AİLEMER (Family Practice and Research Center)


AİLEMER, Üsküdar University was founded within the framework of the Official Gazette No: 28503 on December 20, 2012. In line with national, national and social policies, T.C. Ministry of Family and Social Policy, T.C. Ministry of National Education and T.C. Parallel to the common goals and works of the relevant departments of the Ministry of Health, the center aims to strengthen the family structure, protect the welfare and the integrity and carry out academic studies.

For this purpose, we approach the family problems from a solution-oriented perspective within the framework of holistic, partnership, interdisciplinary and healthy model.

  • INTEGRATED APPROACH: To evaluate the family institution with a holistic approach around social, cultural and environmental factors.
  • PARTNERSHIP APPROACH: To make partnerships with state and non-governmental organizations, universities, municipalities, maternal and child health centers, schools, guidance research centers, police departments and turn them into social and cultural capital, the largest capital of the global world.
  • INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH: To work with an academic, clinical, and social business association with nurses, family physicians, psychiatrists, sociologists, social services and child development specialists, psychological counselors, and safety professionals.
  • HEALTH ORIENTED APPROACH: When approaching family problems, do conservation and empowerment of changing family dynamics by approaching healthy and good viewpoint instead of pathology. (values ​​education; sacrifice, loyalty, trust, empathy, unrequited love, and so on.)


Demographic Activities:

Our protective approaches to family problems should be built on information that identifies the demographic structure of the family, which is guided by social policy. For this purpose, we aimed at the following demographic studies;

  • To create information databases that will guide the family policies
  • To determine the current and priority needs of the changing and transforming “Turkish Family Structure” and to carry out preventive studies in the light of theoretical and clinical information
  • To study the current situation, the risk factors of this sociocultural movement to marriage process and family life quality by studying the physical conditions, psychological and social life conditions of metropolitan cities and immigrant areas, field studies describing the demographic structure and the demographic structure

Factorial research that identifies the effects of stress-enhancing factors (eg financial problems, migration) on individual development and marital status in the family; provide protection against divorce and increase the quality of family life.

Cultural Studies

It is important to ensure that family protective measures are sensitive to cultural values by working interdisciplinary and qualitative research on the protective role of the collectivist culture on family problems. It is necessary to study cultural dynamics of Turkish family structure with contextual researches. In this respect, the following aspects are aimed with cultural studies;

  • To consider the risk factors of early marriages, providing social and psychological support to these families through educational programs
  • To engage in preventive activities to prevent violence in the family by carrying out a cyclical process of awareness studies on traditional discourses and beliefs that promote violence
  • To benefit from sexual abuse, harassment and general violence against women in order to prevent domestic violence from the protective role of respectable male role models in society
  • To teach effective communication techniques for prevention against communication problems in marriage; promote effective emotional sharing in the family with emotional intelligence studies like love language
  • To provide communicative and informative programs against gender differences in communication and to gain protective communication skills against sexual identity and role differences
  • To study the effects of the global process and the media on the family structure
  • Double Therapies and Family Counseling approaches to evaluate the sociocultural validity of our society and to conduct academic studies on the determined issues.

Educational Activities:

  • Family institution has a holistic approach in terms of social, cultural and environmental factors:
  • To support the planning and implementation of the Family Counseling Certificate Programs within the scope of Üsküdar University,
  • To give pre-marriage family training to candidates who intend to set up a family and to give guidance, education and support services to those who have problems in the family institution,
  • Functional problems in family system; the loss of family life quality; family life problems; present training programs on family roles and responsibilities,
  • Providing guidance, education and support services for individuals and couples who have received family divorce decision, divorced or going through separation-divorce period.
  • It strengthens family structure, protects welfare and integrity:
  • To conduct lectures, seminars and thesis studies at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral level which deal with topics in social, cultural, economic, legal and political context.
  • Research, education, investigation, activity, project studies.
  • To organize conferences, conferences, workshops, courses, seminars, etc.
  • To make consciousness-raising activities about collective family related issues.
  • The generate of an archive consisting of domestic and foreign sources related to the family and the promotion, publication and sponsorship of various publications are the educational activities taken up by AİLEMER.

Professional and Ethical Subjects:

  • To contribute to the structuring of professional standards of social policy-oriented programs such as Family Counseling Certificate Programs.
  • To support the opening and execution of graduate and doctoral programs in order to strengthen the Turkish Family Structure, protect the prosperity and integrity of the project, academic research and clinical applications and train the staff developing these studies.

Supporting guidance and education services with protective measures through theoretical and practical services by educating qualified family counselors; is within the scope of professional and ethical work conducted.