Educational collaboration established between Üsküdar and Kenya

Educational collaboration established between Üsküdar and Kenya

An educational collaboration can between Üsküdar University and Kenya Ministry of Education is signed.  

A collaborative agreement on education is signed by Üsküdar University President Prof. Nevzat Tarhan and Kenya Minister of Education İzzettin Abdi at Senate Meeting Hall.

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“We need the right working partner”

Kenya Minister of Education İzzettin Abdi stated that Kenya’s education level is quite low and therefore they give tremendous importance to education as they need the right working partner in order to raise the level. He shared that he hoped this educational collaborative agreement would initiate a relationship with Turkey.

 On another note, the Minister thanked Prof. Nevzat Tarhan for accepting students from Africa.

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1100 students from 50 different countries 

Üsküdar University President Prof. Nevzat Tarhan provided information about Üsküdar University to the Minister.

Prof. Tarhan mentioned that there are currently 1100 international students from 50 different countries at Üsküdar University.

A family photo was taken after the signing ceremony and the event was concluded.

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Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)