization of foods and extending the shelf life of foods."

X-ray machines are designed to prevent the spread of radiation

Elif Ebru Altunsoy Güçlü pointed out that the most important point in the use of X-ray devices is the radiation level exposed to the people passing through the device and the personnel close to it, therefore the rates are adjusted in accordance with national and international safety standards in order not to harm human health and said that "X-ray devices are covered with lead plates or panels to prevent radiation from spreading to the environment and leaded vinyl curtains are placed at the tunnel exits. Since lead is one of the most effective materials used in radiation shielding, it prevents x-rays from spreading around."

There is no difference between the safety of different types of X-ray machines

Stating that very low dose x-rays are used in x-ray devices generally used in the security sector, Altunsoy-Güçlü said: "The materials through which these rays pass are not radioactive and are not stored in the material. For this reason, we can state that door-shaped x-ray or cabin-shaped x-ray devices do not pose a threat to food safety and there is no difference between them."

Anadolu Ajansı Teyit Hattı


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)